Localities (LGATE-234) in Western Australia
Localities (LGATE-234) in Western Australia:[1]
Locality | Post code | Area(km2) |
Abba River | 6280 | 28.37 |
Abbey | 6280 | 2.59 |
Acton Park | 6280 | 23.70 |
Adamsvale | 6375 | 246.51 |
Ajana | 6532 | 728.18 |
Albany | 6330 | 2.36 |
Aldersyde | 6306 | 389.97 |
Alexander Heights | 6064 | 3.19 |
Alexandra Bridge | 6288 | 6.60 |
Alfred Cove | 6154 | 1.12 |
Alkimos | 6038 | 15.52 |
Allanooka | 6525 | 323.56 |
Allanson | 6225 | 24.24 |
Alma | 6535 | 342.19 |
Ambania | 6632 | 327.86 |
Ambergate | 6280 | 38.38 |
Amelup | 6338 | 402.25 |
Angelo River | 6642 | 13971.57 |
Anketell | 6167 | 6.73 |
Anniebrook | 6280 | 13.12 |
Antonymyre | 6714 | 60.57 |
Applecross | 6153 | 3.25 |
Ardath | 6419 | 358.17 |
Ardross | 6153 | 2.19 |
Argyle | 6239 | 13.79 |
Armadale | 6112 | 8.31 |
Arrino | 6519 | 399.39 |
Arrowsmith | 6525 | 821.72 |
Arrowsmith East | 6519 | 812.22 |
Arthur River | 6315 | 476.88 |
Ascot | 6104 | 3.64 |
Ashby | 6065 | 1.40 |
Ashendon | 6111 | 210.14 |
Ashfield | 6054 | 0.77 |
Attadale | 6156 | 3.09 |
Atwell | 6164 | 3.59 |
Aubin Grove | 6164 | 2.59 |
Augusta | 6290 | 37.82 |
Australind | 6233 | 23.15 |
Aveley | 6069 | 6.05 |
Avon Valley National Park | 6084 | 74.92 |
Baandee | 6412 | 146.30 |
Babakin | 6428 | 381.51 |
Babbage Island | 6701 | 8.87 |
Badgebup | 6317 | 207.61 |
Badgerin Rock | 6475 | 243.62 |
Badgin | 6302 | 84.97 |
Badgingarra | 6521 | 1126.62 |
Badjaling | 6383 | 84.15 |
Bailup | 6082 | 46.69 |
Bakers Hill | 6562 | 83.91 |
Balbarrup | 6258 | 65.07 |
Balcatta | 6021 | 7.06 |
Baldivis | 6171 | 87.17 |
Balga | 6061 | 5.22 |
Balingup | 6253 | 88.52 |
Balkuling | 6383 | 82.30 |
Balla Balla | 6714 | 242.43 |
Balladong | 6302 | 50.26 |
Balladonia | 6443 | 15267.64 |
Ballajura | 6066 | 8.86 |
Ballaying | 6315 | 166.85 |
Ballidu | 6606 | 8.51 |
Bally Bally | 6304 | 184.48 |
Bambun | 6503 | 54.75 |
Bandy Creek | 6450 | 34.25 |
Bandya | 6440 | 7056.81 |
Banjup | 6164 | 22.47 |
Banksia Grove | 6031 | 4.70 |
Banksiadale | 6213 | 239.54 |
Bannister | 6390 | 421.10 |
Barbalin | 6479 | 165.34 |
Barberton | 6510 | 111.67 |
Barrabup | 6275 | 200.98 |
Barragup | 6209 | 17.93 |
Barrow Island | 6712 | 259.07 |
Baskerville | 6056 | 7.72 |
Bassendean | 6054 | 7.39 |
Bateman | 6150 | 1.94 |
Baudin | 6284 | 343.84 |
Baynton | 6714 | 2.75 |
Bayonet Head | 6330 | 5.46 |
Bayswater | 6053 | 9.83 |
Beachlands | 6530 | 1.37 |
Beacon | 6472 | 701.25 |
Beaconsfield | 6162 | 2.74 |
Beadell | 6440 | 72937.57 |
Beaufort River | 6394 | 172.50 |
Beaumont | 6450 | 1752.97 |
Beckenham | 6107 | 5.88 |
Bedford | 6052 | 2.34 |
Bedfordale | 6112 | 57.60 |
Beechboro | 6063 | 4.85 |
Beechina | 6556 | 6.77 |
Beedelup | 6260 | 160.67 |
Beela | 6224 | 23.43 |
Beelerup | 6239 | 26.96 |
Beeliar | 6164 | 11.70 |
Beenong | 6353 | 265.08 |
Beermullah | 6503 | 201.62 |
Bejoording | 6566 | 88.68 |
Beldon | 6027 | 2.16 |
Belhus | 6069 | 4.04 |
Bellevue | 6056 | 3.03 |
Belmont | 6104 | 4.37 |
Bencubbin | 6477 | 688.03 |
Benger | 6223 | 70.77 |
Benjaberring | 6463 | 174.90 |
Benjinup | 6255 | 284.76 |
Bennett Springs | 6063 | 4.40 |
Bentley | 6102 | 5.36 |
Beresford | 6530 | 1.42 |
Berkshire Valley | 6510 | 237.97 |
Bernier Island | 6701 | 43.77 |
Bertram | 6167 | 3.16 |
Beverley | 6304 | 384.10 |
Bibra Lake | 6163 | 12.82 |
Bickley | 6076 | 9.87 |
Bicton | 6157 | 3.11 |
Biddelia | 6260 | 163.19 |
Big Grove | 6330 | 6.93 |
Bilbarin | 6375 | 182.29 |
Bilingurr | 6725 | 13.07 |
Bimbijy | 6472 | 880.66 |
Bindi Bindi | 6574 | 407.97 |
Bindoon | 6502 | 329.99 |
Bindoon Training Area | 6502 | 137.37 |
Binduli | 6430 | 10.43 |
Binningup | 6233 | 29.32 |
Binnu | 6532 | 756.23 |
Birchmont | 6214 | 42.64 |
Bluff Point | 6530 | 1.55 |
Blythewood | 6208 | 42.24 |
Boallia | 6280 | 37.46 |
Bobalong | 6320 | 169.22 |
Bodallin | 6424 | 744.34 |
Boddington | 6390 | 114.55 |
Boilup | 6394 | 106.56 |
Bokal | 6392 | 211.31 |
Bolgart | 6568 | 260.96 |
Bonnie Rock | 6479 | 1246.77 |
Bonniefield | 6525 | 53.90 |
Boodarie | 6722 | 862.15 |
Boodarockin | 6423 | 322.56 |
Bookara | 6525 | 141.44 |
Boonanarring | 6503 | 197.71 |
Boorabbin | 6429 | 2274.40 |
Booragoon | 6154 | 3.08 |
Booralaming | 6475 | 304.73 |
Boorara | 6431 | 35.29 |
Boorara Brook | 6262 | 280.40 |
Bootenal | 6532 | 25.63 |
Boothendarra | 6521 | 629.97 |
Boranup | 6286 | 106.45 |
Borden | 6338 | 0.79 |
Borderdale | 6320 | 146.02 |
Bornholm | 6330 | 32.61 |
Boscabel | 6394 | 201.44 |
Boulder | 6432 | 4.30 |
Boundain | 6312 | 214.58 |
Bouvard | 6211 | 40.85 |
Bovell | 6280 | 13.29 |
Bow Bridge | 6333 | 112.90 |
Bowelling | 6225 | 699.60 |
Bowes | 6535 | 222.81 |
Bowgada | 6623 | 770.21 |
Boxwood Hill | 6338 | 630.68 |
Boya | 6056 | 1.89 |
Boyanup | 6237 | 70.63 |
Boyatup | 6450 | 791.15 |
Boyerine | 6316 | 180.82 |
Boyup Brook | 6244 | 211.79 |
Brabham | 6055 | 6.45 |
Bramley | 6285 | 50.42 |
Brazier | 6251 | 78.97 |
Breera | 6503 | 54.99 |
Bremer Bay | 6338 | 617.61 |
Brentwood | 6153 | 0.91 |
Breton Bay | 6043 | 190.47 |
Bridgetown | 6255 | 34.98 |
Brigadoon | 6069 | 19.92 |
Bringo | 6532 | 40.33 |
Broadwater | 6280 | 6.20 |
Broadwood | 6430 | 9.99 |
Brockman | 6701 | 1.03 |
Broke | 6398 | 492.78 |
Brookdale | 6112 | 1.21 |
Brookhampton | 6239 | 54.32 |
Brookton | 6306 | 580.89 |
Broome | 6725 | 7.42 |
Broomehill East | 6318 | 536.67 |
Broomehill Village | 6318 | 8.33 |
Broomehill West | 6318 | 627.11 |
Brown Hill | 6431 | 20.66 |
Brown Range | 6701 | 11.34 |
Bruce Rock | 6418 | 1108.18 |
Brunswick | 6224 | 97.05 |
Buckingham | 6225 | 70.61 |
Buckland | 6401 | 56.89 |
Bulgarra | 6714 | 4.69 |
Bull Creek | 6149 | 4.22 |
Bullabulling | 6429 | 1216.93 |
Bullaring | 6373 | 559.08 |
Buller | 6532 | 7.01 |
Bullfinch | 6484 | 1191.51 |
Bullock Hills | 6317 | 128.55 |
Bullsbrook | 6084 | 253.75 |
Bulong | 6431 | 1979.95 |
Bulyee | 6306 | 413.97 |
Bunbury | 6230 | 4.77 |
Bundanoon | 6522 | 129.07 |
Buniche | 6353 | 328.74 |
Bunjil | 6623 | 1926.24 |
Buntine | 6613 | 571.62 |
Burakin | 6467 | 342.45 |
Buraminya | 6452 | 13493.78 |
Burekup | 6227 | 40.45 |
