Höltge, Dieter; Köhler, Günter H. (1992). Straßen- und Stadtbahnen in Deutschland [Tramways and Stadtbahnen in Germany] (in German). Vol. Band 1: Hessen [Volume 1: Hesse] (2nd., enlarged ed.). Freiburg i. B., Germany: EK-Verlag. ISBN 3882553359.

This template generates a book citation as above, using the {{cite book}}
{{EK-SSD-1 | page=xx}} {{EK-SSD-1 | pages=xx–yy}} {{EK-SSD-1 | ref=ID}}
- Optional parameters
- page – The relevant page number for a specific citation – the "p." prefix is automatically added
- pages – The relevant page numbers for a specific citation – the "pp." prefix is automatically added
If both |page=
and |pages=
are specified, |page=
is ignored.
- ref – ID for anchor; if omitted, the special value
is used, so that{{harvnb|Höltge|Köhler|1992}}
etc. will link.
Apart from the default value |ref=harv
, the three parameters are passed unchanged to {{cite book}}
- see that template's documentation for further information.
See also
Other templates in this series: