- Gull (328) (G.W.Leake (6)) [Gull[1]] -(0) / WLBrockman(5) (EBrockman(30)) (Carroll(16)) Stuart -25-
- Brockman - W. L. Brockman, a portrait
- Illingworth - The Land Boomers chapter 24
Members of the Western Australian Legislative Council, 1832–1870
- Governor
- James Stirling - needs work
John Hutt-Andrew Clarke-Frederick Irwin- Charles Fitzgerald - needs work
Arthur Edward Kennedy-John Hampton-Frederick Weld
- Commandant
- Colonial Secretary
Peter BrounGeorge Fletcher Moore- Richard Madden
- Revett Bland
- Thomas Yule
- Charles Piesse
- Thomas Falconer - needs image
- William Sanford
Frederick Barlee
- Surveyor General
John Septimus Roe - Malcolm Fraser (surveyor) - John Forrest
- Advocate General
William MackieGeorge Fletcher Moore- Richard Nash (Australian politician)
- B. W. Vigors
- Richard Burnie
- George Frederick Stone
- Collector of Revenue
- Comptroller General
- Non-official nominee members
- Walter Andrews (Australian politician)
- Edward Pomeroy Barrett-Lennard - needs to cite Black and Bolton
- Walter Bateman - needs image
- William Locke Brockman - needs to cite W. L. Brockman: A Portrait
- Thomas Brown (Western Australian politician) - needs image
Julian Carr (Australian politician)- Marshall Clifton
- William Clifton
- Edward Hamersley (Snr) - needs image
- John Wall Hardey
- George Leake (1809-1847)
- William Mackie - needs image
- Samuel Moore (Australian politician)
- Richard Nash (Australian politician)
- Edward Newman (Australian politician)
- Thomas Peel - needs work
- Samuel Pole Phillips
- Lionel Samson
- Francis Singleton
- James Lee Steere
- William Tanner (Australian politician)
- Thomas Yule
Members of the Parliament of Western Australia, 1870–1930
85/416 (20.4%)
- Under representative government only
Frederick Barlee-Wallace Bickley-Edmund Birch-Charles Edward Broadhurst-Henry Brockman- William Locke Brockman - needs to cite W. L. Brockman: A Portrait
Maitland Brown-Lockier Burges-William Burges-Alfred Bussell-John Garrett Bussell-Thomas Carey-Julian Carr-Charles Crowther-John Davis-James Drummond (Australian politician)-Theodore Fawcett-Malcolm Fraser-Richard Gale-Edric Gifford-Roger Goldsworthy- Thomas Gull [1] (1)
Samuel Hamersley- David Hay (Western Australian politician)
- Alfred Hensman (1)
Edward Higham- Henry Hocking [1]
John Horgan- John James (Australian politician)
- George Layman
- Luke Leake (3)
Anthony O'Grady Lefroy- Major Logue (2)
- John McKail
- Alexander McRae (1)
- Clayton Mason
- Joseph Monger (1)
- Edward Newman
- Alexander Onslow
- Walter Padbury (2) - needs to cite his biography and Black&Bolton
- Stephen Stanley Parker (1)
- Samuel Pole Phillips (2)
Matthew Smith- Edward Albert Stone [1]
James Thomas- Robert Walcott [1]
Charles Warton
- responsible government (1890–1930)
- William Alexander (Australian politician)
- Ebenezer Allen (Australian politician)
- Joseph Allen (Australian politician) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council)
Josceline Amherst- Edward Angelo
- William Angwin (1)
Harry Anstey- Richard Ardagh
- William Atkins (politician)
- Frederick Baglin
- Wiliam Baker
- George Barnard (Australian politician)
- Edward Barnett (1)
- Thomas Bath (3) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly) (also Leader of the Opposition)
- Charles Baxter (politician)
- George Bellingham
- Harry Boan
- Harry Bolton
- John Boyland
- James Brebber
Henry Briggs (politician)- Thomas Brimage
- Edmund Brockman (1) (also under representative government)
- William Brookman
- Frank Broun (1)
- Harry Brown (Australian politician)
- Henry Brown (Australian politician)
- John Brown (Australian politician)
- Samuel Brown (Australian politician)
- Thomas Leishman Brown
- Richard Burges (1)
- Thomas Burges (3) (also under representative government)
- Septimus Burt (5) (also under representative government)
- Alfred Burvill [0]
Robert Bush-William Butcher-Richard Buzacott- Marinus Canning [1] (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
William Carpenter- William Carroll (Australian politician) (also federal)
- Henry Carson
- Lionel Carter
- Thomas Chesson
- Ephraim Clarke (1)
- Bernard Clarkson
- Alexander Clydesdale
- Thomas Cockburn Campbell (2) [0] (also under representative government) (also President of the Legislative Council) - needs to cite Black and Bolton, I think there's a biography or autobiography?
