
This module automatically romanizes Korean text (Hangul). It supports the Revised Romanization (RR) and McCune–Reischauer (MR) romanization systems.
- Example: 독립 (pronounced [동닙]) → dongnip (RR), tongnip (MR)
Due to the nature of both systems, users will sometimes need to input symbols to instruct the system on how to correctly handle various edge cases. These input symbols do not appear in the output; they are only used to output the correct romanization per the rules of each system.
- Quick guide
- Personal name
- Prepend
to the full name (e.g.%홍길동
).- If the surname is longer than one syllable, insert
or space between the surname and the given name (e.g.%선우_진
or%선우 진
- If the surname is longer than one syllable, insert
- If there is no surname, prepend
to the name (e.g.%_복남
- Prepend
- Capitalization for proper noun
- Prepend
to the proper noun (e.g.^압구정
- Prepend
- Unpredictable pronunciation (cannot be predicted from the Hangul spelling and regular pronunciation rules)
- Use
for ㄴ-addition (e.g.색$연필
[생년필]). - Otherwise, use
[우더른], etc.).
- Use
- Mandatory hyphen in RR (for separating an administrative unit)
- Use
- Use
- Full guide
Symbol | RR | MR | Without symbol | Note |
@ |
N/A | unpredictable tensification (e.g. 손@등 [손뜽] sontŭng) |
전등 [전등] chŏndŭng | 싫증 [실쯩] siljeung/silchŭng is automatically handled (i.e. does not need @ ).
written 사이시옷 + ㄱ/ㅂ (e.g. 바닷@가 [바다까~바닫까] padakka) |
옷걸이 [옫꺼리] otkŏri | |||
절음 법칙 (e.g. 웃@어른 [우더른] udeoreun/udŏrŭn)also blocks palatalization of ㄷ + 이 (e.g. 곧@이어 [고디어] godieo/kodiŏ) |
웃어라 [우서라] useora/usŏra 해돋이 [해도지] haedoji |
Most 절음 법칙 is automatically applied. For example, words like 맛없다 [마덥따] madeopda/madŏpta do not need @ . Manual 절음 법칙 is needed only before the syllabic blocks 아, 어, 에, 엔, 엘, 여, 으, 은, 을, 음, 읍, 의, 이, 인, 일, 임, and 입.
| ||
ㄴㄹ pronounced [ㄴㄴ] (e.g. 음운@론 [으문논] eumunnon/ŭmunnon) |
난리 [날리] nalli | |||
k/t/p for ㄱㅎ/ㄷㅎ/ㅂㅎ in words that are not nouns, pronouns, and numerals (e.g. 잡@혀 [자펴] japyeo) |
N/A | 낙하산 nakhasan | ||
$ |
ㄴ-addition (e.g. 색$연필 [생년필] saengnyeonpil/saengnyŏnp'il, 물$엿 [물렫] mullyeot/mullyŏt) |
입양 [이뱡] ibyang | ㄴ-addition before 윷 and 잎 is automatically applied. For example, words like 가락윷 [가랑뉻] garangnyut/karangnyut and 깻잎 [깬닙] kkaennip do not need $ .
| |
` |
N/A | voicing of syllable-initial ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ/ㅈ after a non-Hangul character (e.g. 1`번 [일번/한번] 1bŏn) |
6번 [육뻔/여섣뻔] 6pŏn | only between a non-Hangul character and a Hangul syllabic block beginning with ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ/ㅈ Currently, the "non-Hangul character" is limited to ASCII digits and alphabet letters ( [0-9A-Za-z] ). This can be broadened later if needed.
_ |
adds an additional space not in Hangul text | |||
* |
adds an additional hyphen not in Hangul text (e.g. ^양주*군 Yangju-gun) |
needed for a mandatory hyphen (for separating an administrative unit) in RR | ||
^ |
capitalizes the following letter | must be immediately followed by a Hangul syllabic block | ||
% |
personal name mode | 1. By default, this mode assumes that the first syllabic block is the surname and the remaining syllabic blocks are the given name. (e.g. %홍길동 → surname 홍, given name 길동)2. To specify a different segmentation, insert _ or space between the components.(e.g. surname 선우 + given name 진: %선우_진 or %선우 진 )3. For a mononym (personal name that does not have a surname, or any case where only the given name is needed), precede the name with %_ .(e.g. %_복남 )4. For a surname-only name (personal name that only consists of a surname, or any case where only the surname is needed), if it is 4.1. two or more syllables long, _ is needed after it.(e.g. %남궁_ )4.2. just one syllable long, do not add _ after it.(e.g. %최 )5. If a personal name is followed by non–personal name text, put the personal name between two % .(e.g. 국립 %홍길동% 기념관 )Note: This mode does not support 1. the "given name + surname" order (e.g. 제임스 홍). 2. a name consisting of three or more components. | ||
\ |
escape character (e.g. \@ → @) |
for outputting literal @, $, etc. |
local p = {}
local find = mw.ustring.find
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local len = mw.ustring.len
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local u = mw.ustring.char
local upper = mw.ustring.upper
-- function for RR
-- function for MR
-- function for stripping Korean input
IMPORTANT NOTE before editing this module:
1. Make sure that you use a font that displays the following characters differently, and that you know the differences of them:
ᄀ (U+1100)
ᆨ (U+11A8)
ㄱ (U+3131)
2. When dealing with decomposed Hangul,
a. [ᄀ-ᄒ] should not be directly followed by [ᅡ-ᅵ] because MediaWiki uses Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC), which converts any sequence of [ᄀ-ᄒ][ᅡ-ᅵ] into a precomposed character; write ᄀ[ᅡ] or ᄀ(ᅡ)
b. ᄀ[ᅡ] or ᄀ(ᅡ) at the end of a pattern is equivalent to not just 가 but [가-갛] in precomposed form. To match a syllabic block without a final consonant at the end of a pattern, use both vowel + [^ᆨ-ᇂ] and vowel + $
For example, to only match 가 (and not [각-갛]) at the end of a pattern, use both ᄀ[ᅡ][^ᆨ-ᇂ] and ᄀ[ᅡ]$
-- $하나\$ -> 하나$
-- 3
-- function p.main( hangul )
-- Convert to Revised Romanization
-- This method is just a wrapper that unpacked arguments
-- required by
function p.rr(frame)
local hangul
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
hangul = frame:getParent().args[1]
local frameArgsNum = frame.args[1]
if frameArgsNum then
hangul = frameArgsNum
hangul = frame
return p._rr(hangul)
-- This method is for the actual logic
function p._rr(hangul)
local result = p.disallowInvalidInput(hangul)
result = p.parseName(result)
result = p.removeLinksAndMarkups(result)
