This page is, for the time being, going to be a page where I will log any progress made to version 1.4 of VandalProof. This is a massive project that involves totally rewriting the whole program from scratch in an effort to bring it up-to-date, and one that I don't know will ever be finished.
Either way, I will maintain an overall status percentage here, as well as a change log that I will update when I make a significant change to the program. Ale_Jrbtalk 15:55, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
Program Status
Around 25% complete.
30% complete
60% complete
5% complete
Browsing & Browsing Features
80% complete
Authentication & Security
5% complete
Reversion & Tagging
0% complete
Tools & Misc
0% complete
Change Log
Update 11/10/2007
As this is the first update to this log, it will contain everything I can remember that is complete so far.
- Created basic menus and menu options at top of program.
- Created mode tabs for switching of program mode (e.g. monitoring, options, moderating etc.).
- Created splitter panes to allow for resizing of various parts of the interface.
- Created left-pane, similar to previous pane, with views 'Suspected Clean', 'Suspected Dirty', 'Old Changes'.
- Implemented tabs for watchlist and contribs retrieval.
- Created browser pane in lower right.
- Implemented tabbed console to hold browser.
- Created movable web toolbar with standard options - back, forward, stop, go, URL bar, new tab, close tab.
- Created status bar at base of program.
- All additions are made using XP-valid/Vista-valid styles.
- Added retrieval of RC from API; gets vScore, length change, article, user and summary.
- Added vScore system which rates edits based on content as to how likely they are to be vandalism.
- Implemented sorting based on vScore - 'clean' and 'dirty' edits are separated, then sorted further into vScore order.
- Implemented click-load, when an edit is clicked its diff will be automatically loaded into the active tab (will be changed from Wiki-view diff to a sorted/filtered siff as with the RSS feed currently).
- Implemented status-updating; the status bar will change to reflect whether a retrieval is in progress.
- No changes.
Browsing & Browsing Features:
- Added tabbed base browsing. The program now creates tabs, and browsers to put in them, on-the-fly, meaning there can be an unlimited amount (currently limited to 30).
- Implemented browser-action functions for easy stop, backwards, forwards, stop, browse to and status retrieval commands from the browser in the active tab.
- Implemented Wiki-browse to the browser. It checks automatically if the entered URL seems to be a valid URL or a Wiki-link (e.g. or User:Ale_jrb) and will respond accordingly.
Authentication & Security:
- Tested the MySQL connection for user-authentication, appears workable (will probably run with this system - no more corrupt userlists, manageable without the VP program running: from a web interface etc.).
Reversion & Tagging:
- No change.
Tools & Misc:
- Investigated API admin-list retrieval, appears plausible ([1]).