
Talk:Renaissance of the 11th century

What is this?

"Renaissance of the year 1000" does not exist in English scholarship, that I can see. The "mutation de l'an mil", yes. "Terrors of the year 1000" also. Even church reform, certainly, although we have neither an article nor a common term for it besides the rather too specific Gregorian reform. But no 'renaissance'. Srnec (talk) 01:07, 6 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, @Srnec! This article (and the term that gives its title) is a translation from the IT wiki. The expression may not exist in EN, but it does in IT. What is your suggestion? We can move the page to use the original's title and adjust some parts of the text. Or we can accept this as one of the few translations of the term (if not the first, since you said that EN scholarship does not contain it). @Manoru007 and I are available to adjust what's needed to make it according to the community's standard Sintropepe (talk) 14:43, 11 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
For now, I would say that the page needs to frame itself as a concept in Italian scholarship. I can find some English references to a "renaissance of the 11th century", but I cannot tell if it matches this topic. If it does, then it would be the better title. Srnec (talk) 03:13, 26 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]