result = p.checkInvalidSeq1(result)
result = gsub(result, "`", "") -- ignore ` (only needed for MR; not needed for RR)
result = p.parseEnclosedHangul(result)
result = p.decomposeHangul(result)
result = p.checkInvalidSeq2(result)
result = p.parseExceptions(result)
result = gsub(result, "%*", "-") -- * for additional hyphen in romanization only
-- $ for ㄴ-addition
result = gsub(result, "([ᆨ-ᇂ])%$ᄋ([ᅣᅤᅧᅨᅭᅲᅵ])", "%1ᄂ%2") -- 색연필 [생년필], 물엿 [물렫]
result = gsub(result, "%$", "")
-- for null-init consonant ㅇ (연음)
result = gsub(result, "ᆨᄋ", "ᄀ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆩᄋ", "ᄁ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆪᄋ", "ᆨᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆬᄋ", "ᆫᄌ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮᄋ", "ᄃ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆯᆶ]ᄋ", "ᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆰᄋ", "ᆯᄀ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆱᄋ", "ᆯᄆ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆲᄋ", "ᆯᄇ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆳᄋ", "ᆯᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆴᄋ", "ᆯᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆵᄋ", "ᆯᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸᄋ", "ᄇ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆹᄋ", "ᆸᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆺᄋ", "ᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆻᄋ", "ᄊ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆽᄋ", "ᄌ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆾᄋ", "ᄎ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆿᄋ", "ᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇀᄋ", "ᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇁᄋ", "ᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄋ", "ᄋ") -- silent; 좋아 [조아]
-- for ㅎ
-- trivia: {ㄶ, ㅀ, ㅎ} + ㅂ doesn't actually exist, but added for completeness (syl-final ㅎ is for aspiration anyway)
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄀ", "ᆫᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄃ", "ᆫᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄇ", "ᆫᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄌ", "ᆫᄎ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄀ", "ᆯᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄃ", "ᆯᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄇ", "ᆯᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄌ", "ᆯᄎ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄀ", "ᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄃ", "ᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄇ", "ᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄉ", "ᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄌ", "ᄎ")
-- ㄺㄱ [ㄹㄲ] (usually verb/adjective stem ending in ㄺ + ending/suffix beginning with ㄱ (맑고 [말꼬], 긁개 [글깨]))
result = gsub(result, "ᆰᄀ", "ᆯᄀ")
-- neutralization of syl-final consonants
result = gsub(result, "[ᆩᆪᆰᆿ]", "ᆨ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆬᆭ]", "ᆫ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆺᆻᆽᆾᇀᇂ]", "ᆮ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆲᆳᆴᆶ]", "ᆯ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆱ", "ᆷ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆵᆹᇁ]", "ᆸ")
-- @ for ㄱㅎ/ㄷㅎ/ㅂㅎ → k/t/p, 절음 법칙, ㄴㄹ pronounced [ㄴㄴ]
-- other irregularities documented are automatically handled
result = gsub(result, "ᆨ@ᄒ", "ᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮ@ᄒ", "ᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸ@ᄒ", "ᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆨ@ᄋ", "ᄀ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮ@ᄋ", "ᄃ") -- 웃어른 [우더른], 곧이어 [고디어]
result = gsub(result, "ᆯ@ᄋ", "ᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸ@ᄋ", "ᄇ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆫ@ᄅ", "ᆫᄂ") -- 음운론 [으문논]
result = gsub(result, "@", "")
-- consonant assimilations
result = gsub(result, "[ᆨᆼ][ᄂᄅ]", "ᆼᄂ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆨᄆ", "ᆼᄆ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆫᄅ", "ᆯᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮ[ᄂᄅ]", "ᆫᄂ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮᄆ", "ᆫᄆ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆯᄂ", "ᆯᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆷᆸ][ᄂᄅ]", "ᆷᄂ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸᄆ", "ᆷᄆ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆯᄅ", "ᆯl")
-- drop y after {ㅈ, ㅉ, ㅊ}
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅣ", "%1ᅡ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅤ", "%1ᅢ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅧ", "%1ᅥ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅨ", "%1ᅦ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅭ", "%1ᅩ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅲ", "%1ᅮ")
-- vowels
result = gsub(result, "[ᅡㅏ]", "a")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅢㅐ]", "ae")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅣㅑ]", "ya")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅤㅒ]", "yae")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅥㅓ]", "eo")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅦㅔ]", "e")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅧㅕ]", "yeo")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅨㅖ]", "ye")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅩㅗ]", "o")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅪㅘ]", "wa")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅫㅙ]", "wae")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅬㅚ]", "oe")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅭㅛ]", "yo")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅮㅜ]", "u")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅯㅝ]", "wo")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅰㅞ]", "we")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅱㅟ]", "wi")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅲㅠ]", "yu")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅳㅡ]", "eu")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅴㅢ]", "ui")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅵㅣ]", "i")
