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// This is a very stupid script.
// Add it, and you'll get a button at the top of CCI casepages that lets you add links to Earwig's Copyright Checker next to each diff.
// - JPxG, 2021 08 31
$( function() {
if( ((window.location.href.indexOf( "Contributor copyright investigations" ) >= 0 ) || (window.location.href.indexOf( "Contributor_copyright_investigations" ) >= 0 )) && (window.location.href.indexOf( "&action=edit" ) == -1)) { wigLink = ""
wigLinkTitle = ""
z = ""
as = document.querySelectorAll('a')
acnt = 0
// Count the number of "a"s (initially zero)
bcnt = document.querySelectorAll('a').length;
$('.firstHeading').append(' Toggle: <button type="button" id="earwigs" class="crbutton" font-family:"monospace">diffs: (?)</button>');
// Add the button.
//$('.firstHeading').append(' <button type="button" id="earwigs2" class="crbutton" font-family:"monospace">diffs2: '+bcnt+'</button>');
// Add the button.
var diffsexpanded = 0;
// Set toggle variable.
$('#earwigs').click(function(e) {
// Listener for "what to do if the button is clicked"
if(diffsexpanded == 0){
diffsexpanded = 1
//$( 'a' ).hide()
// Hide the diffs.
acnt = 0
x = document.getElementsByClassName('crbutton')[0]
x.innerHTML = "Adding links (please be patient, this may take several minutes)"
for(var asdf in as){
if(as[asdf].href.indexOf("Special:Diff") >= 0){
x.innerHTML = "diffs: "+acnt
// Actually count the diffs.
let node = as[asdf];
let newLink = document.createElement("a");
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
// 0 10 20 30 40
// Yeah, so you'd think it started at 42, but it's 43.
newLink.href = wigLink + as[asdf].href.substring(43);
newLink.innerText = "©";
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newLink, node.nextSibling);
// marshall q. polaris is cooler than me
console.log(typeof asdf)
} // For every element that's a diff link.
} // For every element in the array.
// Count diffs and Strike out the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 0, hide them.
if(diffsexpanded == 1){
x = document.getElementsByClassName('crbutton')[0]
$('.firstHeading').append(" You already clicked it, buddy!")
// Unstrike the text on the button.
} // If toggle is 1, show them.
}); // End of button listener.
} // End of function.
} ); // End of the line. That's all folks!