List of political parties in Moldova
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Administrative divisions |
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History of Moldova |
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This article lists a series of political parties, both historical and contemporary as well as active and inactive, from the Republic of Moldova. The Republic of Moldova is a multi-party parliamentary republic with a unicameral system. As of 2021, in Moldova, there are 45 political parties that have been formally registered.[1]
Parliamentary parties
Party | Abbr. | Ideology | Political Position | Leader | MPs | ||
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Party of Action and Solidarity Partidul Acțiune și Solidaritate |
PAS | Liberalism, Anti-corruption, Pro-Europeanism | Centre-right | Igor Grosu | 62 / 101 | |
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Bloc of Communists and Socialists Blocul Comuniștilor și Socialiștilor |
BCS | Democratic socialism, Communism, Russophilia, Social conservatism | Left-wing to Far left | Igor Dodon, Vladimir Voronin |
26 / 101 |
Main non-parliamentary parties
Minor parties
- Agrarian Party of Moldova (Partidul Agrar din Moldova)
- Alliance for the Union of Romanians (Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor)
- Christian-Democratic People's Party (Partidul Popular Creștin Democrat)
- Centrist Union of Moldova (Uniunea Centristă din Moldova)
- Conservative Party (Partidul Conservator)
- Collective Action Party – Civic Congress (Partidul Acțiunii Comune – Congresul Civic)
- Democracy at Home Party (Partidul „Democrația Acasă”)
- Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (Alianța Liberalilor și Democraților pentru Europa)
- Ecologist Green Party (Partidul Verde Ecologist)
- European Party (Partidul European)
- Greater Moldova Party (Partidul „Moldova Mare”)
- Heart of Moldova Republican Party (Partidul Republican „Inima Moldovei”)
- Liberal Reformist Party (Partidul Liberal Reformator)
- Moldova's Salvation Front (Frontul Salvării Moldovei)
- Motherland Party (Partidul „Patria”)
- National Liberal Party (Partidul Național Liberal)
- New Historical Option (Noua Opțiune Istorică)
- Party "Moldova Uniță" (United Moldova) (Partidul „Moldova Uniță — Единая Молдова”)
- Party of Law and Justice (Partidul Legii și Dreptății)
- Party of Regions of Moldova (Partidul Regiunilor din Moldova)
- Party "Our Home – Moldova" (Partidul „Casa Noastră — Moldova”)
- Party "Patriots of Moldova" (Partidul „Patrioţii Moldovei”)
- Party "The Will of the People" (Partidul „Voința Poporului”)
- People's Democratic Party of Moldova (Partidul Popular Democrat din Moldova)
- People's Movement Antimafia (Mișcarea Populară Antimafie)
- People's Party of the Republic of Moldova (Partidul Popular din Republica Moldova)
- People's Socialist Party of Moldova (Partidul Popular Socialist din Moldova)
- Professionals' Movement Speranta-Nadejda (Mișcarea Profesioniştilor „Speranța-Nadejda”)
- Progressive Society Party (Partidul Societăţii Progresiste)
- Republican Party of Moldova (Partidul Republican din Moldova)
- Revival Party (Partidul „Renaștere”)
- Russian-Slavic Party of Moldova (Partidul Ruso-Slavean din Moldova)
- Social and Political Movement "New Force" (Mișcarea social-politică „Forța Noua”)
- Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social-Democrat)
- Socialist Party of Moldova (Partidul Socialist din Moldova)
- Social-Political Movement of the Roma (Mişcarea social-politică a Romilor din Republica Moldova)
- Working People's Party (Partidului Oamenilor Muncii)
Former parties
- Communist Reformist Party (Partidul Comunist Reformator). Founded in 2014, it has participated at the 2014 parliamentary elections, gaining 4.92% of votes. It failed to register at for the 2015 local elections. Subsequently, in February 2016, its legal registration status was cancelled by the Moldovan justice.[2]
- European Action Movement (Mișcarea Acţiunea Europeană, merged into the Liberal Party)
- Our Moldova Alliance (Alianța „Moldova Noastră”, merged into the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova)
- Social Liberal Party (Partidul Social-Liberal, merged into Democratic Party of Moldova)
- Social Democracy Party (Partidul Democrației Sociale, merged with the Social Democratic Party of Moldova)
- Șor Party (Partidul Șor, banned)
Historical political parties
- Bessarabian Peasants' Party (Partidul Țărănesc din Basarabia)
- Communist Party of Moldova (Partidul Comunist al Moldovei)
- Democratic Agrarian Party (Partidul Democrat Agrar)
- Democratic Union of Freedom (Uniunea Democratică a Libertăţii)
- Freedom Party, Bessarabia (Partidul Libertăţii)
- Gagauz Khalky, Gagauz separatist, now outlawed
- National Moldavian Party (Partidul Național Moldovenesc)
- National Patriotic Front (Partidul Național Patriotic)
Party alliances
- Alliance for Democracy and Reforms
- Alliance for European Integration
- Alliance for European Integration III
- Electoral Bloc Democratic Moldova
- Electoral Bloc Motherland
- Political Alliance for a European Moldova
- Pro-European Coalition
Political camps
Two major movements have developed in the recent years in Moldovan politics and they can be distinguished as follows:
- On the one hand, a pro-Western world, pro-Moldovan-Romanian unionism, and pro-European, generally comprising conservative liberals.
- On the other hand, a Russophilian, pro-communist or pro-Usatîi, generally Eurosceptic, and often anti-American and strongly anti-liberal group of parties.
See also
- List of political parties in Romania
- List of political parties in Transnistria
- Lists of political parties
- List of ruling political parties by country
- ^ Lista partidelor politice din Moldova
- ^ Partidul Comunist Reformator a fost radiat din registrul partidelor politice
- ^ "Moldova chaos: A guide to political parties and divided challengers". Archived from the original on 2018-02-05. Retrieved 2018-02-03.