-- to prevent input like 'ㅇ' (with ') from becoming italic markup (as [ᄋㅇ] is simply removed later)
result = gsub(result, "'([ᄋㅇ]+)'", "'%1'")
-- single consonants
result = gsub(result, "[ᄀㄱ]", "g")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄁㄲ]", "kk")
result = gsub(result, "ㄳ", "ks")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄂᆫㄴ]", "n")
result = gsub(result, "ㄵ", "nj")
result = gsub(result, "ㄶ", "nh")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄃㄷ]", "d")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄄㄸ]", "tt")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄅㄹ]", "r")
result = gsub(result, "ᆯ", "l")
result = gsub(result, "ㄺ", "lg")
result = gsub(result, "ㄻ", "lm")
result = gsub(result, "ㄼ", "lb")
result = gsub(result, "ㄽ", "ls")
result = gsub(result, "ㄾ", "lt")
result = gsub(result, "ㄿ", "lp")
result = gsub(result, "ㅀ", "lh")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄆᆷㅁ]", "m")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄇㅂ]", "b")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄈㅃ]", "pp")
result = gsub(result, "ㅄ", "ps")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄉㅅ]", "s")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄊㅆ]", "ss")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄋㅇ]", "")
result = gsub(result, "ᆼ", "ng")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄌㅈ]", "j")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄍㅉ]", "jj")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄎㅊ]", "ch")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄏᆨㅋ]", "k")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄐᆮㅌ]", "t")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄑᆸㅍ]", "p")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄒㅎ]", "h")
-- now remove U+FDD0 that was needed for converting each syllabic block in given name separately (e.g. 한복남 Han Boknam, not Han Bongnam)
result = gsub(result, "", "")
-- ^ for capitalization
result = gsub(result, "%^[a-eg-km-pr-uwy]", upper)
result = gsub(result, "%^", "")
-- final error checking
if find(result, "[가-힣]") then
error("Result contains precomposed Hangul; debugging required")
-- return orig chars
result = p.returnOrigChars(result)
return result
-- Convert to McCune–Reischauer Romanization of Korean
local hangul
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
hangul = frame:getParent().args[1]
local frameArgsNum = frame.args[1]
if frameArgsNum then
hangul = frameArgsNum
hangul = frame
return p._mr(hangul)
function p._mr(hangul)
local result = p.disallowInvalidInput(hangul)
result = p.parseName(result)
result = gsub(result, "", "") -- remove U+FDD0 (only needed for RR; not needed for MR)
result = p.removeLinksAndMarkups(result)
result = p.checkInvalidSeq1(result)
result = p.parseEnclosedHangul(result)
result = p.decomposeHangul(result)
result = p.checkInvalidSeq2(result)
result = p.parseExceptions(result)
result = gsub(result, "([ᄀᄁᄃ-ᄊᄌ-ᄑ])ᅴ", "%1ᅵ") -- syl-init consonant + ㅢ → syl-init consonant + ㅣ (except 의, 늬, 희)
result = gsub(result, "(ᄋ[ᅧ]ᄃ[ᅥ])ᆲ([ᄀᄃᄇᄉᄌ])", "%1ᆯ%2") -- 여덟 + particle (tensification does not occur)
-- $ for ㄴ-addition
result = gsub(result, "([ᆨ-ᇂ])%$ᄋ([ᅣᅤᅧᅨᅭᅲᅵ])", "%1ᄂ%2") -- 색연필 [생년필], 물엿 [물렫]
result = gsub(result, "%$", "")
-- for null-init consonant ㅇ (연음)
result = gsub(result, "ᆨᄋ", "ᄀ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆩᄋ", "ᄁ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆪᄋ", "ᆨᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆬᄋ", "ᆫᄌ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮᄋ", "ᄃ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆯᆶ]ᄋ", "ᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆰᄋ", "ᆯᄀ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆱᄋ", "ᆯᄆ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆲᄋ", "ᆯᄇ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆳᄋ", "ᆯᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆴᄋ", "ᆯᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆵᄋ", "ᆯᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸᄋ", "ᄇ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆹᄋ", "ᆸᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆺᄋ", "ᄉ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆻᄋ", "ᄊ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆽᄋ", "ᄌ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆾᄋ", "ᄎ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆿᄋ", "ᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇀᄋ", "ᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇁᄋ", "ᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄋ", "ᄋ") -- silent; 좋아 [조아]
-- for ㅎ
-- trivia: {ㄶ, ㅀ, ㅎ} + ㅂ doesn't actually exist, but added for completeness (syl-final ㅎ is for aspiration anyway)
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄀ", "ᆫᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄃ", "ᆫᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄇ", "ᆫᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆬᆭ]ᄉ", "ᆫᄊ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆭᄌ", "ᆫᄎ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄀ", "ᆯᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄃ", "ᆯᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄇ", "ᆯᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆲᆴᆶ]ᄉ", "ᆯᄊ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆶᄌ", "ᆯᄎ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄀ", "ᄏ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄃ", "ᄐ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄇ", "ᄑ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄉ", "ᄊ")
result = gsub(result, "ᇂᄌ", "ᄎ")
-- ㄵ, ㄼ, ㄾ cause tensification of following consonant
-- do not add ㄻ; does not always cause tensification (굶기다 [굼기다], 삶조차 [삼조차])
result = gsub(result, "([ᆬᆲᆴ])([ᄀᄃᄌ])", "%1@%2")
-- ㄺㄱ [ㄹㄲ] (usually verb/adjective stem ending in ㄺ + ending/suffix beginning with ㄱ (맑고 [말꼬], 긁개 [글깨]))
result = gsub(result, "ᆰᄀ", "ᆯ@ᄀ")
-- @ for written 사이시옷 + ㄱ/ㅂ (should be done before neutralization of syl-final consonants)
result = gsub(result, "ᆺ@ᄀ", "ᄁ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆺ@ᄇ", "ᄈ")
-- neutralization of syl-final consonants
result = gsub(result, "[ᆩᆪᆰᆿ]", "ᆨ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆬᆭ]", "ᆫ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆺᆻᆽᆾᇀᇂ]", "ᆮ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆲᆳᆴᆶ]", "ᆯ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆱ", "ᆷ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆵᆹᇁ]", "ᆸ")
-- @ for tensification, 절음 법칙, ㄴㄹ pronounced [ㄴㄴ]
-- other irregularities documented are automatically handled
result = gsub(result, "([ᅡ-ᅵᆫᆷᆼ])@ᄉ", "%1ᄊ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆨ@ᄋ", "ᄀ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮ@ᄋ", "ᄃ") -- 웃어른 [우더른], 곧이어 [고디어]
result = gsub(result, "ᆯ@ᄋ", "ᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸ@ᄋ", "ᄇ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆫ@ᄅ", "ᆫᄂ") -- 음운론 [으문논]
-- cases where ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅈ become voiced consonants
-- * is for additional hyphen in romanization only (voicing is retained after hyphen)
result = gsub(result, "ᆫᄀ", "ᆫ'`ᄀ") -- n'g
result = gsub(result, "([ᅡ-ᅵᆫᆯᆷᆼ])([ᄀᄃᄇᄌ])", "%1`%2")
result = gsub(result, "([ᅡ-ᅵᆫᆯᆷᆼ])%*([ᄀᄃᄇᄌ])", "%1-`%2")
result = gsub(result, "ᆯ%*ᄅ", "ᆯ-l") -- ㄹ-ㄹ should probably be l-l rather than l-r
result = gsub(result, "%*", "-")
result = gsub(result, "@", "")
-- consonant assimilations
result = gsub(result, "[ᆨᆼ][ᄂᄅ]", "ᆼᄂ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆨᄆ", "ᆼᄆ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆫᄅ", "ᆯᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮ[ᄂᄅ]", "ᆫᄂ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮᄆ", "ᆫᄆ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆯᄂ", "ᆯᄅ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᆷᆸ][ᄂᄅ]", "ᆷᄂ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸᄆ", "ᆷᄆ")
-- no {kkk, ttt, ppp, sss/ts/tss, ttch}
result = gsub(result, "ᆨᄁ", "ᄁ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮᄄ", "ᄄ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆸᄈ", "ᄈ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮ[ᄉᄊ]", "ᄊ")
result = gsub(result, "ᆮᄍ", "ᄍ")
-- other misc conversions
result = gsub(result, "ᆯᄅ", "ᆯl")
result = gsub(result, "ᆯᄒ", "rᄒ")
result = gsub(result, "ᄉ[ᅱ]", "shᅱ")
-- drop y after {ㅈ, ㅉ, ㅊ}
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅣ", "%1ᅡ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅤ", "%1ᅢ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅧ", "%1ᅥ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅨ", "%1ᅦ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅭ", "%1ᅩ")
result = gsub(result, "([ᄌ-ᄎ])ᅲ", "%1ᅮ")
-- vowels
result = gsub(result, "[ᅡㅏ]", "a")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅢㅐ]", "ae")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅣㅑ]", "ya")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅤㅒ]", "yae")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅥㅓ]", "ŏ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅦㅔ]", "e")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅧㅕ]", "yŏ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅨㅖ]", "ye")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅩㅗ]", "o")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅪㅘ]", "wa")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅫㅙ]", "wae")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅬㅚ]", "oe")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅭㅛ]", "yo")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅮㅜ]", "u")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅯㅝ]", "wŏ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅰㅞ]", "we")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅱㅟ]", "wi")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅲㅠ]", "yu")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅳㅡ]", "ŭ")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅴㅢ]", "ŭi")
result = gsub(result, "[ᅵㅣ]", "i")
-- ㅏ에 (aë) and ㅗ에 (oë)
result = gsub(result, "([ao])ᄋe", "%1ë")
-- to prevent input like 'ㅇ' (with ') from becoming italic markup (as [ᄋㅇ] is simply removed later)
result = gsub(result, "'([ᄋㅇ]+)'", "'%1'")
-- single consonants
result = gsub(result, "`ᄀ", "g")
result = gsub(result, "`ᄃ", "d")
result = gsub(result, "`ᄇ", "b")
result = gsub(result, "`ᄌ", "j")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄀᆨㄱ]", "k")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄁㄲ]", "kk")
result = gsub(result, "ㄳ", "ks")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄂᆫㄴ]", "n")
result = gsub(result, "ㄵ", "nj")
result = gsub(result, "ㄶ", "nh")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄃᆮㄷ]", "t")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄄㄸ]", "tt")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄅㄹ]", "r")
