Wikipedia Articles to be initiated
Hazardous Fuels Reduction
Taylor, Henry Osborn
Georg Kaspar Kirchmaier in relation to A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
Wikipedia Articles initiated
Art therapy
Dual brain theory
Farb, Peter
Gallegos, José Guadalupe (1828-1867)
Geological unit
Gow, James (scholar)
London Encyclopaedia (1829) was previously a "REDIRECT" to Thomas Tegg. Used Tegg's "The Publisher's Address" quotes & "Anatomy" Plate VI and "Steam Engine" (Savory's) Plate I with Ext links to volumes online.
Mirbt, Carl (1860-1929)
Montezuma Copper Mining Company Of Santa Fé, New Mexico
New Mexican Railway Company
New Mexico Wool Manufacturing Company
Paideia Proposal
Perfecto Armijo
San Miguel del Vado Land Grant
Space-based solar power
Spiegelberg Brothers
Surface water
ThoughtAudio a small latino American operated audio book company offering globally accessible free English language classics and children's literature in the public domain
Voigt, Henry (1738-1814) initially entered article as "Henry Voight" as spelled in several books, then after finding instruments inscribed with his name as Voigt, initated the article "Henry Voigt" and transferred all previous entries to it; then redirected "Henry Voight" to Henry Voigt
Timeline of electromagnetic theory This article (originally entered as "Timeline of electromagnetism") was copied from my previous (2 December 2006) "Timeline of Electricity" entry under the article History of Electricity that was deleted by an unappreciative reader.
Young, John Radford
Wikipedia Articles contributed to
Acosta, José de added "Commentary on Acosta" section with White's commentary & redirected new "Joseph de Acosta" article to this one. Added info from intro to Acosta's Natural and Moral History of the Indies. Added subsections Panama, Peru, Mexico, & Return to Spain.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Archytas in the Life and work section stating Archytas' belief that only arithmetic can serve as a basis of proof, citing Morris Kline.
Aristotle introduced section on "Geology"
Astronomia nova added several quotes from Bryant's book Kepler into section "Kepler's Knowledge of Gravity" & deleted "limited range" of Kepler's gravitational concept from previous entry
Atrisco Land Grant contributed the majority of this previously two-line article
Beam (structure) added "External Links" & "See Also" sections
Baton (symbol) appended section "Historical Commentary" with Mencken quote
Book of the Dead appended link Wikiquote article bottom of page
Bouvier, Jean-Baptiste added section "Commentary on Bouvier" with Westermarck on slavery
Brace, Charles Loring added "Commentary on Brace" section with Kirby Page quote from Jesus or Christianity
Brahe, Tycho added De nova stella nonatmospheric comets & nova (Aug3 & Dec1 2010) & section "Introduction to the New Astronomy (1588)" with info from Bryant's Kepler and Dreyer's Tycho Brahe
Briffault, Robert appended "Commentary on Works" section with Mencken quote
Brooklyn Dodgers: Ghosts of Flatbush added substantial additions to this documentary film description
Brownlow, William Gannaway added section "Slavery Debate" with Ought American slavery to be perpetuated? excerpt
Burning glass added portion on Priestley and Lavoisier's oxidation experiments with "lentilles ardentes" image
Cajori, Florian added section Book Publications (Public Domain)
Campaign finance reform
Cardano, Gerolamo added section "De Subtilitate 1552"
Carlisle, Anthony
Cesalpino, Andrea added "Geology section"
Chaves, José Francisco
Cleomedes added "References" & "Optics" sections with qualitative refraction as student of Posidonius + atmospheric refraction.
Connelly, Henry edit in progress-incomplete
Cowan, George
Cremona, Luigi excerpt from George Miller on Cremona's contribution to Italy's standing in geometry and education: Biography section
Cudworth, Ralph added section "Commentary on Cudworth" with Whites description from A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
De Magnete added section "Chapter III Of the Daily Magnetic Rotation of the Globes"
Desaguliers, John Theophilus James Cawthorn quote under "Decline" section
Descartes, René added his abstract conception of algebra to the Mathematical legacy section
Dew, Thomas Roderick added sections "Life" with The Pro-Slavery Argument & "Commentary on Dew" with Kirby Page excerpt
Dumbleton, John added "References" section & cleaned up multiple ref links with "ref name= /" & {rp|#}
Educational perennialism in particular Secular perennialism
Erdmann, Johann Eduard added sections "Biography" with Bitter's "Erdmann: Appropriation and Criticism" info, "Commentary on Erdmann" with Dewey review & "Selected Works" with public domain book links
Euclidean algorithm clarified introduction using A=(n×k) and B=(m×k) implies A-B=(n-m)×k
Eudoxus of Cnidus contributed to Mathematics section citing Morris Kline's view of the Greek change of focus from arithmetic to geometry resulting from incommensurables, plus examples of method of exhustion applications.
Fowler, Thomas (academic) added "Selected Works" section with 7 books linked to public domain GoogleBooks
Falloppio, Gabriele argument against Fracastoro's theory
Fracastoro, Girolamo introduced section on Geology
Galilei, Galileo added "Timeline section"
Gilbert, William added info related to diurnal rotation/Copernicanism (Book 6, Ch.3) and to De Mundo Nostro Sublunari Philosophia Nova under Life and work section & added "Commentary on Gilbert" section with quotes from Francis Bacon, William Whewell, Henry Hallam & Walter William Bryant.
Gilgamesh (9 September 2012) appended section "Modern references" ref H. L. Mencken's Treatise on the Gods/was undone by Deor
Goethean science & von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang quotes relevant to history of evolutionary thought from Goethe's Story of My Botanical Studies & White's Hist. Warfare of Science with Theology
Gospel of Matthew appended link to Wikiquote article bottom of page
Green, Mark J.
