

A button that has a drawing of a duck on it. The text reads, "Allentown duck farm. C. W. B. Gernerd. prop."
I have merch!

Hi! I'm Duck! Theleekycauldron bullied me into making an account so I'm here now![1]

I'm probably gonna be gnoming around for the most part but that might change. Hope to see you around!

Hit list

A place for articles I want to work on/need to fix!

New Articles

  • Wolves of Glendale (comedy band)

Editing Stuffs

Hut list

A place for articles I've edited! Hut is the past tense of hit.

Article's I've Written/Co-Wrote

Gnome Garden

Hyt list

Abandoned articles/article edits. Feel free to try and work on these, but they may end up being too confusing/frustrating (like trying to figure out the pronunciation of "hyt".)

Hot list

For awards and badges and user boxes and stuffs.

The Original Barnstar
Congrats on publishing your first article! I hereby dub thee a Wikipedian – welcome to the club that 99.9% of readers don't even know exists. You picked up the tools of the trade damn quickly, so, really, thank you for letting me bully convince you to try your hand at this. (Although you showed me the sketch, so really, you did this one to yourself.) Much more importantly, 'twas a pleasure working with you! Sorry for letting the project drag for a couple months there, but I really hope you stick around here – at least, long enough for us to work on something else, maybe? Either way, I hope you enjoy a job super well done. 😄 theleekycauldron (talk • she/her) 06:44, 5 January 2025 (UTC)


  1. ^ this sentence here with permission from Theleekycauldron who is very nice and not a bully