Hal ColebatchPhilip Collier- Daniel Congdon (1) [0] (also under representative government)
- James Connolly (Australian politician) (1)
- John Conolly (Australian politician
- Francis Connor
- Joseph Cookworthy (1)
- Edwin Corboy (also federal)
- James Cornell (also President of the Legislative Council) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council)
- Aubrey Coverley [0]
Edith CowanPeter Cowan- George Cowcher [0]
- Frederick Crowder
Joseph Cullen- James Cunningham (Australian politician) (also federal)
- John Cunningham (Australian politician)
Henry Daglish- Everard Darlot (1)
- Leonard Darlot
- Arthur Davies
- Edward Davies (Australian politician) (1)
- Joseph Davies (politician)
- Frederick Davis
- Thomas Davy
- Lancel De Hamel (also under representative government)
- Andrew Dempster (2)
- Charles Dempster (Australian politician) (also under representative government)
- James Denton (Australian politician)
- Arthur Diamond
- Jabez Dodd
- Denis Doherty
James Doland- Victor Doney
- Bronterre Dooley
- Thomas Draper
- John Drew (Australian politician) (3)
- Thomas Duff
- Joseph Duffell
- Michael Durack
- Walter Dwyer
- William Eddy
- Samuel Elliott
- Henry Ellis (politician)
- John Ewing (Australian politician) (2) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council)
Norman Ewing- John Ferguson (Australian politician)
- Percy Ferguson
- George Foley (1) (also federal)
- Alexander Forrest - needs work
- David Forrest
John Forrest- this could be a featured article- John Foulkes
- James Franklin (politician)
- Gilbert Fraser
- James Gardiner (Australian politician) (2) (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly)
Joseph Gardiner- Douglas Gawler
- William George (Australian politician)
- Frank Gibson
- Archibald Gilchrist
- Frederick Gill (1)
- William Glasheen
- John Glowrey
- George Glyde (2) (also under representative government)
- William Gordon (Australian politician)
- Hugh Gourley
- McKenzie Grant (1) (also under representative government)
- Edmund Gray
- Albert Green (also federal)
- Henry Gregory (5)
- James Greig
- Harry Griffiths
- James Griffiths (Australian politician)
- Arthur Gull
- John Winthrop Hackett Senior - needs to cite Black and Bolton, maybe others?