Burges | 6302 | 40.84 |
Burlong | 6401 | 42.04 |
Burma Road | 6532 | 206.88 |
Burns Beach | 6028 | 3.40 |
Burnside | 6285 | 19.49 |
Burracoppin | 6421 | 312.70 |
Burran Rock | 6490 | 169.43 |
Burrup | 6714 | 114.61 |
Burswood | 6100 | 3.37 |
Bushmead | 6055 | 3.18 |
Busselton | 6280 | 4.52 |
Butler | 6036 | 5.31 |
Byford | 6122 | 22.03 |
Cable Beach | 6726 | 9.41 |
Cadoux | 6466 | 448.52 |
Caiguna | 6443 | 13709.81 |
Calingiri | 6569 | 196.92 |
Calista | 6167 | 2.32 |
Caljie | 6302 | 77.61 |
Callcup | 6260 | 149.62 |
Camballin | 6728 | 4209.96 |
Cambridge Gulf | 6743 | 5887.94 |
Camillo | 6111 | 2.61 |
Cancanning | 6315 | 251.22 |
Cane | 6710 | 3458.80 |
Canna | 6627 | 840.13 |
Canning Mills | 6111 | 33.49 |
Canning Vale | 6155 | 25.42 |
Cannington | 6107 | 4.08 |
Cape Arid | 6452 | 2778.28 |
Cape Burney | 6532 | 19.14 |
Cape Le Grand | 6450 | 308.93 |
Cape Range National Park | 6707 | 503.25 |
Capel | 6271 | 66.39 |
Capel River | 6271 | 95.12 |
Capricorn | 6642 | 16772.32 |
Caraban | 6041 | 44.39 |
Carabooda | 6033 | 21.37 |
Carani | 6569 | 190.45 |
Carbla | 6701 | 952.62 |
Carbunup River | 6280 | 27.98 |
Cardiff | 6225 | 171.00 |
Cardup | 6122 | 19.02 |
Carey Park | 6230 | 4.05 |
Carine | 6020 | 4.67 |
Carlisle | 6101 | 2.57 |
Carlotta | 6275 | 364.72 |
Carmel | 6076 | 11.62 |
Carnamah | 6517 | 1464.15 |
Carnarvon | 6701 | 4.89 |
Carrabin | 6423 | 157.05 |
Carramar | 6031 | 7.27 |
Carrarang | 6532 | 807.41 |
Carrolup | 6317 | 167.14 |
Cartmeticup | 6316 | 215.56 |
Cascade | 6450 | 1285.28 |
Castletown | 6450 | 3.57 |
Casuarina | 6167 | 9.94 |
Cataby | 6507 | 178.35 |
Catterick | 6255 | 125.47 |
Caversham | 6055 | 11.61 |
Centennial Park | 6330 | 1.96 |
Cervantes | 6511 | 9.83 |
Chadwick | 6450 | 7.66 |
Champion Lakes | 6111 | 5.65 |
Chandler | 6490 | 287.42 |
Changerup | 6394 | 202.98 |
Channybearup | 6260 | 116.27 |
Chapman Hill | 6280 | 54.26 |
Charley Creek | 6239 | 21.73 |
Cherry Tree Pool | 6395 | 257.87 |
Cheynes | 6328 | 180.20 |
Chichester | 6751 | 6486.14 |
Chidlow | 6556 | 44.77 |
Chittering | 6084 | 167.29 |
Chowerup | 6244 | 348.87 |
Christmas Island | 6798 | 138.94 |
Churchlands | 6018 | 1.72 |
City Beach | 6015 | 10.01 |
Clackline | 6564 | 48.28 |
Claremont | 6010 | 4.00 |
Clarkson | 6030 | 6.70 |
Cleary | 6472 | 398.39 |
Cleaverville | 6714 | 26.75 |
Clifton | 6211 | 33.85 |
Cloverdale | 6105 | 3.94 |
Coblinine | 6317 | 214.54 |
Coburn | 6532 | 1004.71 |
Cockburn Central | 6164 | 2.78 |
Cocklebiddy | 6443 | 8765.22 |
Codjatotine | 6308 | 170.04 |
Cold Harbour | 6302 | 41.23 |
Collanilling | 6315 | 113.09 |
College Grove | 6230 | 5.73 |
Collie | 6225 | 53.41 |
Collie Burn | 6225 | 13.57 |
Collingwood Heights | 6330 | 2.56 |
Collingwood Park | 6330 | 2.15 |
Collins | 6260 | 133.84 |
Commodine | 6311 | 81.97 |
Como | 6152 | 6.47 |
Condingup | 6450 | 1069.58 |
Connolly | 6027 | 2.89 |
Contine | 6311 | 89.02 |
Coodanup | 6210 | 7.82 |
Coogee | 6166 | 5.61 |
Cookernup | 6219 | 82.45 |
Cooladar Hill | 6638 | 5007.73 |
Coolbellup | 6163 | 3.10 |
Coolbinia | 6050 | 0.88 |
Coolcalalaya | 6532 | 3103.10 |
Coolgardie | 6429 | 124.99 |
Cooljarloo | 6507 | 672.20 |
Cooloongup | 6168 | 11.29 |
Coolup | 6214 | 59.61 |
Coomalbidgup | 6450 | 1137.67 |
Coomberdale | 6512 | 275.47 |
Coonabidgee | 6503 | 44.80 |
Coondle | 6566 | 67.98 |
Coorow | 6515 | 258.73 |
Cooya Pooya | 6714 | 1749.14 |
Copley | 6562 | 99.13 |
Coral Bay | 6701 | 2.17 |
Corinthia | 6426 | 414.95 |
Corrigin | 6375 | 393.60 |
Cosmo Newbery | 6440 | 12245.79 |
Cossack | 6720 | 67.67 |
Cottesloe | 6011 | 3.82 |
Courtenay | 6288 | 65.16 |
Cowalellup | 6336 | 331.35 |
Cowalla | 6503 | 109.77 |
Cowaramup | 6284 | 95.80 |
Cowcowing | 6485 | 236.03 |
Coyrecup | 6317 | 220.10 |
Craigie | 6025 | 4.71 |
Cramphorne | 6420 | 716.35 |
Cranbrook | 6321 | 1206.72 |
Crawley | 6009 | 1.42 |
Crooked Brook | 6236 | 105.63 |
Crossman | 6390 | 137.04 |
Crowea | 6262 | 264.06 |
Cuballing | 6311 | 181.37 |
Cubbine | 6383 | 168.25 |
Cue | 6640 | 94.09 |
Culham | 6566 | 90.66 |
Cullacabardee | 6067 | 14.77 |
Cullalla | 6503 | 119.58 |
Cundeelee | 6434 | 13241.91 |
Cunderdin | 6407 | 331.78 |
Cundinup | 6275 | 156.47 |
Cunjardine | 6401 | 150.57 |
Currambine | 6028 | 3.16 |
Cuthbert | 6330 | 6.87 |
Daadenning Creek | 6410 | 288.06 |
Daggar Hills | 6638 | 5283.56 |
Daglish | 6008 | 0.68 |
Dale | 6304 | 399.94 |
Daliak | 6302 | 43.92 |
Dalkeith | 6009 | 2.93 |
Dalwallinu | 6609 | 684.22 |
Dalyellup | 6230 | 16.49 |
Dalyup | 6450 | 731.69 |
Dampier | 6713 | 10.54 |
Dampier Archipelago | 6713 | 2936.87 |
Dampier Peninsula | 6725 | 4898.37 |
Dandanning | 6479 | 206.15 |
Dandaragan | 6507 | 974.36 |
Dangin | 6383 | 75.37 |
Darch | 6065 | 3.15 |
Dardadine | 6392 | 70.06 |
Dardanup | 6236 | 6.97 |
Dardanup West | 6236 | 18.25 |
Darkan | 6392 | 668.17 |
Darling Downs | 6122 | 10.61 |
Darlington | 6070 | 12.19 |
Darradup | 6275 | 321.19 |
Dartmoor | 6532 | 557.90 |
Dartnall | 6320 | 156.18 |
Datatine | 6317 | 176.53 |
Davenport | 6230 | 11.73 |
Dawesville | 6211 | 18.54 |
Dayton | 6055 | 2.83 |
De Grey | 6722 | 3167.56 |
Deanmill | 6258 | 28.77 |
Deepdale | 6532 | 6.42 |
Deepdene | 6290 | 39.62 |
Denbarker | 6324 | 200.98 |
Denham | 6537 | 53.19 |
Denmark | 6333 | 17.50 |
Derby | 6728 | 162.38 |
Devils Creek | 6630 | 261.68 |
Dewars Pool | 6567 | 86.72 |
Diamond Tree | 6258 | 40.31 |
Dianella | 6059 | 10.82 |
Dindiloa | 6532 | 46.38 |
Dingup | 6258 | 95.14 |
Dinninup | 6244 | 347.41 |
Dirk Hartog Island | 6537 | 630.41 |
Dixvale | 6258 | 21.51 |
Djugun | 6725 | 9.69 |
Dongara | 6525 | 8.33 |
Dongolocking | 6315 | 277.65 |
Donnelly River | 6258 | 85.06 |
Donnybrook | 6239 | 24.95 |
Doodenanning | 6383 | 125.92 |
Doodlakine | 6411 | 246.81 |
Dorre Island | 6701 | 54.05 |
Doubleview | 6018 | 2.66 |
Dowerin | 6461 | 292.04 |
Drome | 6330 | 49.68 |
Drummond Cove | 6532 | 1.61 |
Dryandra | 6311 | 57.91 |
Drysdale River | 6740 | 19495.33 |
Dudawa | 6519 | 356.74 |
Dudinin | 6363 | 396.77 |
Dudley Park | 6210 | 11.33 |
Dukin | 6475 | 204.95 |
Dulbelling | 6383 | 167.49 |
Dulyalbin | 6425 | 338.88 |
