
Siegfried Reissek

Siegfried Reissek (11 April 1819 in Teschen – 9 November 1871 in Vienna) was an Austrian naturalist and botanist who specialized in spermatophytes. He is known for his studies involving plant anatomy and histology.[1]

From 1837 to 1841 he was a student at the University of Vienna. He worked as assistant curator at the Royal Botanical Collection in Vienna between 1845 and 1867, when he was appointed head curator; and from 1848 was a member of the Vienna Academy of Sciences.[2] He circumscribed numerous plant taxa, including the genus Stenanthemum (family Rhamnaceae).[3] The plant genus Reissekia from Brazil (in the family Rhamnaceae) commemorates his name.[4][5]


  • Über die selbständige Entwickelung der Pollenzelle zur keimtragenden Pflanze, 1844 – On the self-development of the pollen cell in germinating plants.
  • Die Fasergewebe des Leines. des Hanfes, der Nessel und Baumwolle, 1851 – The fibrous tissue of rope, hemp, nettle and cotton.
  • Untersuchungen über die Fäulniss der Mohrrüben, 1852 – Studies on the putrefaction of carrots.
  • Alphitomyces schroetteri (1856).
  • Die Palmen. Eine physiognomisch-culturhistorische Skizze, 1861 – The palms.
  • Celastrineae, Ilicineae et Rhamneae, 1861. In: Flora Brasiliensis.
  • Die Vegetation von Südasien, 1864 – Vegetation of southern Asia.
  • "Correspondence : Reissek (Siegfried) and Engelmann (George)", 1876.