result = gsub(result, "ᆯ", "l")
result = gsub(result, "ㄺ", "lg")
result = gsub(result, "ㄻ", "lm")
result = gsub(result, "ㄼ", "lb")
result = gsub(result, "ㄽ", "ls")
result = gsub(result, "ㄾ", "lt'")
result = gsub(result, "ㄿ", "lp'")
result = gsub(result, "ㅀ", "rh")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄆᆷㅁ]", "m")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄇᆸㅂ]", "p")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄈㅃ]", "pp")
result = gsub(result, "ㅄ", "ps")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄉㅅ]", "s")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄊㅆ]", "ss")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄋㅇ]", "")
result = gsub(result, "ᆼ", "ng")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄌㅈ]", "ch")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄍㅉ]", "tch")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄎㅊ]", "ch'")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄏㅋ]", "k'")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄐㅌ]", "t'")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄑㅍ]", "p'")
result = gsub(result, "[ᄒㅎ]", "h")
result = gsub(result, "`", "")
-- replace ' with ' when followed by another ' or at end of string (to avoid possible clashes with bold/italic markup)
result = gsub(result, "([hkpt])''", "%1''")
result = gsub(result, "([hkpt])'$", "%1'")
-- ^ for capitalization
result = gsub(result, "%^[acehikm-pr-uwyŏŭ]", upper)
result = gsub(result, "%^", "")
-- final error checking
if find(result, "[가-힣]") then
error("Result contains precomposed Hangul; debugging required")
-- return orig chars
result = p.returnOrigChars(result)
return result
function p.parseName(hangul)
local hanjaReadingsFinalL = "갈걸결골괄굴궐귤글길날녈놜눌닐달돌랄렬률말멸몰물밀발벌별불살설솔술슬실알얼열올왈울월율을일절졸줄즐질찰철촬출칠탈팔필할헐혈홀활훌휼흘힐"
local hanjaReadingsInitDSJ = "다단달담답당대댁덕도독돈돌동두둔득등사삭산살삼삽상새색생서석선설섬섭성세소속손솔송쇄쇠수숙순술숭쉬슬습승시식신실심십자작잔잠잡장재쟁저적전절점접정제조족존졸종좌죄주죽준줄중즉즐즙증지직진질짐집징"
-- note: internally uses 3 noncharacters
-- (U+FDD0): mostly for given name in RR
-- (U+FDD1): marks beginning of name
-- (U+FDD2): marks end of name
-- change % to U+FDD1 and U+FDD2 (end of string also terminates name mode)
hangul = gsub(hangul, "%%([^%%]*)%%", "%1")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "%%([^%%]*)$", "%1")
-- disallow invalid input for name
if find(hangul, "") then
error("Name cannot be empty")
elseif find(hangul, "[^]*[^가-힣_ ][^]*") then
error("Invalid character in name")
elseif find(hangul, " ") then
error("Name cannot begin with space")
elseif find(hangul, " ") then
error("Name cannot end with space")
elseif find(hangul, "[^]*[ _][^]*[ _][^]*") then
error("No more than two components in name")
elseif find(hangul, "[가-힣]_") then
error("No _ after one-syllable surname")
elseif find(hangul, "([^]*)([" .. hanjaReadingsFinalL .. "])@([" .. hanjaReadingsInitDSJ .. "])([^]*)") then
error("Contains unnecessary @ in name") -- see below
-- separate surname and given name
-- if input contains _ or space, separate there
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([가-힣%$@]+)_", "^%1_") -- for surname-only string
hangul = gsub(hangul, "_([가-힣%$@]+)", "_^%1") -- for mononym
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([가-힣%$@]+)[ _]([가-힣%$@]+)", "^%1_^%2")
-- otherwise, separate after first syllabic block
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([가-힣])", "^%1_") -- for surname-only string
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([가-힣])([가-힣%$@]+)", "^%1_^%2")
-- check invalid input after separating surname and given name
if find(hangul, "[^]*_%^[%$@][^]*") then
error("No @ or $ between surname and given name")
-- tensification of ㄹ + {ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅈ} (needed for MR; e.g. 홍길동 [홍길똥], 을지문덕 [을찌문덕])
-- does not occur when same syllable is repeated (e.g. 구구절절 [구구절절], not [구구절쩔]); just using U+FDD0 here too
for i = 1, len(hangul) do
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)달달([^]*)", "%1달달%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)돌돌([^]*)", "%1돌돌%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)살살([^]*)", "%1살살%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)설설([^]*)", "%1설설%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)솔솔([^]*)", "%1솔솔%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)술술([^]*)", "%1술술%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)슬슬([^]*)", "%1슬슬%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)실실([^]*)", "%1실실%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)절절([^]*)", "%1절절%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)졸졸([^]*)", "%1졸졸%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)줄줄([^]*)", "%1줄줄%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)즐즐([^]*)", "%1즐즐%2")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)질질([^]*)", "%1질질%2")
-- now apply tensification
for i = 1, len(hangul) do
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)([" .. hanjaReadingsFinalL .. "])([" .. hanjaReadingsInitDSJ .. "])([^]*)", "%1%2@%3%4")
-- insert U+FDD0 in given name (needed for RR; e.g. 한복남 Han Boknam, not Han Bongnam)
for i = 1, len(hangul) do
hangul = gsub(hangul, "([^]*)_%^([^]*)([가-힣%$@])([가-힣%$@])([^]*)", "%1_^%2%3%4%5")
-- remove _ which was needed for surname-only string and mononym
hangul = gsub(hangul, "_", "")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "_%^", "^")
-- remove U+FDD1 and U+FDD2
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[]", "")
return hangul
function p.parseExceptions(decomposed)
-- this is for pre-processing exceptions that apply to both RR and MR
IMPORTANT: Before adding an exception, be sure to check if it can ALWAYS be applied in ALL contexts.