Dumbarton | 6566 | 71.69 |
Dumberning | 6312 | 132.18 |
Dumbleyung | 6350 | 254.82 |
Duncraig | 6023 | 7.72 |
Dundas | 6443 | 983.41 |
Dunn Rock | 6355 | 566.13 |
Dunsborough | 6281 | 16.32 |
Durack | 6743 | 29213.67 |
Duranillin | 6393 | 172.65 |
Durawah | 6532 | 140.94 |
Dwarda | 6308 | 117.32 |
Dwellingup | 6213 | 37.03 |
Eagle Bay | 6281 | 1.91 |
East Augusta | 6290 | 4.97 |
East Ballidu | 6606 | 429.92 |
East Beverley | 6304 | 254.26 |
East Bowes | 6535 | 165.12 |
East Bunbury | 6230 | 3.50 |
East Cannington | 6107 | 2.80 |
East Carnarvon | 6701 | 4.30 |
East Chapman | 6532 | 78.24 |
East Damboring | 6606 | 103.25 |
East Fremantle | 6158 | 3.71 |
East Lyons River | 6705 | 11014.30 |
East Munglinup | 6450 | 788.75 |
East Murchison | 6640 | 7300.63 |
East Nabawa | 6532 | 106.55 |
East Nannup | 6275 | 104.85 |
East Newdegate | 6355 | 505.68 |
East Perth | 6004 | 3.24 |
East Pingelly | 6308 | 922.16 |
East Popanyinning | 6309 | 104.86 |
East Rockingham | 6168 | 8.74 |
East Victoria Park | 6101 | 3.70 |
East Wickepin | 6370 | 136.42 |
East Yuna | 6532 | 498.55 |
Eastbrook | 6260 | 56.35 |
Eaton | 6232 | 6.46 |
Eden Hill | 6054 | 2.17 |
Edgewater | 6027 | 4.87 |
Eganu | 6515 | 1387.49 |
Eglinton | 6034 | 15.00 |
Eighty Mile Beach | 6725 | 9001.29 |
Elabbin | 6490 | 129.30 |
Elachbutting | 6479 | 990.25 |
Elgin | 6237 | 60.23 |
Elleker | 6330 | 43.81 |
Ellenbrook | 6069 | 13.14 |
Ellendale | 6532 | 175.65 |
Embleton | 6062 | 1.72 |
Emu Flat | 6431 | 4476.50 |
Emu Point | 6330 | 1.97 |
Eneabba | 6518 | 1407.58 |
Ennuin | 6484 | 1181.98 |
Eradu | 6532 | 41.47 |
Eradu South | 6532 | 72.82 |
Erskine | 6210 | 7.98 |
Esperance | 6450 | 2.42 |
Etmilyn | 6213 | 35.45 |
Eucla | 6443 | 4995.06 |
Eurardy | 6532 | 1496.03 |
Ewlyamartup | 6317 | 146.41 |
Exmouth | 6707 | 50.74 |
Exmouth Gulf | 6707 | 4934.33 |
Fairbridge | 6208 | 52.49 |
Falcon | 6210 | 12.57 |
Ferguson | 6236 | 41.39 |
Ferndale | 6148 | 3.27 |
Feysville | 6431 | 944.96 |
Fimiston | 6432 | 4.05 |
Finucane | 6722 | 1.88 |
Fitzgerald | 6337 | 2.87 |
Fitzgerald River National Park | 6346 | 2420.10 |
Fitzroy Crossing | 6765 | 27.99 |
Flint | 6302 | 568.74 |
Floreat | 6014 | 5.30 |
Flynn | 6302 | 427.11 |
Forest Grove | 6286 | 127.87 |
Forest Hill | 6324 | 206.17 |
Forrest | 6434 | 31639.08 |
Forrest Beach | 6271 | 18.01 |
Forrestania | 6359 | 3187.90 |
Forrestdale | 6112 | 31.78 |
Forrestfield | 6058 | 17.36 |
Fortescue | 6716 | 9340.71 |
Francois Peron National Park | 6537 | 1083.71 |
Frankland River | 6396 | 1391.93 |
Fraser Range | 6443 | 20485.89 |
Fremantle | 6160 | 5.47 |
Frenchman Bay | 6330 | 0.58 |
Furnissdale | 6209 | 6.90 |
Gabalong | 6574 | 76.06 |
Gabbadah | 6041 | 65.34 |
Gabbin | 6476 | 806.86 |
Gairdner | 6337 | 975.28 |
Gap Ridge | 6714 | 66.94 |
Garden Island | 6168 | 13.34 |
Gascoyne Junction | 6705 | 21.08 |
Gascoyne River | 6705 | 26744.90 |
Geegully Creek | 6728 | 8929.96 |
Gelorup | 6230 | 24.78 |
Geographe | 6280 | 5.97 |
Georgina | 6532 | 70.98 |
Geraldton | 6530 | 4.41 |
Ghooli | 6426 | 972.08 |
Gibb | 6743 | 12747.62 |
Gibson | 6448 | 735.27 |
Gibson Desert North | 872 | 114520.05 |
Gibson Desert South | 872 | 93573.95 |
Gidgegannup | 6083 | 303.71 |
Gilgering | 6302 | 153.11 |
Gillimanning | 6370 | 161.72 |
Gillingarra | 6510 | 220.61 |
Gilroyd | 6701 | 809.78 |
Gingerah | 6725 | 26484.58 |
Gingin | 6503 | 9.45 |
Ginginup | 6503 | 72.20 |
Girrawheen | 6064 | 4.07 |
Gledhow | 6330 | 6.57 |
Glen Forrest | 6071 | 13.15 |
Glen Iris | 6230 | 4.85 |
Glen Mervyn | 6239 | 37.82 |
Glencoe | 6316 | 96.65 |
Glendalough | 6016 | 0.72 |
Glenfield | 6532 | 8.25 |
Glenlynn | 6256 | 43.14 |
Glenoran | 6258 | 249.53 |
Glentromie | 6509 | 181.05 |
Gnangara | 6077 | 14.73 |
Gnarabup | 6285 | 2.54 |
Gnoorea | 6714 | 13.56 |
Gnowangerup | 6335 | 3.88 |
Gnowellen | 6328 | 362.06 |
Golden Bay | 6174 | 4.57 |
Goode Beach | 6330 | 1.19 |
Goodlands | 6468 | 2119.44 |
Goomalling | 6460 | 45.19 |
Goomarin | 6415 | 277.84 |
Gooseberry Hill | 6076 | 8.91 |
Gorge Rock | 6375 | 248.58 |
Gorrie | 6556 | 26.32 |
Gosnells | 6110 | 14.78 |
Gracetown | 6284 | 32.57 |
Granville | 6503 | 44.77 |
Grass Patch | 6446 | 1481.53 |
Grass Valley | 6403 | 60.22 |
Green Head | 6514 | 115.96 |
Green Range | 6328 | 470.55 |
Green Valley | 6330 | 63.54 |
Greenbushes | 6254 | 57.83 |
Greenfields | 6210 | 9.98 |
Greenhills | 6302 | 66.36 |
Greenmount | 6056 | 4.81 |
Greenough | 6532 | 67.51 |
Greenwood | 6024 | 5.25 |
Greenwoods Valley | 6405 | 123.13 |
Gregory | 6535 | 3.00 |
Grey | 6521 | 1.79 |
Greys Plain | 6701 | 7.29 |
Grimwade | 6253 | 50.04 |
Guilderton | 6041 | 8.62 |
Guildford | 6055 | 3.18 |
Gundaring | 6315 | 95.49 |
Gunyidi | 6513 | 401.89 |
Gutha | 6623 | 643.10 |
Gwambygine | 6302 | 48.22 |
Gwelup | 6018 | 2.93 |
Gwindinup | 6237 | 15.32 |
Hacketts Gully | 6076 | 12.18 |
Halls Creek | 6770 | 43.96 |
Halls Head | 6210 | 10.99 |
Hamel | 6215 | 22.25 |
Hamelin Bay | 6288 | 16.63 |
Hamelin Pool | 6532 | 2054.69 |
Hamersley | 6022 | 3.35 |
Hamersley Range | 6716 | 7312.59 |
Hamilton Hill | 6163 | 6.60 |
Hammond Park | 6164 | 4.29 |
Hannans | 6430 | 4.01 |
Harris River | 6225 | 152.09 |
Harrisdale | 6112 | 5.76 |
Harrismith | 6361 | 202.23 |
Harvey | 6220 | 65.95 |
Hastings | 6308 | 206.64 |
Hatter Hill | 6356 | 1595.09 |
Hay | 6333 | 132.83 |
Haynes | 6112 | 4.82 |
Hazelmere | 6055 | 7.30 |
Hazelvale | 6333 | 53.13 |
Heathridge | 6027 | 3.85 |
Helena Valley | 6056 | 6.26 |
Henderson | 6166 | 10.78 |
Henley Brook | 6055 | 13.32 |
Henty | 6236 | 39.45 |
Herdsman | 6017 | 3.11 |
Herne Hill | 6056 | 17.11 |
Herron | 6211 | 28.61 |
Hester | 6255 | 22.90 |
Hester Brook | 6255 | 51.82 |
Hickety | 6532 | 38.12 |
Higginsville | 6443 | 1025.39 |
High Wycombe | 6057 | 10.46 |
Highbury | 6313 | 542.39 |
Highgate | 6003 | 0.41 |
Hilbert | 6112 | 9.09 |
Hill River | 6521 | 624.38 |
Hillarys | 6025 | 6.38 |
Hillman | 6168 | 1.89 |
Hillside | 6312 | 41.62 |
Hilton | 6163 | 1.70 |
Hindmarsh | 6462 | 284.62 |
Hines Hill | 6413 | 237.78 |
Hithergreen | 6280 | 24.22 |
Hocking | 6065 | 2.43 |
Hoddys Well | 6566 | 76.89 |
Hoffman | 6220 | 445.13 |
Holleton | 6426 | 392.77 |
Holmwood | 6522 | 237.27 |
Holt Rock | 6355 | 772.75 |
Holyoake | 6213 | 47.75 |
Home Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 6799 | 83.34 |
Hope Valley | 6165 | 13.26 |
Hopeland | 6125 | 51.38 |
Hopetoun | 6348 | 539.79 |
Horrocks | 6535 | 1.38 |
Houtman Abrolhos | 6530 | 2440.80 |
Hovea | 6071 | 31.59 |
Howatharra | 6532 | 89.97 |
Howick | 6450 | 1133.66 |
Hulongine | 6460 | 128.15 |
Huntingdale | 6110 | 4.80 |
Hyden | 6359 | 2024.84 |
Ikewa | 6522 | 147.89 |
Iluka | 6028 | 2.57 |
Indee | 6721 | 1623.99 |
Inggarda | 6701 | 7548.66 |
Inglehope | 6213 | 55.18 |
Inglewood | 6052 | 2.89 |
Inkpen | 6302 | 79.42 |
Innaloo | 6018 | 3.08 |
Innawanga | 6751 | 15223.36 |
Irishtown | 6401 | 54.18 |
Irrunytju | 872 | 18.80 |
Irwin | 6525 | 5.57 |
Israelite Bay | 6452 | 2098.48 |
Isseka | 6535 | 3.17 |
Jackitup | 6335 | 433.66 |
Jacup | 6337 | 696.94 |
Jalbarragup | 6275 | 264.61 |
Jaloran | 6315 | 199.53 |
Jandabup | 6077 | 18.61 |
Jandakot | 6164 | 16.09 |
Jane Brook | 6056 | 5.27 |
Jardee | 6258 | 42.00 |
Jarlmadangah Burru | 6728 | 7.17 |
Jarrahdale | 6124 | 252.71 |
Jarrahwood | 6275 | 0.98 |
Jelcobine | 6306 | 520.78 |
Jennacubbine | 6401 | 71.49 |
Jennapullin | 6401 | 105.35 |
Jerdacuttup | 6346 | 1200.45 |
Jerramungup | 6337 | 1072.24 |
Jibberding | 6612 | 1054.07 |
Jigalong | 6753 | 111.57 |
Jilakin | 6365 | 589.23 |
Jindalee | 6036 | 3.88 |
Jindong | 6280 | 22.40 |
Jingalup | 6395 | 395.19 |
Jitarning | 6365 | 439.93 |
Jolimont | 6014 | 0.77 |
Joondalup | 6027 | 10.68 |
Joondanna | 6060 | 1.52 |
Julimar | 6567 | 343.49 |
Juna Downs | 6751 | 2143.03 |
Jurien Bay | 6516 | 525.33 |
Kadathinni | 6519 | 707.28 |
Kalamunda | 6076 | 10.63 |
Kalannie | 6468 | 710.99 |
Kalbarri | 6536 | 142.27 |
Kalbarri National Park | 6536 | 1807.34 |
Kalgan | 6330 | 249.96 |
Kalgoorlie | 6430 | 3.92 |
Kalgup | 6280 | 16.95 |
Kallaroo | 6025 | 2.92 |
Kaloorup | 6280 | 45.10 |
Kalumburu | 6740 | 4.05 |
Kambalda East | 6442 | 101.77 |
Kambalda West | 6442 | 124.06 |
Kangaroo Gully | 6255 | 53.08 |
Kanowna | 6431 | 2721.12 |
Kanpa | 872 | 7.91 |
Karakin | 6044 | 141.08 |
Karalundi | 6642 | 2.12 |
Karawara | 6152 | 0.99 |
Kardinya | 6163 | 4.35 |
Karijini | 6751 | 6345.43 |
Karlgarin | 6358 | 1048.50 |
Karlkurla | 6430 | 40.46 |
Karloning | 6479 | 213.33 |
Karloo | 6530 | 3.87 |
Karnup | 6176 | 32.20 |
Karragullen | 6111 | 33.80 |
Karrakatta | 6010 | 1.79 |
Karrakup | 6122 | 78.62 |
Karramindie | 6429 | 737.67 |
Karranadgin | 6460 | 406.83 |
Karratha | 6714 | 0.47 |
Karratha Industrial Estate | 6714 | 11.75 |
Karridale | 6288 | 99.29 |
Karrinyup | 6018 | 6.55 |
Karroun Hill | 6472 | 2814.21 |
Katanning | 6317 | 136.32 |
Katrine | 6401 | 83.20 |
Kauring | 6302 | 79.64 |
Kealy | 6280 | 6.45 |
Kebaringup | 6335 | 195.27 |
Kellerberrin | 6410 | 305.00 |
Kelmscott | 6111 | 15.00 |
Kendenup | 6323 | 388.33 |
Kenmare | 6316 | 209.06 |
Kennedy Range | 6701 | 4119.87 |
Kensington | 6151 | 2.50 |
Kentdale | 6333 | 65.77 |
Kenwick | 6107 | 9.80 |
Keralup | 6182 | 40.34 |
Kewdale | 6105 | 8.39 |
Keysbrook | 6126 | 177.48 |
Kiara | 6054 | 1.39 |
Kimbolton | 6728 | 6907.17 |
King Leopold Ranges | 6728 | 35359.83 |
King River | 6330 | 15.82 |
Kings Park | 6005 | 4.01 |
Kingsford | 6701 | 3.35 |
Kingsley | 6026 | 7.59 |
Kingston | 6256 | 312.79 |
Kinross | 6028 | 2.83 |
Kirk Rock | 6372 | 211.36 |
Kirup | 6251 | 76.94 |
Kojaneerup South | 6328 | 315.66 |
Kojarena | 6532 | 50.62 |
Kojonup | 6395 | 351.37 |
Kokeby | 6304 | 199.88 |
Kondinin | 6367 | 1165.35 |
Kondut | 6605 | 510.19 |
Konnongorring | 6603 | 443.76 |
Koojan | 6510 | 246.14 |
Kookynie | 6431 | 12576.71 |
Koolanooka | 6623 | 667.62 |
Koolyanobbing | 6427 | 527.55 |
Koomberkine | 6461 | 356.64 |
Koondoola | 6064 | 3.50 |
Koongamia | 6056 | 0.59 |
Koorda | 6475 | 9.54 |
Korbel | 6415 | 341.23 |
Kordabup | 6333 | 85.95 |
Korrelocking | 6485 | 451.50 |
Kronkup | 6330 | 16.42 |
Kudardup | 6290 | 57.62 |
Kuender | 6353 | 439.52 |
Kukerin | 6352 | 4.53 |
Kulikup | 6244 | 283.38 |
Kulin | 6365 | 322.78 |
Kulin West | 6365 | 495.81 |
Kulja | 6470 | 526.72 |
Kumarina | 6642 | 16361.49 |
Kundat Djaru | 6770 | 34.97 |
Kunjin | 6375 | 326.79 |
Kununoppin | 6489 | 2.67 |
Kununurra | 6743 | 2172.48 |
Kupartiya | 6765 | 6.12 |
Kurnalpi | 6431 | 3571.20 |
Kurrenkutten | 6375 | 310.32 |
Kweda | 6306 | 109.52 |
Kwelkan | 6490 | 57.25 |
Kwinana Beach | 6167 | 13.94 |
Kwinana Town Centre | 6167 | 0.76 |
Kwolyin | 6385 | 343.09 |
Lagrange | 6725 | 3228.12 |
Lake Argyle | 6743 | 9247.18 |
Lake Austin | 6640 | 5459.37 |
Lake Biddy | 6355 | 574.96 |
Lake Brown | 6479 | 258.27 |
Lake Camm | 6355 | 344.31 |
Lake Carnegie | 6646 | 25855.64 |
Lake Clifton | 6215 | 79.54 |
Lake Coogee | 6166 | 3.60 |
Lake Darlot | 6438 | 9256.74 |
Lake Deborah | 6484 | 5869.29 |
Lake Grace | 6353 | 96.22 |
Lake Hinds | 6603 | 329.45 |
Lake Jasper | 6260 | 275.67 |
Lake King | 6356 | 1373.55 |
Lake Margarette | 6475 | 327.76 |
Lake Muir | 6258 | 713.25 |
Lake Ninan | 6603 | 242.48 |
Lake Toolbrunup | 6320 | 411.19 |
Lake Wells | 6440 | 30082.63 |
Lakelands | 6180 | 7.07 |
Lakewood | 6431 | 16.95 |
Lamington | 6430 | 1.22 |
Lancelin | 6044 | 44.00 |
Landsdale | 6065 | 6.69 |
Lange | 6330 | 3.67 |
Langford | 6147 | 3.26 |
Latham | 6616 | 662.05 |
Lathlain | 6100 | 1.56 |
Laverton | 6440 | 11482.31 |
Learmonth | 6707 | 334.41 |
Leda | 6170 | 8.74 |
Ledge Point | 6043 | 31.31 |
Leederville | 6007 | 1.50 |
Leeman | 6514 | 105.04 |
Leeming | 6149 | 7.43 |
Leeuwin | 6290 | 21.81 |
Leinster | 6437 | 8150.99 |
Lennard Brook | 6503 | 41.08 |
Leonora | 6438 | 11072.38 |
Leschenault | 6233 | 43.50 |
Lesley | 6111 | 116.31 |
Lesmurdie | 6076 | 13.64 |
Lexia | 6079 | 25.76 |
Lime Lake | 6315 | 112.95 |
Linfarne | 6258 | 31.50 |
Little Grove | 6330 | 3.99 |
Little Italy | 6359 | 408.57 |
Little Sandy Desert | 6646 | 119397.13 |
Lockier | 6522 | 82.20 |
Lockridge | 6054 | 1.42 |
Lockyer | 6330 | 1.34 |
Lol Gray | 6311 | 63.55 |
