User:Applepinepotato Applepinepotato Userboxes This user has been on Wikipedia for 12 years, 7 months and 14 days. Babel user information en-N This user has a native understanding of English. Users by language This user is fond of CricketThis user lives in England.This user lives in Devon.This user supports the right of the Falkland Islanders to determine their own sovereigntyThis user is a swimmer.This user supports the English cricket team.This user plays cricket.This user is a hipster.This user has some seriousSWAGDon't click this userbox.WORNEENG! TIs USr dOs NOt kNow Hw tO maeKe A yusEr bOks! (NOr tyPe.)MUSEThis user will be chasing a Starlight.