
Template:Dulez 150

Dulez, Jean A. (2012). Railways of Southern Africa 150 Years (Commemorating One Hundred and Fifty Years of Railways on the Sub-Continent – Complete Motive Power Classifications and Famous Trains – 1860–2011) (1st ed.). Garden View, Johannesburg, South Africa: Vidrail Productions. ISBN 9 780620 512282.


<ref name="Dulez 150">{{Dulez 150|page=xx}}</ref>
<ref name="Dulez 150">{{Dulez 150|pages=xx–yy}}</ref>
<ref name="Dulez 150">{{Dulez 150|pages=xx–yy, zz}}</ref>

Optional parameters:

  • page – The relevant page number for a specific citation – the "p." prefix is added automatically
  • pages – The relevant page numbers for a specific citation – the "pp." prefix is added automatically