Londonderry | 6429 | 1083.78 |
Lort River | 6447 | 1031.98 |
Lowden | 6240 | 44.71 |
Lower Chittering | 6084 | 118.68 |
Lower Hotham | 6390 | 118.46 |
Lower King | 6330 | 11.74 |
Lowlands | 6330 | 39.84 |
Ludlow | 6280 | 49.18 |
Lumeah | 6395 | 326.19 |
Lyalls Mill | 6225 | 38.14 |
Lyndon | 6701 | 9214.78 |
Lynwood | 6147 | 1.79 |
Macleod | 6701 | 5946.84 |
Maddington | 6109 | 10.82 |
Madeley | 6065 | 3.17 |
Madora Bay | 6210 | 3.96 |
Madura | 6443 | 8262.08 |
Magenta | 6355 | 822.87 |
Magitup | 6338 | 238.88 |
Mahogany Creek | 6072 | 6.08 |
Mahomets Flats | 6530 | 0.92 |
Maida Vale | 6057 | 8.41 |
Maitland | 6714 | 2546.91 |
Malabaine | 6401 | 50.93 |
Malaga | 6090 | 6.54 |
Malebelling | 6302 | 94.03 |
Mallee Hill | 6353 | 663.75 |
Malmalling | 6556 | 88.06 |
Malyalling | 6370 | 117.10 |
Mandogalup | 6167 | 6.90 |
Mandurah | 6210 | 7.49 |
Manjimup | 6258 | 22.41 |
Manmanning | 6465 | 417.22 |
Manning | 6152 | 1.69 |
Mantamaru | 872 | 62.63 |
Manypeaks | 6328 | 295.45 |
Marangaroo | 6064 | 4.85 |
Maranup | 6256 | 104.78 |
Marbelup | 6330 | 61.15 |
Marble Bar | 6760 | 35032.93 |
Marchagee | 6515 | 557.64 |
Mardella | 6125 | 64.01 |
Mardie | 6714 | 3890.27 |
Margaret River | 6285 | 61.30 |
Mariginiup | 6078 | 24.29 |
Marmion | 6020 | 1.19 |
Marne | 6608 | 79.62 |
Marracoonda | 6317 | 57.77 |
Marradong | 6390 | 323.03 |
Marrah | 6532 | 106.79 |
Marrinup | 6213 | 43.21 |
Martin | 6110 | 28.42 |
Marvel Loch | 6426 | 845.50 |
Marybrook | 6280 | 15.40 |
Massey Bay | 6701 | 5.95 |
Maya | 6614 | 570.50 |
Mayanup | 6244 | 384.24 |
Maylands | 6051 | 4.99 |
Mcalinden | 6225 | 277.97 |
Mcbeath | 6770 | 1.22 |
Mckail | 6330 | 9.88 |
Meadow | 6532 | 833.94 |
Meadow Springs | 6210 | 4.97 |
Meckering | 6405 | 216.03 |
Meda | 6728 | 4334.55 |
Medina | 6167 | 3.68 |
Meekatharra | 6642 | 26588.69 |
Meeking | 6392 | 97.34 |
Meelon | 6208 | 93.40 |
Meenaar | 6401 | 75.34 |
Meerup | 6262 | 240.83 |
Melaleuca | 6079 | 78.82 |
Melville | 6156 | 2.44 |
Menora | 6050 | 1.13 |
Menzies | 6436 | 8194.84 |
Merilup | 6352 | 221.08 |
Merivale | 6450 | 444.05 |
Merkanooka | 6625 | 610.14 |
Merredin | 6415 | 250.07 |
Merriwa | 6030 | 2.29 |
Meru | 6530 | 4.40 |
Metricup | 6280 | 57.15 |
Mettler | 6328 | 244.51 |
Miamoon | 6612 | 124.29 |
Middle Swan | 6056 | 12.81 |
Middlesex | 6258 | 82.72 |
Middleton Beach | 6330 | 0.75 |
Midland | 6056 | 4.36 |
Midvale | 6056 | 2.91 |
Miling | 6575 | 696.48 |
Millars Well | 6714 | 3.39 |
Millbridge | 6232 | 1.87 |
Millbrook | 6330 | 19.10 |
Millendon | 6056 | 6.93 |
Mills Lake | 6336 | 360.51 |
Millstream | 6716 | 2795.05 |
Milo | 6525 | 201.39 |
Milpara | 6330 | 2.12 |
Mimegarra | 6507 | 307.54 |
Mindarabin | 6336 | 550.65 |
Mindarie | 6030 | 6.23 |
Mindarra | 6503 | 221.52 |
Minding | 6315 | 148.94 |
Mingenew | 6522 | 5.83 |
Minigin | 6312 | 222.33 |
Minilya | 6701 | 9031.29 |
Minnenooka | 6532 | 108.37 |
Minnivale | 6462 | 261.36 |
Minyirr | 6725 | 13.11 |
Mira Mar | 6330 | 1.48 |
Mirrabooka | 6061 | 5.07 |
Mitchell Plateau | 6740 | 10096.24 |
Mobrup | 6395 | 318.62 |
Mocardy | 6603 | 473.46 |
Mogumber | 6506 | 250.56 |
Mokine | 6401 | 52.85 |
Mokup | 6394 | 282.02 |
Mollerin | 6475 | 797.96 |
Molloy Island | 6290 | 2.89 |
Monjebup | 6338 | 188.55 |
Monjingup | 6450 | 182.45 |
Monkey Mia | 6537 | 5.33 |
Moodiarrup | 6393 | 156.36 |
Moojebing | 6317 | 102.76 |
Mooliabeenee | 6504 | 106.03 |
Moondah | 6503 | 42.37 |
Moondyne | 6567 | 94.52 |
Moonies Hill | 6320 | 187.66 |
Moonyoonooka | 6532 | 158.89 |
Moora | 6510 | 360.97 |
Moore River National Park | 6503 | 219.73 |
Mooriary | 6522 | 301.83 |
Moorine Rock | 6425 | 691.73 |
Morangup | 6083 | 202.87 |
Morawa | 6623 | 190.49 |
Morbinning | 6304 | 147.25 |
Mordalup | 6258 | 320.44 |
Moresby | 6530 | 26.00 |
Morgantown | 6701 | 2.32 |
Morley | 6062 | 10.38 |
Mornington | 6221 | 238.46 |
Mosman Park | 6012 | 4.31 |
Moulyinning | 6351 | 221.95 |
Mount Adams | 6525 | 293.28 |
Mount Anketell | 6714 | 254.83 |
Mount Barker | 6324 | 489.19 |
Mount Budd | 6522 | 152.94 |
Mount Burges | 6429 | 3266.72 |
Mount Caroline | 6410 | 93.15 |
Mount Claremont | 6010 | 4.32 |
Mount Clarence | 6330 | 2.54 |
Mount Cooke | 6390 | 598.01 |
Mount Elphinstone | 6330 | 2.53 |
Mount Erin | 6532 | 85.80 |
Mount Hampton | 6426 | 901.84 |
Mount Hardey | 6302 | 77.23 |
Mount Hardman | 6765 | 9013.76 |
Mount Hawthorn | 6016 | 2.43 |
Mount Helena | 6082 | 28.68 |
Mount Hill | 6528 | 43.32 |
Mount Holland | 6426 | 1470.55 |
Mount Horner | 6525 | 258.23 |
Mount Jackson | 6426 | 6328.76 |
Mount Lawley | 6050 | 4.36 |
Mount Lindesay | 6333 | 266.97 |
Mount Madden | 6356 | 593.17 |
Mount Magnet | 6638 | 261.15 |
Mount Melville | 6330 | 2.90 |
Mount Nasura | 6112 | 2.74 |
Mount Ney | 6447 | 1018.93 |
Mount Observation | 6302 | 135.75 |
Mount Palmer | 6426 | 1662.85 |
Mount Pleasant | 6153 | 2.77 |
Mount Richon | 6112 | 2.15 |
Mount Romance | 6333 | 306.57 |
Mount Sheila | 6751 | 5074.71 |
Mount Sheridan | 6355 | 830.22 |
Mount Stirling | 6383 | 207.63 |
Mount Tarcoola | 6530 | 2.22 |
Mount Walker | 6369 | 661.83 |
Mount Wells | 6390 | 235.96 |
Mouroubra | 6472 | 1311.46 |
Muchea | 6501 | 215.08 |
Muckenburra | 6503 | 74.63 |
Mueller Ranges | 6770 | 37982.47 |
Muja | 6225 | 57.05 |
Mukinbudin | 6479 | 227.65 |
Mulataga | 6714 | 15.40 |
Mulga Downs | 6751 | 3453.62 |
Mullaloo | 6027 | 3.13 |
Mullalyup | 6252 | 82.68 |
Mullewa | 6630 | 415.10 |
Mullingar | 6430 | 57.24 |
Muluckine | 6401 | 67.34 |
Mumballup | 6225 | 40.60 |
Mumberkine | 6401 | 140.07 |
Mundabullangana | 6721 | 2632.00 |
Mundaring | 6073 | 31.71 |
Mundijong | 6123 | 16.12 |
Mundrabilla | 6443 | 6291.99 |
Mungalup | 6225 | 74.29 |
Munglinup | 6450 | 3044.65 |
Munster | 6166 | 4.10 |
Muntadgin | 6420 | 262.19 |
Muradup | 6394 | 172.71 |
Murchison | 6630 | 23434.23 |
Murdoch | 6150 | 4.22 |
Murdong | 6317 | 78.03 |
Muresk | 6401 | 29.81 |
Myalup | 6220 | 184.60 |
Myara | 6207 | 38.80 |
Myaree | 6154 | 1.34 |
Myrup | 6450 | 147.13 |
Nabawa | 6532 | 96.70 |
Nairibin | 6350 | 146.84 |
Nalkain | 6485 | 75.25 |
Nalyerlup | 6338 | 291.12 |
