
User:Erwin Franzen

Luxembourg national; retired; worked nearly 24 years for the US government agency ABMC after a 15-year career as a journalist with small English-language newspapers in the USA and the Middle East region. Also has long-standing connections with Japan. Interests: Philosophy, world history, cosmology, geography, world peace, freedom and free flow of information, mountains, hillwalking, nature, win-win and ending all zero-sum "games" and all forms of domination and oppression (including especially that of women by men). Religious affiliation: I have been a member of the Unification Church of the Korean Rev. Moon since March 1975 (in New York) and worked with the founding groups of both the now-defunct New York daily The News World (during 1976-1982) -- published by Newsworld Communications, Inc., which later created and still owns The Washington Times -- as well as the Cyprus-based weekly The Middle East Times (during 1983-1991). In recent years I have been inactive in the church and have completely turned away from the church's ideology, even though I still have some links to the movement. See my (sort of) blogs: http://diamir.blogspot.com and http://erwinlux.wordpress.com
