Meanings of minor-planet names: 32001–33000
As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center (MPC), and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU's naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets in the specified number-range that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names.
Official naming citations of newly named small Solar System bodies are approved and published in a bulletin by IAU's Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature (WGSBN).[1] Before May 2021, citations were published in MPC's Minor Planet Circulars for many decades.[2] Recent citations can also be found on the JPL Small-Body Database (SBDB).[3] Until his death in 2016, German astronomer Lutz D. Schmadel compiled these citations into the Dictionary of Minor Planet Names (DMP) and regularly updated the collection.[4][5]
Based on Paul Herget's The Names of the Minor Planets,[6] Schmadel also researched the unclear origin of numerous asteroids, most of which had been named prior to World War II. This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain: SBDB New namings may only be added to this list below after official publication as the preannouncement of names is condemned.[7] The WGSBN publishes a comprehensive guideline for the naming rules of non-cometary small Solar System bodies.[8]
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32001 Golbin | 2000 HF51 | Benjamin David Golbin (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences team project. | JPL · 32001 |
32002 Gorokhovsky | 2000 HK51 | Elliot Gorokhovsky (born 1999) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his systems software project. | JPL · 32002 |
32005 Roberthalfon | 2000 HG52 | Robert Z. Halfon (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental engineering project | JPL · 32005 |
32006 Hallisey | 2000 HM52 | Olivia Anne Hallisey (born 1998) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biomedical and health sciences project. | JPL · 32006 |
32007 Amirhelmy | 2000 HY52 | Amir Helmy (born 2001) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his systems software project. | JPL · 32007 |
32008 Adriángalád | 2000 HM53 | Adrián Galád (born 1970), an astronomer and discoverer of minor planets at Modra and Ondřejov observatories who has (co-)authored a number of papers on asteroid photometric observations and orbital integrations. | JPL · 32008 |
32013 Elkekersten | 2000 HJ57 | Elke Kersten (b. 1985), a German cartographer of planetary surfaces. | IAU · 32013 |
32014 Bida | 2000 HL64 | Thomas A. Bida (born 1959), an instrument scientist at Lowell Observatory. | JPL · 32014 |
32018 Robhenning | 2000 HD78 | Robert Cole Henning (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his embedded systems project. | JPL · 32018 |
32019 Krithikaiyer | 2000 HK83 | Krithika Iyer (born 1999) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her math project. | JPL · 32019 |
32021 Lilyjenkins | 2000 HE88 | Lily Nalulani Jenkins (born 1999) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and environmental sciences team project. | JPL · 32021 |
32022 Sarahjenkins | 2000 HH88 | Sarah 'Alohilani Jenkins (born 1997) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and environmental sciences team project. | JPL · 32022 |
32025 Karanjerath | 2000 HX89 | Karan Jerath (born 1996) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for his environmental engineering project. He also received the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award and the Science & Technology Forum Visit to India. | JPL · 32025 |
32027 Jupitercheng | 2000 HO100 | Hiu Ching Jupiter Cheng (b. 1995), a Hongkongese planetary scientist. | IAU · 32027 |
32031 Joyjin | 2000 JC16 | Joy Qiu Jin (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biomedical and health sciences project. | JPL · 32031 |
32032 Askandola | 2000 JG16 | Anmolpreet Singh Kandola (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his animal sciences project. | JPL · 32032 |
32033 Arjunkapoor | 2000 JV16 | Arjun Kapoor (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his systems software team project | JPL · 32033 |
32034 Sophiakorner | 2000 JE17 | Sophia Nicole Korner (born 1999) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for her behavioral and social sciences team project. She also received the Intel Foundation Cultural and Scientific Visit to China Award. | JPL · 32034 |
32037 Deepikakurup | 2000 JZ21 | Deepika Saraswathy Kurup (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental engineering project. | JPL · 32037 |
32038 Kwiecinski | 2000 JN22 | Jarek Kwiecinski (born 2000) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his earth and environmental sciences project. | JPL · 32038 |
32044 Lakmazaheri | 2000 JB28 | Ava Carmen Lakmazaheri (born 1998) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for her robotics and intelligent machines project. She also received the Philip V. Streich Memorial Award. | JPL · 32044 |
32047 Wenjiali | 2000 JW28 | Wenjia Dara Li (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her plant sciences team project. | JPL · 32047 |
32048 Kathyliu | 2000 JM31 | Kathy Liu (born 1998) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for her energy project. She also received the Intel Foundation Cultural and Scientific Visit to China Award. | JPL · 32048 |
32049 Jonathanma | 2000 JJ32 | Jonathan QuanXuan Ma (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computational biology and bioinformatics team project. | JPL · 32049 |
32051 Sadhikamalladi | 2000 JF37 | Sadhika S. Malladi (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her computational biology and bioinformatics team project. | JPL · 32051 |
32052 Diyamathur | 2000 JJ37 | Diya Mathur (born 1998) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for her behavioral and social sciences team project. She also received the Intel Foundation Cultural and Scientific Visit to China Award. | JPL · 32052 |
32053 Demetrimaxim | 2000 JN37 | Demetri Maxim (born 1998) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 32053 |
32054 Musunuri | 2000 JT37 | Sriharshita Vani Musunuri (born 2000) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for her energy project. She also received the Innovation Exploration Award. | JPL · 32054 |
32056 Abrarnadroo | 2000 JM41 | Abrar Ali Nadroo (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry project. | JPL · 32056 |
32057 Ethannovek | 2000 JT41 | Ethan Novek (born 1999) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy project. | JPL · 32057 |
32058 Charlesnoyes | 2000 JW43 | Charles Noyes (born 1999) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for his systems software project. He also received the London International Youth Science Forum, Philip V. Streich Memorial Award. | JPL · 32058 |
32059 Ruchipandya | 2000 JE44 | Ruchi Sandeep Pandya (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry project. | JPL · 32059 |
32060 Wyattpontius | 2000 JN46 | Wyatt Martin Pontius (born 1998) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials science team project | JPL · 32060 |
32062 Amolpunjabi | 2000 JQ49 | Amol Punjabi (born 1998) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for his biochemistry project. He also received the Intel and Indo-US Science & Technology Forum Visit to India. | JPL · 32062 |
32063 Pusapaty | 2000 JF51 | Sai Sameer Pusapaty (born 1999) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental engineering project. | JPL · 32063 |
32065 Radulovacki | 2000 JC52 | Reid W. Radulovacki (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biomedical and health sciences project. | JPL · 32065 |
32066 Ramayya | 2000 JK52 | Shreya Sundaresh Ramayya (born 1997) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry project. | JPL · 32066 |
32067 Ranganathan | 2000 JW56 | Noopur Ranganathan (born 1999) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her behavioral and social sciences project. | JPL · 32067 |
32069 Mayarao | 2000 JS60 | Maya Rao (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and environmental sciences project. | JPL · 32069 |
32070 Michaelretchin | 2000 JC61 | Michael Retchin (born 1997) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for his computational biology and bioinformatics team project. He also received the Intel and Indo-US Science & Technology Forum Visit to India. | JPL · 32070 |
32071 Matthewretchin | 2000 JG61 | Matthew Retchin (born 1997) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for his computational biology and bioinformatics team project. He also received the Intel and Indo-US Science & Technology Forum Visit to India. | JPL · 32071 |
32072 Revanur | 2000 JL61 | Swetha Revanur (born 1998) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her computational biology and bioinformatics project. | JPL · 32072 |
32073 Cassidyryan | 2000 JT61 | Cassidy Ryan (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth and environmental sciences project. | JPL · 32073 |
32074 Kevinsadhu | 2000 JF64 | Kevin Sadhu (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry team project. | JPL · 32074 |
32078 Jamesavoldelli | 2000 JQ75 | James Savoldelli (born 1998) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental engineering team project. | JPL · 32078 |
32079 Hughsavoldelli | 2000 JT75 | Hugh Savoldelli (born 1998) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental engineering team project. | JPL · 32079 |
32080 Sanashareef | 2000 JG77 | Sana Shareef (born 2000) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her animal sciences project. | JPL · 32080 |
32082 Sominsky | 2000 JH83 | Levy Aaron Sominsky (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences team project. | JPL · 32082 |
32085 Tomback | 2000 KD8 | Drew Tomback (born 1998) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental engineering team project. | JPL · 32085 |
32086 Viviannetu | 2000 KV17 | Vivianne Tu (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 32086 |
32087 Vemulapalli | 2000 KB25 | Anoop Vemulapalli (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences team project. | JPL · 32087 |
32088 Liamwallace | 2000 KE25 | Liam Alexander Wallace (born 1997) was awarded first place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials science team project. | JPL · 32088 |
32089 Wojtania | 2000 KO28 | Nicky Wojtania (born 1999) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her materials science project. | JPL · 32089 |
32090 Craigworley | 2000 KC29 | Craig Worley (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy project. | JPL · 32090 |
32091 Jasonwu | 2000 KE30 | Jason Wu (born 1999) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biomedical and health sciences project. | JPL · 32091 |
32092 Brianxia | 2000 KG31 | Brian Xia (born 2000) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his animal sciences project. | JPL · 32092 |
32093 Zhengyan | 2000 KQ31 | Zheng Yan (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biomedical and health sciences project. | JPL · 32093 |
32096 Puckett | 2000 KO38 | Tim Puckett (born 1962), an American astronomer who built the Puckett Observatory in Elijay, Georgia, for cometary studies and supernova discovery. His team has over 75 supernova discoveries to its credit (Src). | JPL · 32096 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32101 Williamyin | 2000 KA51 | William Yin (born 1999) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials science project. | JPL · 32101 |
32103 Reʼemsari | 2000 KF52 | Reʼem Sari (born 1971) is an astrophysicist at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, recognized for studying gamma-ray bursts, planet formation, the Kuiper belt, internal structure of asteroids, and evolution of binary systems. | IAU · 32103 |
32104 Emmarainey | 2000 KR52 | Emma Rainey (born 1980), scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory | IAU · 32104 |
32105 Plesko | 2000 KT52 | Cathy Plesko (born 1980), planetary scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory | IAU · 32105 |
32106 Dawngraninger | 2000 KD58 | Dawn Graininger (born 1989), scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory | IAU · 32106 |
32107 Ylitalo | 2000 KX64 | Maxwell Robert Ylitalo (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy project. | JPL · 32107 |
32108 Jovanzhang | 2000 KZ64 | Jovan Y. Zhang (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy project. | JPL · 32108 |
32109 Brucksyal | 2000 KQ70 | Megan Bruck Syal (born 1983), research scientist and planetary defense team lead at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | IAU · 32109 |
32110 Wendycaldwell | 2000 KA73 | Wendy Caldwell (born 1982), research scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory | IAU · 32110 |
32111 Mallorydecoster | 2000 KD73 | Mallory Decoster (born 1989), scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory | IAU · 32111 |
32112 Katiekumamoto | 2000 KK73 | Kathryn Kumamoto (born 1990), researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | IAU · 32112 |
32113 Mikeowen | 2000 KP73 | Mike Owen (b. 1967), an American researcher. | IAU · 32113 |
32120 Stevezheng | 2000 LC8 | Steve Daikai Zheng (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental engineering project. | JPL · 32120 |
32121 Joshuazhou | 2000 LF9 | Joshua Zhou (born 1999) was awarded best of category award and first place in the 2015 Intel ISEF for his earth and environmental sciences project. He also received the Intel Foundation Cultural and Scientific Visit to China Award. | JPL · 32121 |
32128 Jayzussman | 2000 LL13 | Jay Wolf Zussman (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 32128 |
32131 Ravindran | 2000 LQ16 | Pavithran T. Ravindran (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2015 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his chemistry project. | JPL · 32131 |
32132 Andrewamini | 2000 LS16 | Andrew Ethridge Amini (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his computational biology and bioinformatics project. | JPL · 32132 |
32142 Tristanguillot | 2000 LU26 | Tristan Guillot (b. 1970), a French astronomer. | IAU · 32142 |
32144 Humes | 2000 LA29 | Oriel Humes (born 1996), American astronomer and Northern Arizona University Ph.D. recipient | IAU · 32144 |
32145 Katberman | 2000 LE30 | Katharine Barr Berman (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 32145 |
32146 Paigebrown | 2000 LF30 | Paige Brown (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her environmental science project. | JPL · 32146 |
32150 Crumpton | 2000 LJ31 | Rev. Ian Spencer Crumpton (1940-2022), New Zealander who served as president of the Canterbury Astronomical Society | IAU · 32150 |
32151 Seanmarshall | 2000 LX31 | Sean Marshall (born 1987) is a postdoctoral research scientist at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, USA. He studies near-Earth asteroids using radar and lightcurve observations to find their sizes, shapes, and rotation states, adding infrared observations to find their thermal properties. | IAU · 32151 |
32152 Hyland | 2000 LK34 | Méabh Hyland (born 1992), Irish astronomer and Queen's University Belfast Ph.D. recipient | IAU · 32152 |
32153 Laurenmcgraw | 2000 LM34 | Lauren McGraw (born 1992), American planetary astronomer specializing in water distribution on near-Earth asteroids | IAU · 32153 |
32163 Claireburch | 2000 MZ5 | Claire Bernadette Burch (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her space science project. | JPL · 32163 |
32184 Yamaura | 2000 NC20 | Yuichi Yamaura (born 1955), a Japanese scientist and one of the leaders of the National Space Development Agency of Japan. He contributed greatly to the construction of the Bisei Spaceguard Center. | JPL · 32184 |
32185 Noonan | 2000 ND23 | John Noonan (born 1994), American planetary scientist and University of Arizona Ph.D. recipient | IAU · 32185 |
32186 McMullan | 2000 NM23 | Sarah McMullan (born 1992), British planetary scientist, leader of the group responsible for recovering the Winchcombe meteorite | IAU · 32186 |
32191 Bensharkey | 2000 NZ26 | Benjamin Sharkey (born 1994), American astronomer at the University of Maryland, College Park | IAU · 32191 |
32194 Mahlke | 2000 NY27 | Max Mahlke (b. 1992), a German planetary scientist. | IAU · 32194 |
32197 Judylynnpalmer | 2000 OV | Judy Lynn Palmer (b. 1954), an American biostatician. | IAU · 32197 |
32200 Seiicyoshida | 2000 OT2 | Seiichi Yoshida (born 1974), a Japanese astronomer who started the MISAO (Multitudinous Image-based Sky-survey and Accumulative Observations) project. He has contributed to the discovery of variable stars and studies photometric observations of comets. | JPL · 32200 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32207 Mairepercy | 2000 OQ7 | Maire Percy (born 1939) conducts research at the University of Toronto in risk factors for human disease. She identifies factors that could lead to the cure or prevention of human disorders, including diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer-like dementia in Down Syndrome. She is the wife of astronomer John R. Percy (Src). | JPL · 32207 |
32208 Johnpercy | 2000 OR7 | John R. Percy (born 1941), a British-born professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Toronto, has written over 400 scientific papers, articles and books on variable stars and astronomy education. His organizational affiliations span the globe, and his many awards reflect his dedicated support to astronomy education. (Src). | JPL · 32208 |
32213 Joshuachoe | 2000 OE13 | Joshua Choe (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 32213 |
32214 Colburn | 2000 OV15 | Thomas William Colburn (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his chemistry project. | JPL · 32214 |
32217 Beverlyge | 2000 OE18 | Beverly Ge (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her materials science project. | JPL · 32217 |
32222 Charlesvest | 2000 OD23 | Charles M. Vest (1941–2013), was an American educator and engineer who served as president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1990 to 2004. | JPL · 32222 |
32226 Vikulgupta | 2000 OQ23 | Vikul Gupta (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project. | JPL · 32226 |
32229 Higashino | 2000 OX26 | Soon il Junko Higashino (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her animal sciences project. | JPL · 32229 |
32233 Georgehou | 2000 OZ29 | George Hou (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project. | JPL · 32233 |
32234 Jesslihuang | 2000 OW31 | Jessica Li Huang (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her behavioral and social sciences project. | JPL · 32234 |
32237 Jagadeesan | 2000 OA37 | Meena Jagadeesan (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematics project. | JPL · 32237 |
32242 Jagota | 2000 OE40 | Milind Jagota (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials science project. | JPL · 32242 |
32250 Karthik | 2000 OF46 | Anjini Karthik (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her materials science project. | JPL · 32250 |
32260 Schult | 2000 OG57 | Carsten Schult (born 1987) is a German atmospheric physicist who specializes in radar measurements of meteors for atmospheric and astronomical studies at the Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Kühlungsborn, Germany. | IAU · 32260 |
32261 Podlewskagaca | 2000 OS58 | Edyta Podlewska-Gaca (b. 1981), a Polish researcher. | IAU · 32261 |
32262 Marinferrais | 2000 OA60 | Marin Ferrais (b. 1993), a Belgian post-doctoral associate at the Arecibo Observatory. | IAU · 32262 |
32263 Kusnierkiewicz | 2000 OH69 | David Yan Kusnierkiewicz (born 1955) served as mission systems engineer of the New Horizons Pluto Kuiper Belt mission. In this role he is making a fundamental contribution to the exploration of the solar system. | JPL · 32263 |
32264 Cathjesslai | 2000 PC1 | Catherine Jessica Yihui Lai (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project. | JPL · 32264 |
32267 Hermannweyl | 2000 PS1 | Hermann Weyl (1885–1955) was a German-American pure and applied mathematician. His work, from the study of the Riemann surface to the application of group theory to quantum mechanics, shows his ability to find connections between previously unrelated subjects. | JPL · 32267 |
32270 Inokuchihiroo | 2000 PC4 | Hiroo Inokuchi (1927–2014) was a Japanese physicist who discovered the semiconductive properties in organic materials. He also contributed to the cultivation and development of research under microgravity. He is the chairman of Japan Space Forum, which manages Bisei Spaceguard Center. | JPL · 32270 |
32272 Hasegawayuya | 2000 PV4 | Yuya Hasegawa, the prizewinner in the 2008 Space Day Award | JPL · 32272 |
32275 Limichael | 2000 PS13 | Michael Yifan Li (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his computational biology and bioinformatics project. | JPL · 32275 |
32276 Allenliu | 2000 PV14 | Allen Liu (born 1999), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project. | JPL · 32276 |
32277 Helenliu | 2000 PE15 | Helen Liu (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project. | JPL · 32277 |
32278 Makaram | 2000 PU15 | Yashaswini Makaram (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her computer science project. | JPL · 32278 |
32279 Marshall | 2000 PX16 | Nathan Charles Marshall (born 1998) is a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his earth and planetary science project. He attends the Boise High School, Boise, Idaho. | JPL · 32279 |
32280 Rachelmashal | 2000 PF17 | Rachel Mashal (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her animal sciences project. | JPL · 32280 |
32281 Shreyamenon | 2000 PP21 | Shreya Menon (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 32281 |
32282 Arnoldmong | 2000 PS23 | Arnold Mong (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his physics project. | JPL · 32282 |
32288 Terui | 2000 QN1 | Yoshihiro Terui, the winner of the 2008 Space Day Award essay competition | JPL · 32288 |
32294 Zajonc | 2000 QN9 | Ivo Zajonc (born 1933), Czech zoologist and amateur astronomer, chair of the Nitra branch of the Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers (SZAA), a member of the Jihlava Astronomical Society, and honorary fellow of the Slovak Astronomical Society | JPL · 32294 |
32295 Ravichandran | 2000 QD10 | Kavya Ravichandran (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her bioengineering project. | JPL · 32295 |
32296 Aninsayana | 2000 QY10 | Anin Sayana (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his medicine and health project. | JPL · 32296 |
32298 Kunalshroff | 2000 QD12 | Kunal Shroff (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 32298 |
32299 Srinivas | 2000 QD17 | Pranav Srinivas (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his computational biology and bioinformatics project. | JPL · 32299 |
32300 Uwamanzunna | 2000 QL20 | Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her engineering project. | JPL · 32300 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32302 Mayavarma | 2000 QO24 | Maya Varma (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her engineering project | JPL · 32302 |
32308 Sreyavemuri | 2000 QZ31 | Sreya Vemuri (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her physics project. | JPL · 32308 |
32310 Asherwillner | 2000 QY35 | Asher Justin Willner (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his engineering project. | JPL · 32310 |
32311 Josephineyu | 2000 QA38 | Josephine Jessica Yu (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her physics project. | JPL · 32311 |
32313 Zhangmichael | 2000 QO39 | Michael Zhang (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioengineering project. | JPL · 32313 |
32314 Rachelzhang | 2000 QO42 | Rachel Zhang (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematics project. | JPL · 32314 |
32315 Clarezhu | 2000 QO43 | Clare Zhu, (born 1998), a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her computational biochemistry project | JPL · 32315 |
32379 Markadame | 2000 QR177 | Mark Adame, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32379 |
32381 Bellomo | 2000 QP185 | Vickie Bellomo, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32381 |
32384 Scottbest | 2000 QQ190 | Scott Best, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32384 |
32387 D'Egidio | 2000 QR193 | Michael D´Egidio, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32387 |
32389 Michflannory | 2000 QJ202 | Michelle Flannory, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32389 |
32393 Galinato | 2000 QT209 | Erin Galinato, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32393 |
32398 Métayer | 2000 QT218 | Robin Métayer (b. 1994), a French planetary scientist. | IAU · 32398 |
32399 Epifani | 2000 QA219 | Elena Mazzotta Epifani (b. 1972), an Italian astronomer. | IAU · 32399 |
32400 Itaparica | 2000 QK220 | The Observatório Astronômico do Sertão de Itaparica (OASI) is located in Itacuruba (PE) and is dedicated to the study of small Solar System studies. Its 1-m telescope, in operation since 2011, is the largest one in the northeastern region of Brazil. | IAU · 32400 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32402 Annametke | 2000 QF231 | Anna Metke (b. 1992), an American scientist. | IAU · 32402 |
32405 Jameshill | 2000 RE1 | James Hill, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32405 |
32406 Tracyhughes | 2000 RE1 | Tracy Hughes, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32406 |
32424 Caryjames | 2000 RY62 | Cary James, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32424 |
32428 Peterlangley | 2000 RC75 | Peter Langley, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32428 |
32432 Stansberry | 2000 RT86 | John Stansberry (b. 1962), an American researcher. | IAU · 32432 |
32436 Eranofek | 2000 RQ97 | Eran O. Ofek (born 1972), is an Israeli astrophysicist and a discoverer of minor planets at the Weizmann Institute of Science who studies transient phenomena on the outskirts of the Solar System. | IAU · 32436 |
32438 Wonyonghan | 2000 RW98 | Won-Yong Han (b. 1956), a Korean researcher. | IAU · 32438 |
32439 Sangjoonkim | 2000 RO99 | Sang-Joon Kim (b. 1952), a Korean professor at Kyung Hee University. | IAU · 32439 |
32441 Youngrokkim | 2000 RO100 | Young-Rok Kim (1977–2022), a Korean astronomer. | IAU · 32441 |
32442 Heejaelee | 2000 RS100 | Hee-Jae Lee (b. 1990), a Korean postdoctoral researcher at the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | IAU · 32442 |
32443 Davidhaack | 2000 RD101 | David Haack (b. 1982), a German scientist. | IAU · 32443 |
32449 Crystalmiller | 2000 SR16 | Crystal Miller, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32449 |
32453 Kanamishogo | 2000 SF42 | Kanami Yoshimi and Shogo Yoshimi are the discoverer's daughter and son | JPL · 32453 |
32462 Janmitchener | 2000 SU112 | Jan Mitchener, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32462 |
32481 Inasaridze | 2000 SF352 | Raguli Ya. Inasaridze (b. 1950), a Georgian astronomer. | IAU · 32481 |
32483 Kumar | 2000 SM362 | Kumar Venkataramani (b. 1989), an Indian astronomer. | IAU · 32483 |
32486 Leospohl | 2000 TY56 | Leos Pohl (b. 1981), a Czech Research Scientist at the University of Central Florida (Orlando, Florida). | IAU · 32486 |
32487 Eschrig | 2000 TM61 | Jolantha Eschrig (b. 1995), a German planetary scientist. | IAU · 32487 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32516 Simoneieva | 2001 OH46 | Simone Ieva (b. 1986), an Italian researcher. | IAU · 32516 |
32518 Ktramesh | 2001 OZ69 | Kaliat “K. T.” Ramesh (b. 1959), an American Professor of Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University | IAU · 32518 |
32519 Timholt | 2001 OB73 | Timothy R. Holt (b. 1983), an Australian planetary scientist. | IAU · 32519 |
32520 Jontihorner | 2001 OG73 | Jonti Horner (b. 1978), a British-Australian astronomer. | IAU · 32520 |
32522 Judiepersons | 2001 OE81 | Judie Persons, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32522 |
32524 Roberthowie | 2001 OC85 | Robert Howie (b. 1989), an Australian research engineer. | IAU · 32524 |
32525 Kynanhughson | 2001 OZ85 | Kynan Hughson (b. 1991), a Canadian planetary scientist. | IAU · 32525 |
32527 Junko | 2001 OS104 | Junko Baba (born 1978) is an administrative associate at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. She has organized international collaborative programs promoting studies of asteroids in Uzbekistan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. | IAU · 32527 |
32531 Ulrikababiaková | 2001 PG13 | Ulrika Babiaková (1976–2002), Slovak astronomer, was interested in interplanetary matter and asteroid photometry, as well as teaching and the popularization of astronomy. She was the wife of the discoverer and died in an accident aged 26. | JPL · 32531 |
32532 Thereus | 2001 PT13 | Thereus, mythological centaur, a hunter who captured bears and carried them home, alive and struggling | JPL · 32532 |
32533 Tranpham | 2001 PS29 | Tran Pham, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32533 |
32544 Debjaniroy | 2001 QY11 | Debjani Roy, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32544 |
32547 Shandroff | 2001 QW14 | Melissa Shandroff, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32547 |
32549 Taricco | 2001 QA19 | Angela Taricco, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32549 |
32550 Sharonthomas | 2001 QT19 | Sharon Thomas, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32550 |
32552 Jennithomas | 2001 QU23 | Jennifer Thomas, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32552 |
32556 Jennivibber | 2001 QH30 | Jennifer Vibber, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32556 |
32561 Waldron | 2001 QE38 | Melissa Waldron, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32561 |
32562 Caseywarner | 2001 QA45 | Casey Warner, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32562 |
32563 Nicolezaidi | 2001 QA53 | Nicole Zaidi, a mentor of a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors. | JPL · 32563 |
32564 Glass | 2001 QM68 | Eugene Glass, American amateur astronomer | JPL · 32564 |
32569 Deming | 2001 QW71 | Leo Deming, American amateur astronomer, one of the founders of the original observatory at Rose-Hulman (the discovery site) | JPL · 32569 |
32570 Peruindiana | 2001 QZ71 | The "circus capital of the world" Peru, Indiana, hometown of the American discoverer Chris Wolfe | JPL · 32570 |
32571 Brayton | 2001 QA72 | Scott Brayton, American car racer | JPL · 32571 |
32579 Allendavia | 2001 QJ97 | Davia Elizabeth LeXin Allen (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her animal science project. | JPL · 32579 |
32580 Avbalasingam | 2001 QY97 | Akhilesh Varadan Balasingam (born 2003), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his energy and sustainability project. | JPL · 32580 |
32582 Mayachandar | 2001 QW101 | Maya Sruti Chandar (born 2003), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her animal science project. | JPL · 32582 |
32584 Michaelcollins | 2001 QW105 | Michael Collins (b. 1957), an Electronics Specialist and longtime occultation chaser at Lowell Observatory, USA. | IAU · 32584 |
32585 Tardivel | 2001 QQ107 | Simon Tardivel (b. 1987), a French researcher at CNES (France). | IAU · 32585 |
32590 Cynthiachen | 2001 QF130 | Cynthia Chen (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her environmental and earth sciences project. | JPL · 32590 |
32593 Crotty | 2001 QK138 | Brendan Joseph Crotty (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his materials & bioengineering project. | JPL · 32593 |
32594 Nathandeng | 2001 QV141 | Nathan K. Deng (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his chemistry project. | JPL · 32594 |
32596 Čepek | 2001 QS154 | Aleš Čepek (born 1954) is a professor at the Department of Mapping and Cartography, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. He is the author of project GNU Gama and the editor-in-chief of Geoinformatics FCE CTU Journal. | JPL · 32596 |
32597 Alicelucchetti | 2001 QC157 | Alice Lucchetti (b. 1989), an Italian research scientist. | IAU · 32597 |
32598 Vanialorenzi | 2001 QN159 | Vania Lorenzi (b. 1973), an Italian astronomer. | IAU · 32598 |
32599 Pedromachado | 2001 QL160 | Pedro Mota Machado (b. 1967), a Portuguese professor at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Science (Lisbon). | IAU · 32599 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32603 Ariaeppinger | 2001 QL199 | Aria Rosalee Eppinger (born 2001), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 32603 |
32604 Meganmansfield | 2001 QP212 | Megan Mansfield (b. 1994), an American astronomer. | IAU · 32604 |
32605 Lucy | 2001 QM213 | Lucy, nickname of AL 288-1, the 3.2 million years old, 40-percent-complete Australopithecus afarensis skeleton discovered in 1974 by the International Afar Research Expedition in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia's Afar Depression | JPL · 32605 |
32606 Markkanen | 2001 QY217 | Johannes Markkanen (b. 1984), a Finnish postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany) | IAU · 32606 |
32607 Portell | 2001 QH220 | Jordi Portell (b. 1975), a Spanish interface engineer. | IAU · 32607 |
32608 Hallas | 2001 QA231 | Tony Hallas (born 1945) trained as a professional photographer and is one of the finest astroimagers. His photographs have appeared in books, magazines, and on products such as Apple's OS-X Lion operating system. He developed many imageprocessing techniques, which he has shared in articles and on DVDs. | JPL · 32608 |
