
List of people from Ponce, Puerto Rico

This is a list of notable Ponceños, people from Ponce, Puerto Rico. Listed here are people who were either born in Ponce or who were not born in Ponce, but who are or were longtime residents of the city – the so-called adopted sons and daughters of Ponce, and known in Spanish as "Ponceñistas". Ponce has also been the birthplace and the place of residence of many Puerto Ricans who became notable elsewhere. The following lists many of them as well. The list is arranged alphabetically by area of notability.

List of notable Ponceños by area of notability

The list is divided into categories and in some cases sub-categories which best describe the field for which the subject is most noted. For individuals notable in more than one field (such as "Luis A. Ferré" who is notable as a former "governor" and as an "industrialist") the entry is made under the field for which the individual is most noted.

Contents: TopActors, actresses, comedians and directors, Architects, Authors, playwrights and poets, Beauty queens and fashion models, Business people and industrialists, Civil rights and/or political activists, Clergy, Composers, contemporary singers, musicians and opera, Criminals and outlaws, Diplomats, Educators, Governors, Historians, Journalists, Judges, law enforcement and firefighters, Military, Physicians, scientists and inventors, Politicians, Sportspeople, Visual Artists.

Lymari Nadal, actress American Gangster
Mario Montez, a Warhol superstar
Big screen actor Teófilo Torres
Film producer Juan Emilio Viguié
Andrés Mignucci, FAIA 2012 Henry Klumb Awardee
Denise Quiñones, Miss Universe 2001
Maripily Rivera, actress and model
Juan Serrallés, founder of Destilería Serrallés, makers of Don Q rum
Valentín Tricoche, philanthropist
Juan Morel Campos, Composer of Danzas
Multi-instrumentalist Papo Lucca at piano
Domingo Cruz "Cocolía", Ponce Municipal Band director
Juan Ríos Ovalle, danza composer and orchestra conductor
Antonio Paoli, Tenor
Rubén Colón Tarrats in 2012
Ednita Nazario, pop music singer
Amalia Paoli, soprano
Roberto Sánchez Vilella, Governor of Puerto Rico (1965-1969)
Luis A. Ferré, governor, philanthropist and industrialist
Rafael Hernández Colón Governor of Puerto Rico (1973-77, 1985-93)
Ramón Marín, historian
Lolita Tizol, music educator
Gladys Tormes González, historian
Agüeybaná II, leader of the Taíno rebellion of 1511
Chief Master Sergeant Ramón Colón-López
Euripides Rubio, Medal of Honor recipient
Colonel Raúl G. Villaronga, military and Mayor of Killeen, Texas
Joxel García, Assistant Secretary of Health under President George W. Bush
Gerónimo Lluberas, physician and humanitarian
Dr. Rafael Pujals, physician and civic leader
María Martínez Acosta, politician
Pedro Albizu Campos – President and principal leader of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party.
Román Baldorioty de Castro, The Father of Puerto Rico's Autonomy
Federico Degetau, writer, author, and Resident Commissioner
Maurice Ferré, former Mayor of Miami
Carlos Correa, MLB player with the Houston Astros
Roberto Alomar, MLB Hall of Famer
Ivelisse Vélez, professional wrestler
Orlando Cepeda, MLB Hall of Famer
Ricky Ledée with the Mets
Francisco "Paquito" Montaner around 1912
Millito Navarro, last surviving player of the American Negro League
Javier Vázquez with the Yankees
Carlos Ortíz, 3-time world boxing champion
Javier Culson, 400-meter hurdles

Actors, actresses, comedians, directors and entertainers


Authors, playwrights and poets

Beauty queens and fashion models

Business people and industrialists

Civic leaders

Civil servants and public servants

  • Enrique Campos del Toro, businessman, banker, law professor and civil servant
    Served in several Commonwealth governmental positions, some of which were appointed by the president of the United States.
  • Carlos A. Chardón López, educator and civil servant
    Chardón served twice as Puerto Rico's Secretary of Education
  • Carlos Fernando Chardón, Secretary of State and Adjuntant General of Puerto Rico.
  • Antonio S. Luchetti, engineer and public servant
    Headed the launching of island-wide public electric service in Puerto Rico.
  • Mariano Villaronga-Toro, educator and public servant
    The first Commissioner of Public Instruction after the creation of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Displaced English as the language of instruction and replaced it with Spanish.

Civil rights and/or political activists


Composers, contemporary singers, musicians and opera



Contemporary singers


Theatrical arts

  • Luis Torres Nadal, playwright, poet, educator, actor, choreographer, and theatrical director.

