Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
$( function() {
if( (window.location.href.indexOf( "File:" ) >= 0 ) || (window.location.href.indexOf( "File%3A" ) >= 0 )) {
var debug = 1;
if(debug == 1) {console.log("starting script");}
var res = document.getElementsByClassName("fileInfo")[0].innerHTML.replaceAll(/ pixels.*/g, "").replaceAll("(","").replaceAll("SVG file, nominally","").replaceAll(" ","").split("×");
// should produce [width, height].
if(debug == 1) {console.log("width/height are");}
if(debug == 1) {console.log(res);}
res[0] = parseFloat(res[0].replaceAll(",",""));
res[1] = parseFloat(res[1].replaceAll(",",""));
if(debug == 1) {console.log("parseFloated, those are:");}
if(debug == 1) {console.log(res);}
if(debug == 1) {console.log("0/1 is:");}
if(debug == 1) {console.log(res[0]/res[1]);}
if(debug == 1) {console.log("* 301 is:");}
if(debug == 1) {console.log((res[0]/res[1])*300.0);}
var size = parseInt(Math.ceil((res[0]/res[1]) * 300.0));
if(size < 300){ size = 300;} // If it's portrait orientation, a width below 300 will letterbox it the OTHER way!
var filename = document.getElementById("firstHeading").textContent;
var credit;
var license;
try { credits = document.getElementById("fileinfotpl_aut").nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent;} catch(e) {credits = "?";}
try { license = document.getElementsByClassName("licensetpl_short")[0].innerHTML; } catch(e) {license = "?";}
var scaling = String(size);
// Clean various crud out of these scraped attributes
filename = filename.replaceAll("[edit]", "");
if(credits.indexOf("commons-creator-table") !== -1){
// This being in the string means that instead of an author name, we scooped up a huge template
// If this happens, we should just start over and scrape the field properly from said template.
credits = document.getElementById("creator").textContent;
credits = credits.replaceAll("\n","");
credits = credits.replaceAll("(talk)", "");
credits = credits.replaceAll("(Uploads)", "");
credits = credits.replaceAll("Unknown authorUnknown author", "Unknown author");
if(credits == "Unknown author") {credits = "anon.";}
if(credits == "unknown author") {credits = "anon.";}
if(credits == "Anonymous") {credits = "anon.";}
if(credits == "anonymous") {credits = "anon.";}
license = license.replaceAll("Public domain", "PD");
license = license.replaceAll("No restrictions", "PD");
xoffset = 0;
yoffset = 0;
if(size > 300) {
xoffset = parseInt((size - 300) / 2);
if(size == 300) {
height = res[1]/(res[0]/300);
yoffset = parseInt((height - 300) / 2);
var template = ""
template += " |piccyfilename = " + String(filename);
template += "\n |piccy-credits = " + String(credits);
template += "\n |piccy-license = " + String(license);
template += "\n |piccy-xoffset = " + String(xoffset);
template += "\n |piccy-yoffset = " + String(yoffset);
template += "\n |piccy-scaling = " + String(scaling);
template += "\n}}";
// Put this in a details-summary block so you can get to it from the file page.
var details = document.createElement('details');
var summary = document.createElement('summary');
summary.textContent = "Use in Signpost template";
// This works on Wikipedia but not Commons -- for Commons you have to use a pre
// var syntaxhighlight = document.createElement('syntaxhighlight');
// syntaxhighlight.setAttribute("lang", "wikitext");
var syntaxhighlight = document.createElement('pre');
syntaxhighlight.textContent = template;
details.class = "signpost-filetools";
if(debug == 1) {console.log("appending to resolutioninfo");}
} // if page title has "File:" in it
} );