32609 Jamesfagan | 2001 QF243 | James Dana Fagan (born 2006), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his physics project | JPL · 32609 |
32610 Siennafink | 2001 QA245 | Sienna Nicole Fink (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her physics project. | JPL · 32610 |
32611 Ananyaganesh | 2001 QB253 | Ananya Lakshmi Ganesh (born 2001), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 32611 |
32612 Ghatare | 2001 QA256 | Adishree Ghatare (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her computer science and software engineering project. | JPL · 32612 |
32613 Tseyuenman | 2001 QU265 | Tse Yuen Man Joanna (1968–2003) was a Respiratory Medicine specialist doctor in Hong Kong. She died on duty while serving patients during the SARS epidemics in 2003. Her bravery and kindness as a physician has touched the hearts of many people. | JPL · 32613 |
32614 Hacegarcia | 2001 QY266 | Joaquin Hace Garcia (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. | JPL · 32614 |
32616 Nadinehan | 2001 QH279 | Nadine Han (born 2003), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her environmental and earth sciences project. | JPL · 32616 |
32617 Tiegs | 2001 QY283 | Jake Tiegs (b. 1972), the Mechanical Technician II for the Lowell Discovery Telescope and Safety Officer for Lowell Observatory, USA | IAU · 32617 |
32618 Leungkamcheung | 2001 QL293 | Leungkamcheung (born 1956) is a former president of the Hong Kong Astronomical Society. | JPL · 32618 |
32619 Lynnsawyer | 2001 QC295 | Lynn Sawyer (b. 1961), the Philanthropy Assistant at Lowell Observatory located in the USA. | IAU · 32619 |
32621 Talcott | 2001 RZ | Richard Talcott (born 1954) joined the staff of Astronomy magazine in early 1986. Since then, he has written hundreds of feature articles on both the science of astronomy and observing the night sky in addition to editing the popular Sky This Month section. Rich also has authored or co-authored several astronomy books. | JPL · 32621 |
32622 Yuewaichun | 2001 RZ16 | Yue Wai-Chun (born 1954), a veteran amateur astronomer, was the coordinator of IOTA China division. He had made tremendous contribution to astronomy in numerous ways, including distributing daily astronomy news through Hong Kong Astronomical Society's smart phone apps to tens of thousands of astronomy lovers. | JPL · 32622 |
32623 Samuelkahn | 2001 RV23 | Samuel Bennett Kahn (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his environmental and earth sciences project. | JPL · 32623 |
32628 Lazorik | 2001 RK70 | Olivia Jane Lazorik (born 2001), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her animal science project. | JPL · 32628 |
32630 Ethanlevy | 2001 RZ71 | Ethan Zvi Levy (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 32630 |
32631 Majzoub | 2001 RS74 | Omar Majzoub (born 2002), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his physics project. | JPL · 32631 |
32633 Honguyang | 2001 RY93 | Hongu Yang (born 1980) is a postdoctoral researcher at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (Daejeon, South Korea). He studies dynamical evolution of dust particles, in particular from comets to the inner solar system. | IAU · 32633 |
32634 Sonjamichaluk | 2001 RU103 | Sonja Morgan Simon Michaluk (born 2003), a finalist in the 2016 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her environmental and earth sciences project. | JPL · 32634 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32720 Simoeisios | 2131 T-3 | Simoeisios, young Trojan hero killed by Ajax during the Trojan War | JPL · 32720 |
32724 Woerlitz | 4029 T-3 | Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz (Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz), near Dessau, Germany, an exceptional example of eighteenth-century landscape design and a UNESCO World Heritage site | JPL · 32724 |
32726 Chromios | 4179 T-3 | Chromios, son of Priam, killed by Diomedes during the Trojan War | JPL · 32726 |
32730 Lamarr | 1951 RX | Hedy Lamarr (1914–2000) was an Austrian-American inventor and actress. Along with George Antheil, she developed technology for a radio guidance system to assist the Allied war effort in WWII. These technologies are used in current Bluetooth systems. | JPL · 32730 |
32731 Annaivanovna | 1968 OD1 | Anna Ivanovna Plyugina, specialist in fundamental astrometry at the Pulkovo Observatory | JPL · 32731 |
32734 Kryukov | 1978 RM | Vladimir Vladimirovich Kryukov, Russian electrical engineer | JPL · 32734 |
32735 Strekalov | 1978 SX4 | Gennady Mikhailovich Strekalov (1940–2004), a Russian cosmonaut. | JPL · 32735 |
32766 Voskresenskoe | 1982 UY7 | Voskresenskoe is an urban settlement, the center of the Voskresenskoe region of the Nizhnij Novgorod province and home of the discoverer's parents. The first documented mention of the settlement dates back to 1614. | JPL · 32766 |
32768 Alexandripatov | 1983 RZ4 | Alexandr V. Ipatov (born 1945) is the director of the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. | JPL · 32768 |
32770 Starchik | 1984 YY1 | Boris Stepanovich Starchik, Ukrainian engineer, builder, traveller, forester, and defender of nature | JPL · 32770 |
32776 Nriag | 1987 KG5 | National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Helwan, Egypt | JPL · 32776 |
32796 Ehrenfest | 1990 ET2 | Paul Ehrenfest, 19th–20th-century Jewish-Austrian physicist | JPL · 32796 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32807 Quarenghi | 1990 SN28 | Jacomo Quarenghi, Italian architect, who designed the Hermitage theater, the Smolny Institute, the Guards' Manège (all in St. Petersburg) and the Alexandre Palace (in Tsarskoye Selo) | JPL · 32807 |