Criminals and outlaws




First Ladies of Puerto Rico


  • Silvia Álvarez Curbelo, architectural and cultural historian
    Founding member of the Puerto Rican Association of Historians, and director of the Center for Communications Research at the University of Puerto Rico.
  • Francisco Lluch Mora, historian
    Wrote "Orígenes y Fundación de Ponce y Otras Noticias Relativas a su Desarrollo Urbano, Demográfico y Cultural (Siglos XVI-XIX)".
  • Ramón Marín, historian
    Wrote the classical work: "Las fiestas populares de Ponce."
  • Antonio Mirabal, political historian and poet
    Author of "De Rosas a Trujillo: estudio histórico comparativo de las tiranías en América." Long-time chief archivist at Archivo Historico de Ponce
  • Eduardo Neumann Gandía, historian
    Author of "Verdadera y Auténtica Historia de la Ciudad de Ponce."
  • Andrés Ramos Mattei, sugar industry historian
    Said to be "the undisputed authority" on the subject of Puerto Rico's sugar industry.
  • Gladys Esther Tormes González, historian
    Head archivist and longest-serving archivist at the "Archivo Historico de Ponce".


Judges, law enforcement and firefighters


Physicians, scientists and inventors



Baseball players and coaches

Basketball players


Other sportspeople

Visual artists

Table summary by year of birth

The following sortable table is a summary list of notable Ponceños and Ponceñistas arranged chronologically by year of birth.