Namban | 6512 | 280.56 |
Nambeelup | 6207 | 76.62 |
Nambung | 6521 | 577.21 |
Nanarup | 6330 | 71.90 |
Nanga | 6537 | 1786.75 |
Nanga Brook | 6215 | 262.15 |
Nangeenan | 6414 | 184.63 |
Nangetty | 6522 | 400.63 |
Nannup | 6275 | 245.14 |
Nanson | 6532 | 76.71 |
Nanutarra | 6751 | 14060.13 |
Napier | 6330 | 264.96 |
Naraling | 6532 | 114.17 |
Narembeen | 6369 | 0.96 |
Narngulu | 6532 | 25.20 |
Narra Tarra | 6532 | 98.15 |
Narraloggan | 6302 | 136.76 |
Narrikup | 6326 | 543.15 |
Narrogin | 6312 | 13.14 |
Narrogin Valley | 6312 | 100.26 |
Naturaliste | 6281 | 56.02 |
Naval Base | 6165 | 5.10 |
Neale | 6440 | 45902.76 |
Nedlands | 6009 | 5.35 |
Needilup | 6336 | 845.21 |
Neendaling | 6353 | 242.25 |
Neerabup | 6031 | 29.78 |
Neergabby | 6503 | 111.93 |
Nembudding | 6485 | 146.25 |
Neridup | 6450 | 859.35 |
Nerramyne | 6630 | 1197.67 |
Nerren Nerren | 6532 | 2336.89 |
New Norcia | 6509 | 146.64 |
Newcarlbeon | 6475 | 414.52 |
Newdegate | 6355 | 297.60 |
Newlands | 6251 | 23.42 |
Newman | 6753 | 28031.15 |
Ngaanyatjarra-Giles | 872 | 62276.22 |
Nickol | 6714 | 2.97 |
Nilgen | 6044 | 254.97 |
Nillup | 6288 | 36.88 |
Ningaloo | 6701 | 531.77 |
Nippering | 6350 | 83.56 |
Nirimba | 6208 | 46.00 |
Noggerup | 6225 | 194.87 |
Nokaning | 6415 | 233.61 |
Nolba | 6532 | 218.63 |
Nollamara | 6061 | 3.72 |
Nomans Lake | 6312 | 177.81 |
Noranda | 6062 | 4.94 |
Nornalup | 6333 | 46.94 |
Norpa | 6415 | 209.25 |
Norseman | 6443 | 14278.28 |
North Baandee | 6412 | 298.62 |
North Bannister | 6390 | 142.46 |
North Beach | 6020 | 2.12 |
North Bodallin | 6424 | 429.55 |
North Boyanup | 6237 | 38.30 |
North Burngup | 6353 | 378.95 |
North Cascade | 6445 | 6896.66 |
North Coogee | 6163 | 2.75 |
North Dandalup | 6207 | 92.75 |
North Eradu | 6532 | 99.70 |
North Fremantle | 6159 | 3.33 |
North Greenbushes | 6254 | 18.47 |
North Jindong | 6280 | 19.07 |
North Kellerberrin | 6410 | 297.05 |
North Kukerin | 6352 | 318.25 |
North Kununoppin | 6489 | 330.87 |
North Lake | 6163 | 2.32 |
North Lake Grace | 6353 | 269.56 |
North Moulyinning | 6351 | 172.21 |
North Perth | 6006 | 3.05 |
North Plantations | 6701 | 28.65 |
North Stirlings | 6338 | 247.19 |
North Tammin | 6409 | 625.76 |
North Trayning | 6488 | 243.25 |
North Walpole | 6398 | 1095.41 |
North West Cape | 6707 | 298.56 |
North Wialki | 6473 | 290.56 |
North Yelbeni | 6487 | 225.43 |
North Yunderup | 6208 | 4.20 |
Northam | 6401 | 26.78 |
Northampton | 6535 | 11.82 |
Northbridge | 6003 | 0.44 |
Northcliffe | 6262 | 27.37 |
Northern Gully | 6532 | 61.17 |
Nowergup | 6032 | 39.64 |
Nugadong | 6609 | 202.44 |
Nukarni | 6480 | 241.99 |
Nullagine | 6758 | 21884.42 |
Nullaki | 6330 | 30.14 |
Nulsen | 6450 | 2.43 |
Nungarin | 6490 | 351.34 |
Nunierra | 6630 | 2387.99 |
Nunile | 6566 | 118.07 |
Nyabing | 6341 | 1962.53 |
Oakajee | 6532 | 32.50 |
Oakford | 6121 | 45.87 |
Oakley | 6208 | 50.62 |
Ocean Beach | 6333 | 42.56 |
Ocean Reef | 6027 | 5.40 |
O'Connor | 6163 | 1.90 |
Ogilvie | 6535 | 596.76 |
Old Plains | 6569 | 265.54 |
Oldbury | 6121 | 41.05 |
Ongerup | 6336 | 3.36 |
Onslow | 6710 | 185.17 |
Oombulgurri | 6740 | 12184.30 |
Ora Banda | 6431 | 1151.49 |
Orana | 6330 | 2.38 |
Orange Grove | 6109 | 13.77 |
Orange Springs | 6503 | 106.80 |
Orchid Valley | 6394 | 224.65 |
Ord River | 6770 | 23311.08 |
Orelia | 6167 | 2.99 |
Osborne Park | 6017 | 5.12 |
Osmington | 6285 | 34.52 |
Padbury | 6025 | 6.10 |
Palgarup | 6258 | 27.40 |
Pallinup | 6335 | 385.44 |
Palmdale | 6328 | 158.23 |
Palmer | 6225 | 157.62 |
Palmyra | 6157 | 3.12 |
Pannawonica | 6716 | 27.59 |
Pantapin | 6384 | 219.45 |
Papulankutja | 872 | 20.84 |
Paraburdoo | 6754 | 153.09 |
Paradise | 6236 | 24.33 |
Pardoo | 6721 | 2276.40 |
Parker Range | 6426 | 1393.90 |
Parkerville | 6081 | 19.04 |
Parkeston | 6434 | 51.63 |
Parkfield | 6233 | 25.49 |
Parklands | 6180 | 6.31 |
Parkwood | 6147 | 3.61 |
Parmelia | 6167 | 3.96 |
Parryville | 6333 | 79.93 |
Patjarr | 872 | 24.85 |
Paulls Valley | 6076 | 20.30 |
Paynedale | 6239 | 76.46 |
Paynes Find | 6612 | 10950.97 |
Paynesville | 6638 | 3328.31 |
Peaceful Bay | 6333 | 25.49 |
Peak Hill | 6642 | 26524.07 |
Pearsall | 6065 | 1.63 |
Peedamulla | 6710 | 2487.86 |
Peerabeelup | 6260 | 159.21 |
Pegs Creek | 6714 | 4.49 |
Pelican Point | 6230 | 2.41 |
Pemberton | 6260 | 17.23 |
Peppermint Grove | 6011 | 1.06 |
Peppermint Grove Beach | 6271 | 1.63 |
Perenjori | 6620 | 880.00 |
Perillup | 6324 | 691.41 |
Peron | 6168 | 1.97 |
Perth | 6000 | 6.06 |
Perth Airport | 6105 | 19.16 |
Perup | 6258 | 456.48 |
Petrudor | 6468 | 284.79 |
Piara Waters | 6112 | 6.68 |
Piawaning | 6572 | 173.65 |
Piccadilly | 6430 | 1.47 |
Pickering Brook | 6076 | 104.58 |
Picton | 6229 | 5.95 |
Picton East | 6229 | 12.51 |
Piesse Brook | 6076 | 10.24 |
Piesseville | 6315 | 249.90 |
Pindar | 6631 | 2175.34 |
Pingaring | 6357 | 877.58 |
Pingelly | 6308 | 12.47 |
Pingrup | 6343 | 3661.96 |
Pinjar | 6078 | 122.91 |
Pinjarra | 6208 | 29.86 |
Pink Lake | 6450 | 43.96 |
Pintharuka | 6623 | 557.99 |
Pinwernying | 6317 | 5.41 |
Pippingarra | 6722 | 882.54 |
Pithara | 6608 | 566.69 |
Plumridge Lakes | 6431 | 76895.38 |
Point Grey | 6208 | 26.87 |
Point Samson | 6720 | 359.78 |
Popanyinning | 6309 | 186.35 |
Porongurup | 6324 | 212.07 |
Port Albany | 6330 | 1.77 |
Port Denison | 6525 | 14.97 |
Port Hedland | 6721 | 75.07 |
Port Kennedy | 6172 | 23.63 |
Postans | 6167 | 5.04 |
Preston Beach | 6215 | 72.15 |
Preston Settlement | 6225 | 42.59 |
Prevelly | 6285 | 2.35 |
Prince Regent River | 6740 | 14867.85 |
Pumphreys Bridge | 6308 | 75.63 |
Purnululu | 6770 | 2438.35 |
Quairading | 6383 | 200.49 |
Qualeup | 6394 | 205.43 |
Quedjinup | 6281 | 7.95 |
Queens Park | 6107 | 2.65 |
Queenwood | 6239 | 34.35 |
Quelagetting | 6405 | 198.17 |
Quellington | 6302 | 57.06 |
Quindalup | 6281 | 39.90 |
Quindanning | 6391 | 152.75 |
Quinninup | 6258 | 217.86 |
Quinns Rocks | 6030 | 4.27 |
Ranford | 6390 | 1.99 |
Rangeway | 6530 | 1.80 |
Ravensthorpe | 6346 | 2542.66 |
Ravenswood | 6208 | 53.13 |
Rawlinna | 6434 | 22776.93 |
Red Gully | 6503 | 217.82 |
