
Senate district 4 – Most

4 – Most
Senate district of the Czech Republic
Jan Paparega
RegionÚstí nad Labem
Area467.16 km²
Last election2022
Next election2028

Senate district 4 – Most is an electoral district of the Senate of the Czech Republic, located around the city of Most and consisting if the whole of Most District.[1] From 2022, Jan Paparega of ProMOST is representing the district, caucusing with the ODS and TOP 09 Senate group.


Year Senator Party
1996[a] Richard Falbr Independent
1998 ČSSD
2004 Vlastimil Balín KSČM
2010 Alena Dernerová S.cz
2016[b] Alena Dernerová
2017[c] Alena Dernerová SD-SN
2022 Jan Paparega ProMOST



1996 Czech Senate election in Most[2][d]
Candidate Party 1st round 2nd round
Votes % Votes %
Richard Falbr Independent 6 245 26,34 11 993 53,23
Milan Konečný ODS 9 367 39,51 10 538 46,77
Jan Vagaši KSČM 5 168 21,80
Petr Pakosta ČSNS 1 509 6,37
Kamila Moučková ODA 727 3,07
Vojtěch Krejčíř KDU-ČSL 690 2,91


1998 Czech Senate election in Most[3]
Candidate Party 1st round 2nd round
Votes % Votes %
Richard Falbr ČSSD 11 609 41,55 9 584 55,59
Pavel Weiss Independent 5 676 22,32 7 655 44,41
Jiří Pešek ODS 5 552 19,87
Vlastimil Balín KSČM 4 856 17,38
Andrej Olejník Right Alternative 246 0,88


2004 Czech Senate election in Most[4]
Candidate Party 1st round 2nd round
Votes % Votes %
Vlastimil Balín KSČM 5 236 27,01 7 894 52,42
Hana Jeníčková ODS 4 608 23,84 7 163 47,57
Petr Červenka ČSSD 3 828 19,81
Pavel Weiss KDU-ČSL 2 625 13,58
Karel Zdražil SNK ED 1 444 7,47
Tomáš Matějovský NEZ 1 153 5,96
Olga Procházková Rozumní 429 2,22


2010 Czech Senate election in Most[5]
Candidate Party 1st round 2nd round
Votes % Votes %
Alena Dernerová S.cz 12 671 37,29 11 677 65,14
Zdeněk Brabec ČSSD 6 039 17,77 6 247 34,85
Josef Nétek KSČM 4 012 11,80
Václav Hofmann ODS 3 921 11,54
Saša Štembera TOP 09 2 674 7,87
Vlastimil Doležal VV 1 846 5,43
Tomáš Vandas DSSS 1 744 5,13
Vlastimil Balín OMMO 1 069 3,14


The 2016 election was declared invalid by the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic (NSS) after it was found that the deputy leader of Severočeši.cz retracted Alena Dernerová candidacy a week before the election, however the city administration of Most, which was overseeing the election, did not accept the retraction. NSS found this illegal and ordered an electoral re-run in 2017.[6]

2016 Czech Senate election in Most (annulled)[7]
Candidate Party 1st round 2nd round
Votes % Votes %
Alena Dernerová S.cz 8 134 36,66 6 844 70,81
Jiří Šlégr ČSSD 3 644 16,42 2 821 29,18
Jiří Biolek STAN 3 465 15,61
Josef Nétek KSČM 2 542 11,45
Libuše Hrdinová ODS 1 820 8,20
Oto Zaremba DSSS, NÁR.SOC., NF, ČÚNL 1 339 6,03
Jiří Maria Sieber SKP – ŘN 1 241 5,59

2017 (re-run)

Re-run of the annulled 2016 election. Alena Dernerová chose to run under United Democrats – Association of Independents label after she was ousted from Severočeši.cz the year before, and was reelected in the first round after gaining over 50% of the vote.

2017 Czech Senate repeated election in Most[8]
Candidate Party 1st round
Votes %
Alena Dernerová SD-SN 5 933 54,90
Jiří Šlégr ČSSD 1 700 15,73
Josef Nétek KSČM 797 7,37
Roman Ziegler ANO 723 6,69
Jiří Biolek STAN 639 5,91
Libuše Hrdinová ODS 444 4,10
Jiří Maria Sieber SKP – ŘN 246 2,27
Zbyněk Vodák TOP 09 195 1,80
Jiří Fiala Rozumní 128 1,18


Candidate Party 1st round 2nd round
Votes % Votes %
Jan Paparega ProMOST[e] 8 672 31,59 6 747 58,79
Alena Dernerová SD-SN 8 608 31,36 4 729 41,20
Ivana Turková SPD 6 547 23,85
Hana Aulická Jírovcová Independent 3 331 12,13
Michal Moravec ND 290 1,05


  1. ^ Election for shortened two-year term
  2. ^ Election canceled by the Supreme Administrative Court
  3. ^ Re-run of the 2016 election
  4. ^ As this was the first ever election to the Senate of the Czech Republic, Senator was elected only for two-year term.
  5. ^ Supported by ODS, TOP 09 and KDU-ČSL


  1. ^ "Popis volebního obvodu číslo 4". Senate of the Czech Republic (in Czech). 2012-01-01. Retrieved 2024-06-15.
  2. ^ "Výsledky hlasování". volby.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  3. ^ "Výsledky hlasování". volby.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  4. ^ "Výsledky hlasování". volby.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  5. ^ "Výsledky hlasování". volby.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  6. ^ "Rozhodnutí Nejvyššího správního soudu o opakování voleb 2016". nssoud.cz (in Czech). Archived from the original on 2016-11-11.
  7. ^ "Výsledky hlasování". volby.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 2024-06-29.
  8. ^ "Výsledky hlasování". volby.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 2024-06-29.