

Reference to this page in hansard

See http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/PB/Debates/Debates/Speeches/0/1/1/49HansS_20101118_00000235-Curran-Clare-Local-Government-Act-2002-Amendment.htm

"Ritual abuse"

Ritual abuse is one of the links below this article. Ritual abuse redirects to "Satanic panic". I'm not sure what Orwell or the adjective 'Orwellian' has to do with this? Is it the implication that Satanic abuse is Orwellian or that the people who prosecuted parents for satanic abuse is Orwellian or that the backlash against these prosecutions is Orwellian? Either clarify or remove. FieldOfWheat (talk) 17:40, 8 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]