- Edmund Hall
- Henry Hall [0]
Edward Hamersley (Jnr)Vernon Hamersley- Richard Hardey (1) [0] (also under representative government)
- John Hardwick (politician)
- Charles Harper (politician) (1) (also under representative government) (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
- Nathaniel Harper
- Edgar Harris
- Thomas Harrison (Australian politician)
- Albert Hassell (also under representative government)
- John Hassell
- Robert Hastie (1)
- Richard Haynes (Australian politician) (3)
- Samuel Haynes (Australian politician)
- Thomas Hayward (Australian politician)
Edward Heitmann- Andrew Henning [1]
Ernest HenshawErnest Henty- Thomas Heron [0]
- James Hickey (Australian politician)
- Henry Hickmott
- John Hicks (Australian politician)
- John Higham (Australian politician) (1)
John Holman (politician)- May Holman (1)
- Joseph Holmes (politician) (2)
E. T. Hooley- John Hopkins (Australian politician) (1)
- Austin Horan
- George Hubble (1)
- Charles Hudson (Australian politician) (1)
- Thomas Hughes (Western Australian politician)
- Robert Hutchinson
- Frederick Illingworth - needs to reference Michael Cannon (1966) The Land Boomers
- James Isdell
- Mathieson Jacoby (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly)
Walter James- Adam Jameson (3)
- Arthur Jenkins (Australian politician)
- William Johnson (Australian politician) (1) (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly)
- Edward Johnston (Australian politician) - needs federal perspective
- Dennis Jones
- Walter Jones (Australian politician)
- Edward Keane (1) (also under representative government)
- Norbert Keenan
Henry Keep- George Kempton
- James Kenneally
- Maurice Kennedy
- Henry Kenny (Australian politician)
Charles Keyser- Alfred Kidson
- Walter Kingsmill (4) (also federal) (also President of the Legislative Council) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council)
- John Kirwan (politician) (2) (also federal) (also President of the Legislative Council) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council) - needs image, and needs to cite Partlon (2000) "Champion of the Goldfields", Kirwan (1936) "My life's adventure" and Black and Bolton (2001)
- William Kitson
- George Lambert (Australian politician)
- Alfred Lamond
- Titus Lander
- Zebina Lane
- Joseph Langsford (1)
- Charles Latham (Australian politician) (1) (also federal) (also President of the Legislative Council) (also Leader of the Opposition)
- William Lathlain
- Robert Laurie
- Charles Layman
George Leake- George Walpole Leake (6) [1] (also under representative government)
Henry Lefroy- Charles Lewis (Australian politician)
- John Lindsay (Australian politician)
- Ernest Locke
William Loton- Arthur Lovekin
- Henry Lukin (politician)
John Lutey- Patrick Lynch (Australian politician) (1) (also federal)
- Robert Lynn
- Alexander McCallum (1)
- Francis McDonald (Australian politician)
John McDonald (Australian politician)- Charles McDowall
- James MacFarlane
- Donald Mackay (Western Australian politician) (1)
- Cuthbert McKenzie
- Robert McKenzie (Australian politician)
- Hugh McKernan
- Edward McLarty
- John McLarty
- George McLeod
- George McWilliams
- Arthur Male
- Charles Maley
- Henry Maley
- Wesley Maley
- Henry Mann
- William Mann (Australian politician)
- William Marmion (1) (also under representative government)
- Thomas Marshall (Australian politician)
- William Marshall (Australian politician) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
- Warren Marwick
- Alexander Matheson (Australian politician) (also federal)
- George Miles (Australian politician)
- Harold Millington (1)
- Joshua Mills (Australian politician)
- James Mitchell (Australian politician) - needs work
- Samuel Mitchell (Australian politician) (also under representative government)
- Thomas Molloy (Australian politician)
- Griffin Money
- Frederick Monger (1) [0]
John MongerNewton Moore- Samuel Moore (Australian politician) [0]
- Thomas Moore (Australian politician)
- William Moore (Australian politician) (1) (also under representative government)
- Frederick Moorhead (4)
- Charles Moran (politician) (2)
Alf Morgans- James Morrison (Australian politician) (2) (also under representative government)
- Matthew Moss (3)
- John Mullany
- Selby Munsie
- William Murphy (Australian politician)
- William Ralph Nairn
- John Nanson (3)
- Charles Nathan
- Edward Needham (also federal)
- Wallace Nelson - needs image, and needs to cite Black and Bolton (2001) and Gill (2000) "Running the Rag" (Cas's great-great-grandfather)