Name Born Died Profession/Occupation/Notability Notes
José Ortíz de la Renta 1765 1850 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Salvador de Vives 1784 1845 Businessman -
Juan Rondón 1790 1843 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Valentín Tricoche 1800 1863 Philanthropist DOB is approximate
Juan José Cartagena 1815 1895 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Rafael León y García 1818 1888 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Juan Cortada y Quintana 1820 1889 Mayor DOB is approximate
Timoteo Luberza 1820 1895 Architect DOB and DOD are approximate
Juan Bertoli Calderoni 1820 1900 Architect DOB and DOD are approximate
Román Baldorioty de Castro 1822 1889 Politician Ponceñista
Francisco Parra Duperón 1827 1899 Businessman Ponceñista
Rafael Pujals 1830 1889 Physician Ponceñista. DOB is approximate
Ramón Marín 1832 1902 Historian Ponceñista
Miguel Rosich y Mass 1835 1915 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Hemeterio Colón Warens 1839 1889 Educator Possibly a Ponceñista
Martín Corchado 1839 1898 Physician Ponceñista
Ermelindo Salazar 1840 1920 Businessman DOB and DOD are approximate
José Lloréns Echevarría 1840 1920 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Manuel Gregorio Tavárez 1843 1883 Composer -
Lizzie Graham 1844 1927 Singer -
Olimpio Otero Vergés 1845 1911 Civic leader -
Juan José Potous 1845 1920 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Luis P. Valdivieso 1845 1920 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Juan Serrallés Colón 1845 1921 Businessman -
Enrique Chevalier 1845 1925 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Luis Porrata-Doría 1845 1925 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Julio J. Henna 1848 1924 Physician -
Santiago Oppenheimer 1850 1920 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Luis Gautier 1850 1920 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Antonio Arias 1850 1940 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Eduardo Armstrong 1851 1895 Mayor -
Félix Saurí Vivas 1852 1912 Businessman DOB and DOD are approximate
Eduardo Neumann Gandía 1852 1913 Historian -
Simón Moret Gallart 1853 1923 Mayor -
Juan Morel Campos 1857 1896 Composer -
José de Guzmán Benítez 1857 1921 Mayor -
Ulpiano Colóm 1861 1920 Mayor DOD is approximate
Amalia Paoli 1861 1941 Opera singer DOB is approximate
Pedro Juan Rosaly 1862 1920 Mayor DOD is approximate
Federico Degetau 1862 1914 Politician Also civil servant
Juan Ríos Ovalle 1863 1928 Composer -
Juan Bigas Moulins 1863 1934 Businessman -
Vicente Balbás Capó 1864 1926 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Domingo Cruz "Cocolía" 1864 1934 Musician -
Alfredo Miguel Aguayo Sánchez 1866 1948 Educator Born in Ponce, practiced mostly in Cuba
Arístides Chavier Arévalo 1867 1942 Composer -
Luis Yordán Dávila 1869 1932 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Manuel V. Domenech 1869 1942 Politician Ponceñista. Also an architect and civil servant
Blas Silva 1869 1949 Architect Ponceñista
Rafael Rivera Esbrí 1870 1965 Civic leader Also became mayor
Abelardo Aguilú, Jr. 1870 1940 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Francisco Parra Capó 1871 1945 Mayor DOD is approximate
Rodulfo del Valle 1871 1948 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Antonio Paoli 1871 1946 Opera singer -
José Tormos Diego 1875 1950 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Jaime L. Drew 1876 1948 Educator -
Elisa Tavárez 1879 1960 Pianist -
Blas Oliveras 1880 1950 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Pedro Miguel Caratini 1880 1940 Baseball player DOB and DOD are approximate
Antonio Mirabal 1880 1966 Historian -
Miguel Pou 1880 1968 Painter -
Guillermo Vivas Valdivieso 1881 1940 Mayor DOD is approximate
Alfredo Wiechers Pieretti 1881 1964 Architect -
Emilio Fagot 1883 1946 Mayor -
Vicente Balbás Capó 1884 1926 Mayor -
Manuel de la Pila Iglesias 1884 1950 Physician -
Rafael López Nussa 1885 1943 Physician Ponceñista. Also a public servant
José Leandro Montalvo Guenard 1885 1950 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Julio Alvarado Tricoche 1886 1970 Musician -
Antonio S. Luchetti 1888 1958 Civil servant -
Andrés Grillasca Salas 1888 1973 Mayor -
Lolita Tizol 1890 1933 Educator -
Francisco Porrata-Doría 1890 1971 Architect -
Pedro Albizu Campos 1891 1965 Politician -
Juan Emilio Viguié 1891 1966 Film maker -
Emilio J. Pasarell 1891 1974 Writer -
Paquito Montaner 1894 1945 Baseball player -
Librado Net 1895 1964 Musician -
Raúl Gándara Cartagena 1895 1989 Public servant -
Juan Luis Boscio 1896 1980 Mayor -
Carlos E. Chardón 1897 1965 Public servant -
Ernesto Ramos Antonini 1898 1963 Politician -
Washington Lloréns 1899 1989 Writer -
Enrique Campos del Toro 1900 1970 Businessman Also public servant; DOD is approximate
Julio Enrique Monagas 1900 1984 Public servant DOB is approximate
Isabel Luberza Oppenheimer 1901 1974 Businesswoman -
Ramiro L. Colón 1904 1983 Businessman Also politician
Luis A. Ferré 1904 2003 Politician Also industrialist and philanthropist
Pedro J. Labarthe 1905 1966 Poet -
Millito Navarro 1905 2011 Baseball player -
Mariano Villaronga Toro 1906 1987 Public servant -
José N. Gándara 1907 1954 Physician Also public servant
Domingo Marrero Navarro 1909 1960 Educator -
Pancho Coimbre 1909 1989 Baseball player -
María Teresa Babín Cortés 1910 1989 Educator Also a writer
Teodoro Moscoso 1910 1992 Diplomat Also a civil servant
Horacio Rivero, Jr. 1910 2000 Military -
Rafael Ríos Rey 1911 1980 Painter -
José Dapena Laguna 1912 1991 Mayor -
Félix Franco-Oppenheimer 1912 2004 Mayor -
Manuel González Pató 1913 1973 Educator -
María Luisa Penne 1913 2005 Painter -
Roberto Sánchez Vilella 1913 1997 Governor Ponceñista
Isolina Ferré 1914 2000 Clergy -
César Andreu Iglesias 1915 1976 Writer -
Epifanio “Fano” Irizarry 1915 2001 Painter -
Luis Ernesto Ramos Yordán 1915 2005 Politician
José Antonio Torres Martinó 1916 2011 Painter -
Eduardo Ruberté Bisó 1917 1985 Mayor DOB and DOD are approximate
Carlos Juan Cintrón 1918 1998 Mayor -
José Antonio Muñiz 1919 1960 Military -
Ruth Fernández 1919 2012 Singer -
Juan H. Cintrón García 1919 2012 Mayor -
Lorenzo S. Alvarado Santos 1920 1982 Singer -
Carlos Albizu Miranda 1920 1984 Educator -
José Miguel Rovira 1920 1993 Industrialist DOB is approximate
Graciela Rivera 1921 2011 Opera singer -
Héctor Campos Parsi 1922 1998 Composer -
Tommy Muñiz 1922 2009 Actor -
Olga Albizu 1924 2005 Painter -
Francisco Lluch Mora 1924 2006 Historian -
Juan Fremiot Torres Oliver 1925 2012 Clergy Ponceñista
Enrique "Coco" