
52-card deck
Card ranks from Standard 52-card deck:
= , , ,{{Cards|10}}
= -
56-card deck
Card ranks from 56-card deck[1]:
= (Knight, standard 56-card deck){{Cards|1}}
= (standard 56-card deck){{Cards|11}}
= (nonstandard 56-card deck)
You may use "r" (red) or "b" (black) suit:
Or maybe use the parameters "rank_name
" and "suit_name
" (details see below, the "Advanced usage" section) to get a full name:
? card
Symbols that indicate any or unknown card rank:
Customized card
Actually any string will be allowed to be shown as a "card", e.g.: {{Cards|Cd}}
= , {{Cards|Vs}}
= , {{Cards|€h}}
= , {{Cards|勾c}}
If one of "s", "h", "d", "c", "r", "b" in lower or upper case, and ♠, ♥, ♦, ♣ is at the end, it will be thought as a suit. A "&" symbol can be used to escape, as: {{Cards|R&}}
= , {{Cards|Joker&}}
= , {{Cards|♥♥&}}
The first letter of "a", "k", "q", "kn", "j", "jkr" and "x" will be capitalized. To prevent it, put them in a <span></span>
: {{Cards|<span>k</span>s}}
Compound use
=- Card ranks without suit:
= - Stand-alone suit symbols:
Other note
Predefined strings: "a", "k", "q", "kn", "j", "jkr", "x", and "s", "h", "d", "c", "r", "b", are case insensitive when parsed.
The number of the basic, non-named parameters (for cards) should be from 1 to 15.
Advanced usage
Description of all parameters
| <!-- first card's rank and/or suit,
as described above in the "Basic" section -->
| <!-- second card --><!--
... 15 max. -->
| separator =
| sortable = <!-- "yes" or anything else -->
| rank_name = <!-- "full" or anything else -->
| suit_name = <!-- "full" or "letter" or anything else -->
| hand_style =
| spades_color =
| hearts_color =
| diamonds_color =
| clubs_color =
| boldface = <!-- "yes" or "no" -->
| card_style = <!--
| use_image = -->
All these parameters are optional.
: separator that separates every card, default is a non-breaking space ( )sortable
: may be "yes" or anything else:yes
: add a hidden key to indicate the card rank and suit's level to make it sortable in a table; card ranks from highest to lowest: Jkr, A, K, Q, Kn, J, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, then anything else; suits from highest to lowest: ♠, ♥, ♦, ♣, red, black, then those without suit indicated; note that it can only tell first card's rank, then the second card's rank, ..., it may not reflect the hand's actual value when it includes 2 or more cards- Anything else (incl. leaving blank or not presenting this parameter): default, not do it
: "full" or anything else:full
: full rank name: "Joker", "Ace", "King", "Queen", "Knight", "Jack", "11", "10", "9", ...- Anything else (incl. leaving blank or not presenting this parameter): default, normal abbr. rank name: "Jkr", "A", "K", "Q", "Kn", "J", "11", "10", "9", ...
: "full" or "letter" or anything else:full
: full suit name with a space before: " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "; if you use a full suit name, usually you may want to make the card rank name full and make the separator a comma and a space (a non-breaking space " " must be used), that'll be:{{Cards|Ac|Kd|10s|2h|separator=, |rank_name=full|suit_name=full}}
= , , ,letter
: one letter suit name: " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "- Anything else (incl. leaving blank or not presenting this parameter): default, normal suit name: " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "
: CSS style for the hand<b style="" class="pokerhands"></b>
: color (CSS color value, like "#FFFFFF" or "white") for cards of every suit; default is 2 black and 2 red; with these parameters, you may make it a 4-color deck:{{Cards|Ac|Kd|10s|2h|diamonds_color=blue|clubs_color=green}}
: enables or disables boldface on card fontyes
: uses bold font to display cards (default setting):no
: uses regular font to display cards:
: CSS style for every card<span style="" class="playingcards"></span>
: (not yet implemented) use images to show the cards
HTML, class names and CSS
The HTML markup produced by this template includes a microformat, it uses rich semantic class names including: "pokerhands", "playingcards", "spades", "hearts", "diamonds", "clubs", "cardranks", "cardsuits", which makes the details parsable by computers.
For example, {{Cards|Ac|10♥|Knd|?|J|s}}
generates , whose HTML markup is:
<!-- sortable hidden key, if needed, is inserted before <b /> and is like:
<span data-sort-value="&140&10&100&30&115&20&000&00&110&00&105&40"></span> -->
<b style="" class="pokerhands"><!-- value of 'hand_style', if exists, is added here inside 'style=""' -->
<span style="color:black;" class="playingcards clubs"><!-- 'black' will changed to 'clubs_color''s value if defined;
'card_style''s value, if exists, is added here inside 'style=""', and after the color value;
same things apply to below ones -->
<span class="cardranks">A</span><span class="cardsuits">♣</span>
</span> <!-- will be replaced by user defined 'separator' if there is one;
same thing applys to below ones -->
<span style="color:red;" class="playingcards hearts">
<span class="cardranks">10</span><span class="cardsuits">♥</span>
<span style="color:red;" class="playingcards diamonds">
<span class="cardranks">Kn</span><span class="cardsuits">♦</span>
<span style="" class="playingcards"><!-- 'card_style''s value, if exists, is added here inside 'style=""';
same thing applys to below one -->
<span class="cardranks">?</span>
<span style="" class="playingcards">
<span class="cardranks">J</span>
<span style="color:black;" class="playingcards spades">
<span class="cardsuits">♠</span>
Template for playing cards, will automatically color the suits with the standard red/black. To see a typical 4-color deck, copy the following into your user style sheet (Special:MyPage/common.css for the common CSS):
/* Standard four-color deck */
.diamonds { color: blue !important }
.clubs { color: green !important }
Developers' links
- Template:Cards/core
- Template:Cards/core2
- Template:Cards/core3
- User:Chzz/cards/clubs
- User:Chzz/cards/diamonds
- User:Chzz/cards/hearts
- User:Chzz/cards/spades
See also
- ^ containing in each suit a King, Queen, Knight, and Valet (from the French tarot court)