User:Cynwolfe/imperial art
- Pastoral-urban landscape, Pompeiian Third Style
- Hercules and the centaur Nessus
- Zephyrus and Chloris, within architectural trompe l'oeil, Pompeii
- Temple of Isis
- Fayum
- Ditto
- tablinum
- sleep how?
- Dura Europas synagogue
- catacomb of Commodilla, late 4th century
Gardens and nature
- Golden Bracelet
- Fountain and birds
- Saint-Romain-en-Gal
- Dove, peacock, oscillum
- fruit tree
- palm tree
- Heron and cobra
- handsome fellow
Apollo and Muses group from Tivoli, Villa di Cassio
- Resting Mercury
- Hadrianic girl
- Piso bust from Herculaneum
- Marcellus as Hermes
- Venus with dolphin
- Tomb of the Haterii
- Flavian-era woman
- "Diana of Versailles" (Louvre)
- Gallo-Roman Diana
- Diana detail
- Old fisherman
- Kneeling "Persian"[1]
- Polyhymnia
- From Herculaneum
- Bronze runners from Herculaneum
- Drunken satyr (how restored?)
- Venus Felix
- Bust of Antinous
- Landsdowne Hercules
- Statuette of a masked comic actor
- "Good Shepherd" (ca. 300 AD)
- Gallo-Roman Bacchus
- Muri statuete group
- Mosaïque au Bouclier, Musée de Saint-Romain-en-Gal-Vienne, 2ème siècle
- geometric
- Mosaic of the phoenix (detail), Louvre
- Gallo-Roman duck mosaic in stone and glass
- Boar detail from an Orpheus mosaic
- Boar hunting (mid-4th century, Merida)
- Réimesche Mosaik vun Nennig
- Gladiatorenmosaik im Römisch-Germanischen Museum Köln
- From Lod (Lydda), ca. 300 ADFrom Lod (Lydda), ca. 300 AD
- Doves
- Marine
- villa of Séviac, Gaul
- Quiet! Let the bulls sleep.
- Constantinople, 5th century
- Ravenna, before 547
- messy floor
- who?
- Orestes Iphigenia
- masks
- opus sectile
- foods
- A Season
- cat
- sea monster
- Issus
- leopard
- Memento mori
- watch dog
- a little late, but charming
- Bacchus and Ariadne
- Diana leaves her bath
- ????????
- sacrifice of Iphigenia
- Met
- girl
- Judgment of Paris
Mosaics from Antioch Tunisia go back to Roman mosaics
- Askos, 1st century
- Munich diatreta
- Conical lamp, Egypt or Palestine, 4th century
- Glass amphora from Palestine, 4th century
- Plate with Christian themes, 4th century
Other media
- Gallo-Roman terra sigillata bowl
- Silver cup, Boscoreale treasure (early 1st century AD)
- Bronze tripod from Pompeii
- Silver serving dish handle, Severan dynasty
- Carved ivory Christian reliquary (late 4th century)
- Sigillata chiara from Africa Consularis (3rd–4th century)
Oil lamps
- Gladiators on an oil lamp
- 1st century AD
- Nova Zagora, 1st-2nd century
- Libya, 1st century
- Mouse, 1st century AD
- Boar, Lorca
Miscellaneous purposes
- 1st c. AD from cavalry officer's tomb
- Marcus Aurelius and barbarians
- religious plaques
- house Pompeii
- Herculaneum Titus in military guise
- Domitian
- Messalina and Britannicus
- Minerva and Genius
- Laurentine sow
- Isis
- Woman carrying vexillum
- Dubiously identified (sistra, surely?)
- Juno
- Jewish ritual objects
- Glass olla
- Glassware from the Archaeological Museum of Aquileia
- "Hoard" from Romano-British burial
- Livia as goddess
- Fawn from Herculaneum
- Fortuna for private cult at Pompeii
- 3rd century
- The Nile and his children
- Tigris
- Flavian pudicitia
- Votive plaque for Hercules
- Forma Urbis
- German, 2nd century
- Fayum
- hm
- Alexander
- sarco
- toilettetoilette
- Virtus
- Putti bearing menorah
- Sieves and scoops from the Hoxne hoard
- spoons
- Tweezers?
- Toga
- stola
- Theatre at Merida
- Couple from Pompeii
- theater scene
- Cityscape
- xxxx
- Adoration of the magic (4th century sarco)
Writing, education, literacy
- Roman school
- holding writing tablet
- scribe
- teacher and pupil
Economy and transportation
- tools and instruments
- Carpenters
- funeral relief of 'shop activity'
- tavern scene from Trier
- "Bottle caps"
- Mill and bakery
- Mill and oven, Pompeii
- Horse-powered mill
- thermopolium
- Volubilis mill
- vintage
- wow, beehives?
- Kriemhildstuhl quarry
- ditto
- forge
- forge
- oven
- wool merchant
- Steelyard balance
- port
- market
Amphitheatres and circuses
- 'Roughhouse at the amphitheatre'
- amphitheatre in Salona, Croatia
- Amphithéâtre de Salone
- Pula panorama
- Pula aerial
- Nîmes