Red Hill | 6056 | 15.69 |
Redbank | 6721 | 9.44 |
Redcliffe | 6104 | 2.72 |
Redgate | 6286 | 23.59 |
Redmond | 6327 | 121.40 |
Redmond West | 6327 | 150.97 |
Reedy | 6640 | 3476.98 |
Regans Ford | 6507 | 245.84 |
Reinscourt | 6280 | 8.58 |
Remlap | 6472 | 717.00 |
Reservoir | 6076 | 39.60 |
Ridgewood | 6030 | 1.95 |
Ringbark | 6258 | 25.38 |
Riverton | 6148 | 2.71 |
Rivervale | 6103 | 3.30 |
Robinson | 6330 | 11.68 |
Rockingham | 6168 | 12.86 |
Rocklea | 6751 | 6132.63 |
Rockwell | 6532 | 47.99 |
Rocky Gully | 6397 | 883.26 |
Roebourne | 6718 | 175.80 |
Roebuck | 6725 | 5582.42 |
Roelands | 6226 | 94.98 |
Roleystone | 6111 | 37.74 |
Rosa Brook | 6285 | 65.48 |
Rosa Glen | 6285 | 66.32 |
Rossmore | 6401 | 60.21 |
Rossmoyne | 6148 | 1.64 |
Rothsay | 6620 | 3490.06 |
Rottnest Island | 6161 | 18.37 |
Ruabon | 6280 | 31.61 |
Rudds Gully | 6532 | 18.62 |
Ryansbrook | 6395 | 166.96 |
Sabina River | 6280 | 18.48 |
Safety Bay | 6169 | 4.64 |
Salmon Gums | 6445 | 2781.45 |
Salter Point | 6152 | 1.78 |
Samson | 6163 | 1.12 |
San Remo | 6210 | 0.93 |
Sandpatch | 6330 | 23.18 |
Sandsprings | 6532 | 36.67 |
Sandstone | 6639 | 32606.53 |
Sandy Gully | 6535 | 286.36 |
Sawyers Valley | 6074 | 170.24 |
Scaddan | 6447 | 979.56 |
Scarborough | 6019 | 4.91 |
Schroeder | 6285 | 531.70 |
Scotsdale | 6333 | 150.73 |
Scott River | 6288 | 136.38 |
Scott River East | 6275 | 563.71 |
Scotts Brook | 6244 | 376.69 |
Seabird | 6042 | 12.84 |
Secret Harbour | 6173 | 6.70 |
Seppings | 6330 | 1.62 |
Serpentine | 6125 | 104.77 |
Seville Grove | 6112 | 4.52 |
Shackleton | 6386 | 533.79 |
Shadforth | 6333 | 45.26 |
Shannon | 6262 | 671.47 |
Shark Bay | 6537 | 8202.43 |
Shelley | 6148 | 2.11 |
Shenton Park | 6008 | 3.34 |
Sherlock | 6714 | 6399.37 |
Shoalwater | 6169 | 2.50 |
Shotts | 6225 | 75.14 |
Siesta Park | 6280 | 0.88 |
Silver Sands | 6210 | 1.37 |
Sinagra | 6065 | 2.12 |
Sinclair | 6450 | 1.54 |
Singleton | 6175 | 3.77 |
Sir Samuel | 6437 | 3439.08 |
Skeleton Rock | 6426 | 1024.99 |
Smith Brook | 6258 | 34.83 |
Solus | 6207 | 216.26 |
Somerville | 6430 | 4.72 |
Sorrento | 6020 | 3.58 |
South Bodallin | 6424 | 449.35 |
South Boulder | 6432 | 10.43 |
South Bunbury | 6230 | 6.52 |
South Burracoppin | 6421 | 366.21 |
South Carnarvon | 6701 | 2.97 |
South Datatine | 6317 | 89.70 |
South Doodlakine | 6411 | 240.77 |
South Fremantle | 6162 | 1.50 |
South Glencoe | 6317 | 91.84 |
South Greenough | 6528 | 64.51 |
South Guildford | 6055 | 5.78 |
South Hedland | 6722 | 22.31 |
South Kalgoorlie | 6430 | 3.11 |
South Kukerin | 6352 | 225.53 |
South Kumminin | 6368 | 939.66 |
South Kununoppin | 6489 | 238.91 |
South Lake | 6164 | 3.31 |
South Lake Grace | 6353 | 397.45 |
South Murchison | 6635 | 11584.03 |
South Newdegate | 6355 | 586.27 |
South Perth | 6151 | 5.20 |
South Plantations | 6701 | 9.07 |
South Quairading | 6383 | 337.99 |
South Stirling | 6324 | 148.40 |
South Tammin | 6409 | 474.17 |
South Trayning | 6488 | 370.55 |
South Yelbeni | 6487 | 235.95 |
South Yilgarn | 6426 | 737.11 |
South Yuna | 6532 | 101.24 |
South Yunderup | 6208 | 73.62 |
Southampton | 6253 | 126.11 |
Southern Brook | 6401 | 112.84 |
Southern Cross | 6426 | 555.18 |
Southern River | 6110 | 14.04 |
Spalding | 6530 | 4.41 |
Spearwood | 6163 | 6.09 |
Spencer Park | 6330 | 2.23 |
Spencers Brook | 6401 | 53.25 |
Springfield | 6525 | 14.72 |
Springs | 6308 | 211.45 |
St George Ranges | 6728 | 29268.45 |
St James | 6102 | 1.81 |
St Ronans | 6302 | 98.79 |
Stake Hill | 6181 | 18.39 |
Stirling | 6021 | 4.86 |
Stirling Estate | 6271 | 28.54 |
Stirling Range National Park | 6338 | 1121.25 |
Stoneville | 6081 | 18.18 |
Stove Hill | 6714 | 32.67 |
Strathalbyn | 6530 | 1.66 |
Stratham | 6237 | 40.77 |
Stratherne | 6309 | 45.60 |
Stratton | 6056 | 2.33 |
Strelley | 6721 | 809.59 |
Sturt Creek | 6770 | 21157.61 |
Subiaco | 6008 | 3.13 |
Success | 6164 | 5.98 |
Sunnyside | 6256 | 72.19 |
Sunset Beach | 6530 | 1.86 |
Swan View | 6056 | 7.47 |
Swanbourne | 6010 | 5.18 |
Takalarup | 6324 | 441.10 |
Talandji | 6710 | 5705.74 |
Talbot | 6302 | 180.36 |
Talbot West | 6302 | 55.91 |
Talgomine | 6490 | 171.09 |
Talisker | 6701 | 2875.25 |
Tamala | 6532 | 1386.37 |
Tamala Park | 6030 | 2.67 |
Tambellup | 6320 | 5.41 |
Tammin | 6409 | 0.80 |
Tampu | 6472 | 576.49 |
Tanami | 6770 | 57896.64 |
Tandegin | 6415 | 376.38 |
Tapping | 6065 | 3.46 |
Tarcoola Beach | 6530 | 1.34 |
Tardun | 6628 | 632.61 |
Tarin Rock | 6353 | 308.35 |
Teesdale | 6213 | 36.64 |
Telfer | 6762 | 177847.92 |
Tenindewa | 6632 | 723.06 |
Tenterden | 6322 | 414.47 |
The Lakes | 6556 | 30.96 |
The Plains | 6237 | 64.39 |
The Spectacles | 6167 | 4.69 |
The Vines | 6069 | 6.55 |
Thomson Brook | 6239 | 86.51 |
Thornlie | 6108 | 11.54 |
Three Springs | 6519 | 1.19 |
Throssell | 6401 | 107.91 |
Tibradden | 6532 | 46.06 |
Tincurrin | 6361 | 245.12 |
Tingledale | 6333 | 51.52 |
Tjirrkarli | 872 | 800.02 |
Tjukurla | 872 | 39.12 |
Tom Price | 6751 | 73.77 |
Tonebridge | 6244 | 247.28 |
Toodyay | 6566 | 62.39 |
Toolibin | 6312 | 210.54 |
Toolonga | 6532 | 4142.45 |
Toompup | 6336 | 264.49 |
Torbay | 6330 | 21.51 |
Torndirrup | 6330 | 50.48 |
Townsendale | 6311 | 83.73 |
Trafalgar | 6431 | 53.81 |
Trayning | 6488 | 1.58 |
Treeby | 6164 | 8.27 |
Treeton | 6284 | 118.36 |
Trent | 6333 | 376.62 |
Trigg | 6029 | 2.38 |
Trigwell | 6244 | 162.87 |
Tuart Hill | 6060 | 2.11 |
Turkey Hill | 6426 | 540.92 |
Tutunup | 6280 | 41.48 |
Two Rocks | 6037 | 52.03 |
Ucarty | 6462 | 251.08 |
Ucarty West | 6460 | 115.46 |
Uduc | 6220 | 72.69 |
Ularring | 6436 | 26597.03 |
Upper Capel | 6239 | 107.92 |
Upper Murray | 6390 | 104.16 |
Upper Swan | 6069 | 19.77 |
Upper Warren | 6258 | 95.02 |
Useless Loop | 6537 | 34.62 |
Usher | 6230 | 3.88 |
Utakarra | 6530 | 4.94 |
Valentine | 6532 | 106.57 |
Vancouver Peninsula | 6330 | 3.75 |
Varley | 6355 | 712.38 |
Vasse | 6280 | 36.05 |
Victoria Park | 6100 | 2.60 |
Victoria Rock | 6429 | 9434.27 |
Victory Heights | 6432 | 0.87 |
Vittoria | 6230 | 8.32 |
Viveash | 6056 | 2.09 |
Wadderin | 6369 | 671.31 |