Good example: 싫증 → 실@증
Bad example: 문자 → 문@자 (affects words like 방문자 (pronounced [방문자], not [방문짜]))
-- for linguistic contexts
local exceptions = gsub(decomposed, "ㄴ([ᄀ-ᄒ])", "ᆫ%1") -- -ㄴ다
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ㄹ([ᄀ-ᄒ])", "ᆯ%1") -- -ㄹ까, -ㄹ래
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ㄹ@([ᄀᄃᄇᄉᄌ])", "ᆯ@%1") -- -ㄹ지
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ㅁ([ᄀ-ᄒ])", "ᆷ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ㅂ([ᄀ-ᄒ])", "ᆸ%1") -- -ㅂ니다, -ㅂ시다
-- ㄴ-addition always occurs before 윷 and 잎
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᆨ-ᇂ])ᄋ(ᅲᆾ)", "%1ᄂ%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᆨ-ᇂ])ᄋ(ᅵᇁ)", "%1ᄂ%2")
-- 싫증 [실쯩]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄉ[ᅵ])ᆶ(ᄌ[ᅳ]ᆼ)", "%1ᆯ@%2")
-- cases where ㄺㄱ is pronounced [ㄱㄲ]
-- not including very rarely used words such as 삼시욹, 안찱, 우줅거리다, etc.
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᄃᄉᄐ]ᅡ)ᆰᄀ", "%1ᆨᄀ") -- 닭, 삵, 수탉/암탉
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᄉᄒ]ᅳ)ᆰᄀ", "%1ᆨᄀ") -- 기슭, 흙
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄎ[ᅵ])ᆰᄀ", "%1ᆨᄀ") -- 칡
-- palatalization and ㅈ + -히-
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆮᄋ(ᅵ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸ])", "ᄌ%1") -- 해돋이 [해도지]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆮᄋ(ᅵ)([^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "ᄌ%1%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆮᄋ(ᅵ)$", "ᄌ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "[ᆮᆽ]ᄒ(ᅧᆻ)", "ᄎ%1") -- 굳히다 [구치다], 꽂히다 [꼬치다]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "[ᆮᆽ]ᄒ(ᅵ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸ])", "ᄎ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "[ᆮᆽ]ᄒ([ᅧᅵ])([^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "ᄎ%1%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "[ᆮᆽ]ᄒ([ᅧᅵ])$", "ᄎ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆴᄋ(ᅧᆻ)", "ᆯᄎ%1") -- 훑이다 [훌치다]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆴᄋ(ᅵ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸ])", "ᆯᄎ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆴᄋ([ᅧᅵ])([^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "ᆯᄎ%1%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆴᄋ([ᅧᅵ])$", "ᆯᄎ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᇀᄋ(ᅧᆻ)", "ᄎ%1") -- 붙이다 [부치다]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᇀᄋ(ᅵ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸ])", "ᄎ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᇀᄋ([ᅧᅵ])([^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "ᄎ%1%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᇀᄋ([ᅧᅵ])$", "ᄎ%1")
-- {ㄵ, ㄺ, ㄼ} + -히-
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆬᄒ(ᅧᆻ)", "ᆫᄎ%1") -- 앉히다 [안치다]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆬᄒ(ᅵ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸ])", "ᆫᄎ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆬᄒ([ᅧᅵ])([^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "ᆫᄎ%1%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆬᄒ([ᅧᅵ])$", "ᆫᄎ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆰᄒ(ᅧᆻ)", "ᆯᄏ%1") -- 밝히다 [발키다]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆰᄒ(ᅵ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸ])", "ᆯᄏ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆰᄒ([ᅧᅵ])([^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "ᆯᄏ%1%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆰᄒ([ᅧᅵ])$", "ᆯᄏ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆲᄒ(ᅧᆻ)", "ᆯᄑ%1") -- 넓히다 [널피다], 밟히다 [발피다]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆲᄒ(ᅵ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸ])", "ᆯᄑ%1")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆲᄒ([ᅧᅵ])([^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "ᆯᄑ%1%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "ᆲᄒ([ᅧᅵ])$", "ᆯᄑ%1")
-- cases where 넓- is pronounced [넙] before consonant
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄂ[ᅥ])ᆲ([ᄁᄄ-ᄈᄊᄍ-ᄒ])", "%1ᆸ%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄂ[ᅥ])ᆲ(ᄃ[ᅡ]ᄃ[ᅳ]ᆷ)", "%1ᆸ%2") -- 넓다듬이
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄂ[ᅥ])ᆲ(ᄃ[ᅮ]ᆼ)", "%1ᆸ%2") -- 넓둥글다
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄂ[ᅥ])ᆲ(ᄉ[ᅡ]ᆯᄆ[ᅮ]ᆫ)", "%1ᆸ%2") -- 넓살문
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄂ[ᅥ])ᆲ(ᄌ[ᅥᅮ]ᆨ)", "%1ᆸ%2") -- 넓적-, 넓죽-
-- 밟- is [밥] before consonant (except null-init consonant ㅇ)
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄇ[ᅡ])ᆲ([^ᄋ])", "%1ᆸ%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄇ[ᅡ])ᆲ$", "%1ᆸ")
-- automatic 절음 법칙
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄋ[ᅥ])ᆹᄋ(ᅢ[ᆫᆯᆷᆸᆻ])", "%1ᆸᄉ%2") -- except 없애다 [업쌔다]
