My interests are very wide, dealing mostly with physics of the universe, game theory, information and physical security, constructs of society, philosophy and general science and knowledge. The full list would take too long to type, and I'm not that patient.
For now, I'll probably be editing whatever page I happen to stumble on that I know is either false/has poor grammar/misspelled/ and so on.
My programming experience covers mostly C (Linux mostly), bash (Linux), assembly (for windows), PowerShell, and Pascal (for DOS). Yes, I know, programming Assembly for Win32 is not easy. I'm not masochistic – I'm just very curious as to how the small stuff actually works.
I grant non-exclusive permission for the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. to relicense my text and media contributions, including any images, audio clips, or video clips, under any copyleft license that it chooses, provided it maintains the free and open spirit of the GFDL. This permission acknowledges that future licensing needs of the Wikimedia projects may need adapting in unforeseen fashions to facilitate other uses, formats, and locations. It is given for as long as this banner remains.
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