Waddington | 6509 | 163.29 |
Waddy Forest | 6515 | 359.70 |
Waeel | 6407 | 250.97 |
Wagerup | 6215 | 154.89 |
Waggrakine | 6530 | 31.24 |
Wagin | 6315 | 251.10 |
Waikiki | 6169 | 10.25 |
Walebing | 6510 | 285.29 |
Walgoolan | 6422 | 527.88 |
Walkaway | 6528 | 113.10 |
Wallareenya | 6721 | 608.28 |
Wallaroo | 6429 | 4996.71 |
Walliston | 6076 | 3.83 |
Walmsley | 6330 | 10.55 |
Walpole | 6398 | 56.34 |
Walsall | 6280 | 23.23 |
Walyormouring | 6460 | 245.48 |
Walyunga National Park | 6084 | 17.95 |
Walyurin | 6363 | 408.79 |
Wamenusking | 6383 | 232.00 |
Wanarn | 872 | 285.18 |
Wandana | 6532 | 848.78 |
Wandering | 6308 | 330.51 |
Wandi | 6167 | 12.38 |
Wandillup | 6256 | 137.34 |
Wandina | 6530 | 3.40 |
Wanerie | 6503 | 120.07 |
Wangara | 6065 | 5.57 |
Wannamal | 6505 | 281.03 |
Wannanup | 6210 | 4.76 |
Wanneroo | 6065 | 20.05 |
Wansbrough | 6320 | 360.66 |
Warakurna | 872 | 51.82 |
Warawarrup | 6220 | 13.36 |
Warburton | 6431 | 2794.52 |
Wardering | 6311 | 78.73 |
Warding East | 6405 | 212.50 |
Warmun | 6743 | 20.25 |
Warnbro | 6169 | 11.69 |
Warner Glen | 6288 | 28.30 |
Waroona | 6215 | 241.26 |
Warrachuppin | 6423 | 447.93 |
Warradarge | 6518 | 1001.97 |
Warralakin | 6421 | 567.10 |
Warrenup | 6330 | 7.79 |
Warwick | 6024 | 2.99 |
Waterbank | 6725 | 6633.96 |
Watercarrin | 6407 | 207.43 |
Waterford | 6152 | 1.54 |
Waterloo | 6228 | 31.64 |
Watermans Bay | 6020 | 1.22 |
Watheroo | 6513 | 783.36 |
Wattening | 6568 | 190.63 |
Wattle Grove | 6107 | 8.02 |
Wattleup | 6166 | 11.24 |
Wattoning | 6479 | 195.74 |
Webberton | 6530 | 2.53 |
Wedge Island | 6044 | 217.05 |
Wedgecarrup | 6315 | 356.93 |
Wedgefield | 6721 | 20.11 |
Welbungin | 6477 | 875.34 |
Weld Range | 6640 | 4547.78 |
Wellard | 6170 | 16.35 |
Wellesley | 6233 | 49.96 |
Wellington Forest | 6236 | 185.98 |
Wellington Mill | 6236 | 13.43 |
Wellstead | 6328 | 432.41 |
Welshpool | 6106 | 8.33 |
Wembley | 6014 | 4.23 |
Wembley Downs | 6019 | 4.35 |
West Ballidu | 6606 | 343.26 |
West Beach | 6450 | 21.05 |
West Binnu | 6532 | 313.70 |
West Busselton | 6280 | 8.20 |
West Cape Howe | 6330 | 24.93 |
West Casuarinas | 6630 | 684.42 |
West Coolup | 6214 | 83.97 |
West End | 6530 | 2.34 |
West Fitzgerald | 6337 | 657.62 |
West Holleton | 6369 | 431.44 |
West Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 6799 | 58.55 |
West Kalgoorlie | 6430 | 2.05 |
West Lamington | 6430 | 3.03 |
West Leederville | 6007 | 1.47 |
West Lyons River | 6705 | 20042.83 |
West Perth | 6005 | 2.33 |
West Pingelly | 6308 | 359.41 |
West Pinjarra | 6208 | 58.72 |
West Popanyinning | 6309 | 106.98 |
West River | 6346 | 1132.76 |
West Swan | 6055 | 6.59 |
West Toodyay | 6566 | 59.65 |
Westdale | 6304 | 174.15 |
Westminster | 6061 | 2.33 |
Westonia | 6423 | 306.55 |
Westwood | 6316 | 164.86 |
Whim Creek | 6718 | 30.32 |
Whitby | 6123 | 16.75 |
White Gum Valley | 6162 | 1.17 |
White Peak | 6532 | 36.97 |
Whiteman | 6068 | 27.67 |
Whittaker | 6207 | 88.62 |
Wialki | 6473 | 889.14 |
Wicherina | 6532 | 73.81 |
Wicherina South | 6532 | 69.45 |
Wickepin | 6370 | 374.61 |
Wickham | 6720 | 24.10 |
Widgiemooltha | 6443 | 5942.86 |
Wijilawarrim | 6743 | 4.70 |
Wilberforce | 6302 | 141.87 |
Wilbinga | 6041 | 133.32 |
Wilga | 6243 | 62.84 |
Wilga West | 6243 | 177.99 |
Wilgarrup | 6258 | 36.54 |
Wilgoyne | 6479 | 461.73 |
Willagee | 6156 | 2.07 |
Willare | 6728 | 3085.01 |
Willetton | 6155 | 8.65 |
William Bay | 6333 | 49.17 |
Williams | 6391 | 2135.68 |
Williamstown | 6430 | 4.39 |
Willyung | 6330 | 36.19 |
Wilson | 6107 | 3.82 |
Wiluna | 6646 | 35984.47 |
Wilyabrup | 6280 | 81.68 |
Windabout | 6450 | 4.03 |
Windy Harbour | 6262 | 217.86 |
Winnejup | 6255 | 160.41 |
Winthrop | 6150 | 3.45 |
Witchcliffe | 6286 | 54.69 |
Withers | 6230 | 4.39 |
Wittenoom | 6751 | 353.05 |
Wittenoom Hills | 6447 | 549.71 |
Wogolin | 6370 | 206.64 |
Wokalup | 6221 | 80.77 |
Womarden | 6519 | 380.44 |
Wongamine | 6401 | 27.77 |
Wongan Hills | 6603 | 236.23 |
Wongoondy | 6630 | 501.08 |
Wonnerup | 6280 | 17.58 |
Wonthella | 6530 | 3.70 |
Woodanilling | 6316 | 89.52 |
Woodbridge | 6056 | 1.37 |
Woodlands | 6018 | 1.91 |
Woodleigh | 6701 | 2327.86 |
Woodridge | 6041 | 17.25 |
Woodvale | 6026 | 7.35 |
Woogenellup | 6324 | 325.56 |
Woolgorong | 6630 | 1408.52 |
Woolocutty | 6369 | 410.58 |
Wooramel | 6701 | 7773.46 |
Wooroloo | 6558 | 47.50 |
Woorree | 6530 | 5.03 |
Woottating | 6562 | 167.29 |
Worsley | 6225 | 212.92 |
Wubin | 6612 | 498.03 |
Wundowie | 6560 | 53.44 |
Wungong | 6112 | 4.17 |
Wuraming | 6390 | 349.50 |
Wyalkatchem | 6485 | 511.29 |
Wyening | 6568 | 138.85 |
Wyndham | 6740 | 936.05 |
Wyola West | 6407 | 166.70 |
Xantippe | 6609 | 247.16 |
Yabberup | 6239 | 68.63 |
Yakamia | 6330 | 3.29 |
Yalardy | 6701 | 1011.90 |
Yalgoo | 6635 | 16996.24 |
Yallabatharra | 6535 | 966.53 |
Yallingup | 6282 | 75.31 |
Yallingup Siding | 6282 | 20.24 |
Yalyalup | 6280 | 32.17 |
Yanchep | 6035 | 218.02 |
Yandanooka | 6522 | 238.33 |
Yandoo Creek | 6701 | 3603.45 |
Yangebup | 6164 | 5.98 |
Yanmah | 6258 | 80.91 |
Yannarie | 6710 | 9990.48 |
Yarawindah | 6509 | 200.21 |
Yardarino | 6525 | 234.31 |
Yarloop | 6218 | 92.31 |
Yarragadee | 6522 | 238.47 |
Yathroo | 6507 | 624.42 |
Yeagarup | 6260 | 361.19 |
Yeal | 6503 | 202.05 |
Yealering | 6372 | 173.08 |
Yebble | 6285 | 18.10 |
Yelbeni | 6487 | 1.61 |
Yellowdine | 6426 | 1767.04 |
Yelverton | 6280 | 34.10 |
Yerecoin | 6571 | 161.16 |
Yetna | 6532 | 63.16 |
Yilkari | 6430 | 66.75 |
Yilliminning | 6312 | 186.76 |
Yoganup | 6275 | 383.77 |
Yokine | 6060 | 4.77 |
Yoongarillup | 6280 | 26.40 |
York | 6302 | 17.63 |
Yornaning | 6311 | 114.63 |
Yornup | 6256 | 142.18 |
Yoting | 6383 | 115.49 |
Youndegin | 6407 | 155.18 |
Youngs Siding | 6330 | 116.02 |
Yourdamung Lake | 6225 | 558.34 |
Yuna | 6532 | 348.23 |
Zanthus | 6434 | 12506.25 |
Zuytdorp | 6536 | 1708.03 |
Townsites (LGATE-248) in Western Australia
Townsites (LGATE-248) in Western Australia:[2]
- ^ "Localities (LGATE-234)". Landgate. Retrieved 24 September 2023.
- ^ "Townsites (LGATE-248)". Landgate. Retrieved 24 September 2023.