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄋ[ᅥ])ᆹᄋ(ᅢ[^ᆨ-ᇂ])", "%1ᆸᄉ%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄋ[ᅥ])ᆹᄋ(ᅢ)$", "%1ᆸᄉ%2")
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "(ᄆ[ᅡᅥ])ᆺᄋ(ᅵᆻ)", "%1ᄉ%2") -- except 맛있다 and 멋있다 which are usually pronounced [마싣따] and [머싣따] respectively
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᆩᆪᆬᆰ-ᆵᆹ-ᆻᆽ-ᇂ])(ᄋ[ᅡᅥᅧ][ᆨ-ᆺᆼ-ᇂ])", "%1@%2") -- except 아, 았, 어, 었, 여, 였
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᆩᆪᆬᆰ-ᆵᆹ-ᆻᆽ-ᇂ])(ᄋ[ᅦ][ᆨ-ᆪᆬ-ᆮᆰ-ᇂ])", "%1@%2") -- except 에, 엔, 엘
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᆩᆪᆬᆰ-ᆵᆹ-ᆻᆽ-ᇂ])(ᄋ[ᅳᅵ][ᆨ-ᆪᆬ-ᆮᆰ-ᆶᆹ-ᇂ])", "%1@%2") -- except 으, 은, 을, 음, 읍, 이, 인, 일, 임, 입
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᆩᆪᆬᆰ-ᆵᆹ-ᆻᆽ-ᇂ])(ᄋ[ᅴ][ᆨ-ᇂ])", "%1@%2") -- except 의 (w/o final consonant)
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "([ᆩᆪᆬᆰ-ᆵᆹ-ᆻᆽ-ᇂ])(ᄋ[ᅢ-ᅤᅨ-ᅲ])", "%1@%2")
-- _ for additional space in romanization only
exceptions = gsub(exceptions, "_", " ")
return exceptions
function p.parseEnclosedHangul(hangul)
-- actually not very necessary, but these are also classified as Hangul chars in Unicode
-- no distinction is made between parenthesized and circled chars
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈀㉠]", "(기역)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈁㉡]", "(니은)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈂㉢]", "(디귿)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈃㉣]", "(리을)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈄㉤]", "(미음)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈅㉥]", "(비읍)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈆㉦]", "(시옷)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈇㉧]", "(이응)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈈㉨]", "(지읒)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈉㉩]", "(치읓)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈊㉪]", "(키읔)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈋㉫]", "(티읕)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈌㉬]", "(피읖)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈍㉭]", "(히읗)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈎㉮]", "(가)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈏㉯]", "(나)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈐㉰]", "(다)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈑㉱]", "(라)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈒㉲]", "(마)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈓㉳]", "(바)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈔㉴]", "(사)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈕㉵]", "(아)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈖㉶]", "(자)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈗㉷]", "(차)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈘㉸]", "(카)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈙㉹]", "(타)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈚㉺]", "(파)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "[㈛㉻]", "(하)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "㈜", "(주)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "㈝", "(오전)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "㈞", "(오후)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "㉼", "(참고)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "㉽", "(주의)")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "㉾", "(우)")
return hangul
-- Removing special chars (except for escaped ones)
function p.cleanHangul(frame)
local hangul
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
hangul = frame:getParent().args[1]
local frameArgsNum = frame.args[1]
if frameArgsNum then
hangul = frameArgsNum
hangul = frame
-- no direct insertion of reference or footnote
if find(hangul, "'\"`UNIQ--") or find(hangul, "-QINU`\"'") then
error("Do not add reference or footnote directly; use separate parameter")
-- Replacing escaped special chars with placeholders
cleaned = gsub(hangul, "\\%$", "$")
cleaned = gsub(cleaned, "\\%%", "%")
cleaned = gsub(cleaned, "\\%*", "*")
cleaned = gsub(cleaned, "\\@", "@")
cleaned = gsub(cleaned, "\\%^", "^")
cleaned = gsub(cleaned, "\\_", "_")
cleaned = gsub(cleaned, "\\`", "`")
-- Removing non-escaped special chars
cleaned = gsub(cleaned, "[%$%%%*@%^_`]", "")
-- Returning orig chars
cleaned = p.returnOrigChars(cleaned)
-- Unstripping test
cleaned = mw.text.unstrip(cleaned)
return cleaned
function p.removeLinksAndMarkups(hangul)
-- these either are unnecessary or interfere with assimilation
-- remove bold/italic
-- it is not impossible to allow bold/italic when it does not interfere with assimilation, but determining when to allow or disallow that adds complication for little practical gain
