


Hello fellow Wikipedians,

I am a fairly new Wikipedian editor who is still getting used to the basics of editing articles. I am now shifting my focus to fighting vandalism on Wikipedia, though I might soon start writing more articles on things that I am passionate about and that are not yet included in Wikipedia. I also currently reside in Hong Kong, China.

My biggest hobby is chess and I am currently an advanced player who plays both OTB (Over The Board) and Online formats. I also enjoy learning about chess history and the greatest chess players of the present and the past. This is why I decided to become involved in the WikiProject Chess and help expand the Chess information in Wikipedia.

Thanks for reading this and have a nice day!

Yours sincerely,

Currently, this editor has earned the Novice Editor service award.

To get to the next level, Apprentice Editor, he needs to meet the editing requirement.
Progress towards the next level (by edits): [ 9 / 800 ]

1.1% completed



Pages That I Have Created

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:School_districts_in_The_United_States_Of_America (a category of school districts in the United States Of America) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:School_districts_in_North_America (a category of school districts in North America)

Best Awards Collection That I Currently Have:
This editor is a
Novice Editor
and is entitled to display this Service Badge.