

Place of originTurkey
Main ingredientsPlums, Pomegranate, Cornus mas ,Bitter orange

Nardenk (Iranian:ﻧﺎﺭﺩﻧﻚ) is an Ottoman sauce primarily made of Pomegranate, sometimes cherry plum, Cornus mas, Bitter orange or other varieties of plum.[1][2][3][4] [5][6] Nardenk is used for fried or grilled meat, poultry and potato dishes, and has a place in Ottoman cuisine similar to the one ketchup has in the United States. It can be made at home.

See also


  1. ^ "NARDENK tarifi - lezzetler.com". lezzetler.com. Retrieved 2021-04-16.
  2. ^ age, Truth-seeker and present (1849). The Truth-seeker in philosophy, literature, and religion, ed. by F.R. Lees and G.S. Phillips. [Continued as] The Truth-seeker and present age.
  3. ^ Morningside.), Alexander Mair (Minister of (1875). Was the Lord's Supper Instituted with Wine? Answered in the Affirmative.
  4. ^ BURNS (Dawson)), Frederic Richard LEES (and (1876). The Temperance Bible-Commentary: giving at one view, version, criticism, and exposition, in regard to all passages of Holy Writ bearing on "Wine" and "Strong Drink," etc.
  5. ^ Emiroğlu, Kudret; Saydam, A. Cemal; Çevik, Nihal Kadıoğlu (2008). Hamsi kurban o göze: deniz, tarih ve mutfak kültürü (in Turkish). Heyamola Yayınları. ISBN 978-975-6121-73-3.
  6. ^ Türk Mutfağı Sempozyumu bildirileri: 31 Ekim-1 Kasım, 1981, Ankara (in Turkish). Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. 1982.