

ChennyMountain (ˈtʃenbat) is a student at IB program at Palm Harbor University High School (where lahf is guhd). He is known as Vronga Dhaïtid'italie, Harish, Kelly, and Mrs. Brzycki in the band The Yarbroughs, and also is a solo artist as Φ. In The Yarbroughs he writes Grindapella-techna capellacore music, and as Phi, he write music from Japanesque to trance. He speaks French, English, and Japanese and his music reflects that. He has written two conlangs: Olympian to reflect his solo album Olympia, and Thochan.

ChennyMoutain's Aliases: Chenbot (On most non-DDR related web sites) ChenbotKill(Chenbot_Kill, Chenbotkill, Chenbot Kill) (On the rest of the non-DDR related web sites) Chennymountain (Chenny Mountain, Chenny_Mountain, ChennyMountain) (DDR/ gamer tag) Andy (Andii) (On all works of art) Phi (Φ) (As a solo musician) Vronga Dhaïtid'italie (On the Yarbroughs) Jamunji (In summer camp) Jowja (Little Jowja) (At school) Harish (In the Yarbroughs song "Forced to Eat Vishnu's Corpse") Mrs. Brzycki (In the Yarbroughs songs "Goatmeal" and "Forced to Eat Vishnu's Corpse)

Yep, he has a lot of aliases.