32808 Bischoff | 1990 TP2 | Werner Bischoff, researcher at Carl Zeiss, Jena was engaged in designing the large Hamburg | JPL · 32808 |
32809 Sommerfeld | 1990 TJ10 | Arnold Sommerfeld, German physics professor | JPL · 32809 |
32810 Steinbach | 1990 TS10 | Manfred Steinbach, professor of precision instrument design for astronomical, geophysical and space applications at Carl Zeiss, Jena | JPL · 32810 |
32811 Apisaon | 1990 TP12 | Apisaon, son of Phausios, Trojan warrior who fought against the approaching Aias but was transfixed and deprived of his armor by Eurypylus | JPL · 32811 |
32821 Posch | 1991 RC3 | Manfred Posch, chief editor of an Austrian newspaper | JPL · 32821 |
32853 Döbereiner | 1992 SF2 | Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner, German professor of chemistry | JPL · 32853 |
32855 Zollitsch | 1992 SF17 | Robert Zollitsch, archbishop of Freiburg | JPL · 32855 |
32858 Kitakamigawa | 1993 BA3 | Kitakamigawa is the largest river in the Tohoku district, flowing from Iwate to Miyagi prefecture. | JPL · 32858 |
32890 Schwob | 1994 AL1 | Pierre R. Schwob (born 1946), American-Swiss software engineer and amateur astronomer | JPL · 32890 |
32891 Amatrice | 1994 CE1 | Amatrice is an Italian mountain village located in the region of Latium. The village, world-famous for the pasta sauce Amatriciana, was destroyed by the earthquake of 2016 August 24. | JPL · 32891 |
32892 Prufrock | 1994 DW | The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and its eponymous narrator known as "Prufrock", a poem by American-born British poet T. S. Eliot. The poem is often referenced in popular culture. | JPL · 32892 |
32893 van der Waals | 1994 EM6 | Johannes Diderik van der Waals, 19th–20th-century Dutch physicist, thermodynamicist, and Nobelist | JPL · 32893 |
32897 Curtharris | 1994 PD | Curtis Harris, amateur astronomer in Anguilla | JPL · 32897 |
32899 Knigge | 1994 PY1 | Adolph Freiherr Knigge (1752–1796), German author and translator | JPL · 32899 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
32911 Cervara | 1994 VX | Cervara di Roma, an Italian mountain village located in the Simbruini Regional Park in the region of Latium. | JPL · 32911 |
32928 Xiejialin | 1995 QZ | Xie Jialin (1920–2016), Chinese physicist and member of Chinese Academy of Sciences. | JPL · 32928 |
32931 Ferioli | 1995 SY4 | Luigi Ferioli (born 1938), an Italian amateur astronomer and enthusiastic popularizer of astronomy, a skillful maker of telescopes and sundials, and author of Appunti di ottica astronomica ("Notes on astronomical optics"). | JPL · 32931 |
32938 Ivanopaci | 1995 TP2 | Ivano Paci (born 1932), Italian professor, who provided crucial support to the development of the Pistoia Mountains Astronomical Observatory. | JPL · 32938 |
32939 Nasimi | 1995 UN2 | Imadaddin Nasimi (1369–1417) was a mystical poet who wrote in Azerbaijani, Persian and Arabic. Nasimi wrote two collections of poetry (divans) and a number of poems. In his poetry he expressed both Sufi and Hurufi sentiments. His lyrical and elegant style makes him one of the most prominent early divan masters. | JPL · 32939 |
32943 Sandyryan | 1995 VK2 | Sandy Ryan, American provider of technical support to the AMOS team | JPL · 32943 |
32944 Gussalli | 1995 WC3 | Luigi Gussalli (1885–1950), an Italian mechanical engineer and space-vehicle propulsion designer (Src). | MPC · 32944 |
32945 Lecce | 1995 WR5 | Lecce, in southern Italy, is the capital of the province of Lecce. Because of the rich Baroque architectural monuments found in the city, it is commonly nicknamed "The Florence of the South". The city also has a long traditional affinity with Greek culture going back to its foundation. | JPL · 32945 |
32969 Motohikosato | 1996 PP9 | Motohiko Sato (born 1939) organized the Yamagata Astronomical Society in 1961 and actively popularizes astronomy. | JPL · 32969 |
32987 Uyuni | 1996 XB9 | Salar de Uyuni is by far the largest salty expanse on the planet, located high in the southern Andes of Bolivia | JPL · 32987 |
32990 Sayo-hime | 1996 YD3 | Sayo-hime is the female protagonist of a love story, written around the sixth century, in which a young man heads off to the Korean peninsula. This tragic love story was included in Japan's oldest collection of waka poetry, the Manyohshu. | JPL · 32990 |
33000 Chenjiansheng | 1997 CJ28 | Jiansheng Chen (born 1938), a Chinese astrophysicist who contributed to the development of modern astronomy in China. | JPL · 33000 |
- ^ "WGSBN Bulletin Archive". Working Group Small Body Nomenclature. 14 May 2021. Retrieved 16 May 2021.
- ^ "MPC/MPO/MPS Archive". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- ^ "JPL – Solar System Dynamics: Discovery Circumstances". Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Retrieved 25 June 2019.
- ^ Schmadel, Lutz D. (2003). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-00238-3. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- ^ Schmadel, Lutz D. (2006). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names – Addendum to Fifth Edition: 2003–2005. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-34360-8. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- ^ Herget, Paul (1968). The Names of the Minor Planets. Cincinnati, Ohio: Minor Planet Center, Cincinnati Observatory. OCLC 224288991.
- ^ "Guide to Minor Body Astrometry – When can I name my discovery?". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
- ^ "Minor Planet Naming Guidelines (Rules and Guidelines for naming non-cometary small Solar-System bodies) – v1.0" (PDF). Working Group Small Body Nomenclature (PDF). 20 December 2021.