Green, Duff described connections with Crédit Mobilier of America and New Mexican Railway Company
Gregory, James added "Mathematics" section, blockquoting from Pantologia
Gregory of Nyssa added section "Commentary on Gregory" with quote from Osborn's From the Greeks to Darwin
Grotius, Hugo added section "Commentary on Grotius" with Andrew Dickson White commentary
Guiot de Provins added section "Commentary on Guiot" with excerpt from Taylor's Mediaeval Mind
Hammond, James Henry added sections "Slavery": The Pro-Slavery Argument & "Commentary on Hammond":Kirby Page excerpt
Harper, William (South Carolina) added section "Commentary on Harper" with 2 Kirby Page excerpts
The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister's Pox by Stephen Jay Gould (added the section - Four Historic Stages)
Hertzberg, Hendrik
History of electricity added "Timeline", "See also", & "External Links" sections
History of entropy clarified intro and Classical thermodynamic views section
History of evolutionary thought under section "Augustine of Hippo" added description from White's Hist Science/Theology & under "External links" added Osborn's From the Greeks to Darwin
Hobson, John A. added section "Commentary on Hobson" quoting Tawney's "The Acquisitive Society" and linked numerous public domain Hobson works @GoogleBooks
Hooke, Robert added quote from Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology under section on Palaeontology.
Houston, Edwin J. uploaded image of Houston to WikiCommons and added photo to article, plus additional information from 1911 article in Electrical Review and Western Electrician subcategorized Works section for clearer presentation
Imperato, Ferrante added section "Commentary on Imperato" with quote from Principles of Geology by Charles Lyell
Intelligence Disambiguation
Interstitial condensation cleaned up article and introduced vapor barrier & structural damping
Inverse-square law added John Dumbleton info to "History" section followed by Johannes Kepler.
Kepler, Johannes, section Astronomiae Pars Optica: added projective geometry information, citing Morris Kline.
Linnaeus, Carl added section "Commentary on Linnaeus" with White's quote
Levi-Civita, Tullio
Lister, Martin excerpt from Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology
Luchaire, Denis Jean Achille added "Commentary on Luchaire" with Kirby Page excerpt
Marci, Jan Marek Newton foreshadowing in color/refraction from Westfall & Boyer under "Work" section
Maspero, Gaston listed Maspero's public domain e-books @GoogleBooks
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea argument against Fracastoro's theory of fossils
Metal extensive additions to "History" section with ancient through medieval information from Stillman's The Story of Early Chemistry and quoted definition of metal from Agricola's De Natura Fossilium
Mithra appended blurb on Mithraic Mysteries to "Intro"
Moore, George Foot added "Works" section & additional edits/citations; removed citation alarm post
Nicholas of Cusa added section "Science and Mathematics" with quote from 1905 Fitz-Patrick Lecture by Sir Norman Moore, 1st Baronet, M.D.
Nicholls, George (commissioner) added "Works" section with his & others: History of the English Poor Law
Occam's razor added Aristotle and Robert Grosseteste quotes to "Formulations before Ockham" section
Olive under "History" section added quote from Vitruvius' De Architectura
The Origin and Development of Moral Ideas by Edvard Westermarck: added section "Westermarck's Description" with his description from the Intro & Preface to Vol.1 with linked reference.
Perea, Francisco
Pino, Nicolas ~4,800
Pitt, William the Younger added section "Commentary on Pitt" with excerpt from Nicholls-Mackay & Kirby Page
Ptolemy earliest air to water table of refraction from Boyer under "Optics" section
Pyke, Magnus added "The Science Myth" section
Santa Fe Trail extensive additions to section "The importance of Santa Fe" from books by Marc Simmons, Ray John de Aragon and George Wilkins Kendall
Sayce, Archibald appended "Commentary on Works" section with ref Mencken's Treatise on the Gods
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm added sections "Biography" & "Published Papers" with info from American Druggist Vol.15, August, 1886
Seligman, Joseph conributed to section "J. & W. Seligman & Co. and railroads"
Sluse, René François Walter de info from G. Donald Allen & blockquote Augustus De Morgan, ref: Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy
Smith's Prize
Strabo added "Geology" section
Strato of Lampsacus added "Geology" section
Theodore the Studite added 1st recorded stand against slavery to Intro & added "Commentary on Theodore" section with additional slavery info & Links
Thompson, James Westfall added sections "Life" & "Commentary on Thompson" with 2 Kirby Page excerpts
Thornwell, James Henley split Intro into section "Life" and cited The Rights and the Duties of Masters in "Slavery" section
Tiguex War major contribution & ref's for previous one-sentence article
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques added section "Commentary on Turgot" with White's description from History of Warfare of Science/Theology
Venturi, Giovanni Battista added bigraphical information and Venturi's publications with references from Kent, Frazier, Cajori, Dauben & Scriba.
Water cycle
White lead added "History" section with Stillman & Holley quotes from Theophrastus. Also added "Paints" section and moved paint pigment information to it.
Wikipedia Articles: minor contributions
Adler, Mortimer
Calhoun, James S.
Complex systems
Fitch, John (1743-1798) added links to Henry Voight and speeds obtained
History of molecular theory included alternative ancients' views to elements fire, air, water, air
History of music several external links added
History of New Mexico minor edits/links to "Mexican American War" section
Porter, David R. New Mexican Railway Company associate
Supraventricular tachycardia: Physical maneuvers - added pressing down gently on closed eyes, reducing coffee, alcohol & tobacco, and increasing rest, citing American Heart Asociation article, Tachycardia | Fast Heart Rate
Topology (See also & External links)
Wiktionary articles contributed to