hangul = gsub(hangul, "'''", "")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "''", "")
-- remove HTML tags (except br)
hangul = gsub(hangul, "<[Bb][Rr] */?>", " ")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "</?[A-Za-z][^>]->", "")
hangul = gsub(hangul, " ", "<br>")
-- remove wikilinks
hangul = gsub(hangul, "%[%[[^%|]+%|(..-)%]%]", "%1")
hangul = gsub(gsub(hangul, "%[%[", ""), "%]%]", "")
-- remove refs
-- hangul = gsub(hangul, "<ref.-</ref>", "")
hangul = mw.text.killMarkers(hangul)
-- remove templates
hangul = gsub(hangul, "{{.-}}", "")
return hangul
function p.disallowInvalidInput(hangul)
-- preprocessing step (before decomposing Hangul)
-- no direct insertion of reference or footnote
if find(hangul, "'\"`UNIQ--") or find(hangul, "-QINU`\"'") then
error("Do not add reference or footnote directly; use separate parameter")
-- process escape chars first
hangul = gsub(hangul, "\\%$", "$")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "\\%%", "%")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "\\%*", "*")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "\\@", "@")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "\\%^", "^")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "\\_", "_")
hangul = gsub(hangul, "\\`", "`")
if find(hangul, "[ᄓ-ᅠᅶ-ᆧᇃ-ᇿ〮〯ㅤ-ㆎꥠ-ힰ-]") then
hangul = "N/A"
elseif find(hangul, "[ᄀ-ᄒ]") or find(hangul, "[ᅡ-ᅵᆨ-ᇂ]") then
error("Do not input conjoining Hangul jamo directly")
elseif find(hangul, "`%*") then
error("Use *` instead of `*")
elseif find(hangul, "@%*") then
error("Use *@ instead of @*")
elseif find(hangul, "%^[^가-힣]") then
error("^ must be immediately followed by Hangul syllabic block")
elseif find(hangul, "[^%*0-9A-Za-z]`") or find(hangul, "[^0-9A-Za-z]%*`") or find(hangul, "`[^가-깋다-딯바-빟자-짛]") then
error("Found invalid sequence containing `")
elseif find(hangul, "[^%*ㄹ가-힣]@") or find(hangul, "[^가-힣]%*@") or find(hangul, "%*@[^가-깋다-딯바-빟자-짛]") or find(hangul, "ㄹ@[^가-깋다-딯바-빟사-싷자-짛]") or find(hangul, "@[^가-깋다-딯라-맇바-빟사-싷아어에엔엘여으은을음읍의이인일임입자-짛하-힣]") then
error("Found invalid sequence containing @")
elseif find(hangul, "[^가-힣]%$") or find(hangul, "%$[^야-얳여-옣요-욯유-윶윸-윻이-잍잏]") then
error("Found invalid sequence containing $")
elseif find(hangul, "%%$") then
error("Remove final %")
elseif find(hangul, "[ _][ _]") then
error("No two or more consecutive space characters")
elseif find(hangul, "^[%$%*@_`]") or find(hangul, "^%%[^_가-힣]") or find(hangul, "[ _]%*") or find(hangul, "%*[ %*%-_]") or find(hangul, "%-%*") or find(hangul, "[-]") or find(hangul, "[%$%*@%^`]$") then
error("Invalid input")
return hangul
function p.checkInvalidSeq1(hangul)
-- checked right after removing links and markups (before decomposing Hangul)
if find(hangul, "[ _][ _]") then
error("No two or more consecutive space characters")
elseif find(hangul, "^[%$%*@_`]") or find(hangul, "[ _]%*") or find(hangul, "%*[ %*%-_]") or find(hangul, "%-%*") or find(hangul, "[%$%*@%^_`]$") then
error("Invalid input")
return hangul
function p.checkInvalidSeq2(decomposed)
-- checked after decomposing Hangul
if find(decomposed, "[ᆨ-ᆪᆬ-ᆮᆴ-ᆶᆸᆹᆻᆽ-ᇂ]%*??@?[ᄀᄃᄇᄉᄌ]") or find(decomposed, "ᆰ%*??@?[ᄀ-ᄊᄌ-ᄑ]") or find(decomposed, "ᆲ?@?[ᄀ-ᄊᄌ-ᄑ]") or find(decomposed, "ᆺ%*@[ᄀᄇ]") or find(decomposed, "ᆺ%*??@?[ᄁ-ᄆᄈ-ᄊᄌ-ᄑ]") or find(decomposed, "[ᅡ-ᅵᆨ-ᆪᆬ-ᇂ]?@?ᄅ") or find(decomposed, "[ᅡ-ᅵᆨᆫᆭ-ᆯᆶ-ᆸᆼ]?@?ᄋ") or find(decomposed, "[ᅡ-ᅵᆫ-ᆭᆯᆱ-ᆷᆼ]?@?ᄒ") then
error("Found invalid sequence containing @")
elseif find(decomposed, "[ᅡ-ᅵ]?%$") then
error("Found invalid sequence containing $")
return decomposed
function p.returnOrigChars(orig)
orig = gsub(orig, "$", "$")
orig = gsub(orig, "%", "%%")
orig = gsub(orig, "*", "*")
orig = gsub(orig, "@", "@")
orig = gsub(orig, "^", "^")
orig = gsub(orig, "_", "_")
orig = gsub(orig, "`", "`")
return orig
-- Split up Hangul blocks into letters
-- e.g. 한 (U+D55C) → ᄒ (U+1112), ᅡ (U+1161), ᆫ (U+11AB)
function p.decomposeHangul(hangul)
-- If we are being called from #invoke, then the Hangul is the first positional argument.
-- If not, it is the frame parameter.
local decomposed = ""
for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(hangul, 1, -1) do
if codepoint >= 0xAC00 and codepoint <= 0xD7A3 then
codepoint = codepoint - 0xAC00
local choseongIndex = math.floor(codepoint / 588)
local jungseongIndex = math.floor((codepoint % 588) / 28)
local jongseongIndex = codepoint % 28
local choseong = u(0x1100 + choseongIndex)
local jungseong = u(0x1161 + jungseongIndex)
local jongseong = ""
if jongseongIndex ~= 0 then
jongseong = u(0x11A7 + jongseongIndex)
decomposed = decomposed .. choseong .. jungseong .. jongseong
decomposed = decomposed .. u(codepoint)
return decomposed
return p