User:JaeSharp Projects This user is a member of WikiProject Furry. This user participates in WikiProject Chemicals. Education This user is a university student. ASThis user has an Associate of Science degree. This user is an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science. This user's favorite subject is computing. This user is an advanced mathematician. Preferences This user contributes using Ubuntu. This user contributes using a Dvorak Keyboard. 1600 x 1200This user contributes at1600 x 1200 resolution. This user has more monitors than the Nebuchadnezzar. This user prefers the metric system. W3CThis user believes in compliance with W3C standards. Languages enThis user is a native speaker of the English language. This user can program in Ruby. C#This user can program in C#. JavaThis user can program in Java. PHP This user is a PHP Coder. bashThis user can program in Bash. <html>This user can write HTML. This user can program in JavaScript. Interests/Hobbies This user is a furry. This user loves problem solving. OSrcThis user contributes to Open Source projects. Entertainment This user knows "...there is no spoon".