- John Nicholson (Western Australian politician)
- Charles North (politician) (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly)
- William Oats
- Bartholemew O'Brien
Michael O'Connor- Charles Oldham
- Peter O'Loghlen (1)
- Henry Osborn (politician)
- Alexander Panton (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly)
- Stephen Henry Parker (3) (also under representative government)
- Harold Parsons
- William Paterson (Australian politician) (also under representative government)
- William Patrick (senior)
- William Pearse (Australian politician) (1) (also under representative government)
- Richard Pennefather (2)
- Samuel James Phillips
- William Pickering (Australian politician) (also federal)
- Alfred Piesse
- Arnold Piesse
- Charles Piesse (1)
Frederick Henry Piesse- Sydney Piggott [1]
Robert Pilkington- George Potter (politician)
- James Price (Australian politician)
- Richard Price (Western Australian politician) [0]
William PurkissTimothy Quinlan- George Rainsford (also federal) [0]
- George Randell (3) (also under representative government) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
Cornthwaite Rason- Fergie Reid
- John Reside
- Alexander Richardson (1) (also under representative government)
- John Richardson (Australian politician)
- Walter Richardson (Australian politician) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
Edward Robinson (Australian politician)- Herbert Robinson
- Robert Robinson (politician)
Richard Robson- Samuel Rock
- Edwin Rose
- Francis Rowe
- Richard Sampson (politician) (1)
- Archibald Sanderson
- Henry Saunders (also federal)
- Athelstan Saw
- William Sayer (1)
John Scaddan- Edward Scott (politician) (1) (also under representative government)
- Harold Seddon (also President of the Legislative Council) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council)
- George Sewell (politician)
George Shenton- Horace Sholl (1) (also under representative government)
- Robert Frederick Sholl (also under representative government)
- John Simons (Australian politician)
- George Simpson (politician)
- Joseph Sleeman (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
- Edmund Smith
- Henry Smith (Australian politician)
James MacCallum Smith- John Smith (Australian politician)
- Elias Solomon (2) (also federal)
- Charles Sommors
- James Speed (Australian politician)
- Richard Speight
- William Spencer (Australian politician) (1)
- James Lee Steere (1) (also under representative government) (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly)
- Henry Stephenson (Australian politician)
- Hector Stewart
- John Steward
- Frank Stone (politician)
Patrick Stone- Julian Stuart
- Bartholemew Stubbs
- Sydney Stubbs (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
- Herbert Swan
- David Symon
- George Taylor (Australian politician) (4) (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly) (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
- John Taylor (Australian politician)
- Frederick Teesdale
- Albert Thomas (Australian politician)
- William Thomas (Australian politician)
- Alexander Thomson (politician)
- John Thomson (Australian politician) (1)
- Joseph Thomson (Australian politician)
George Throssell- William Traylen (also Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly)
- Michael Troy (politician) (2) (also Speaker of the Legislative Assembly)
- Philip Turvey
- Rufus Underwood
- Henry Venn (Australian politician) (also under representative government)
- John Veryard (1) [0]
Frederick VosperThomas Walker (Australian politician)- Frank Wallace (politician) (2) [0]
- John Walter (politician)
- Arthur Wansbrough
- Charles Wansbrough (1)
- Francis Ware
- Alfred Watts (also Leader of the Opposition)
Frederic Whitcombe- Thomas Wilding [1]
John Willcock- Charles Williams (Australian politician)
- Francis Willmott (1)
- Albert Wilson (politician)
- Arthur Wilson (politician)
- Francis Ford Wilson
Frank Wilson- Evan Wisdom
- Frederick Withers [0]
Charles WittenoomEdward Wittenoom- Barrington Wood (2) [0]
- James Wright (Australian politician)
- John Wright (Australian politician) [0] (also under representative government)
Herbert YellandHenry Yelverton
- Black, David; Bolton, Geoffrey (2001). Biographical Register of Members of the Parliament of Western Australia, Volume One, 1870–1930 (Revised ed.). Parliament House: Parliament of Western Australia. ISBN 0730738140.
Use {{Template:Black and Bolton 2001}}