User:DesTroy I think a few boxes can tell more than any words... :) Wikipedia:BabelhuEnnek a szerkesztőnek magyar az anyanyelve.en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.UKThis user uses British English.Search user languages This user can code in LATEX. C This user can program in C. pas This user can program in Pascal. asm This user can program in assembly language. java This user can program in Java. C++ This user can program in C++. for This user can program in Fortran. λ This user is fluent in Lambda calculus. (schemer? me)===> #t Lisp (lambda (user) (setf (lisp-p user) t) ). hs This user can program in Haskell. This user is male. This user is a kid at heart. They may have grown older but they'll never grow up. This user is an Aries. INFJ This user's MBTI type is INFJ. This user comes from Hungary. prog-x This user is merely a humble programmer. This user is an advanced mathematician. This user is a professional translator. MSc This user has a Master of Science degree. This user contributes using FreeBSD. ' This user sits safely behind an OpenBSD firewall. This user contributes with KDE. SI This user uses the metric system of measurement. File:Bassguitarpickups.jpg This user plays the bass guitar. This user plays the guitar. This user is an audiophile. This user is an art lover. This user enjoys cooking. Big Brother is watching this user. Aspie This user has Asperger syndrome. ' This user is a skeptic.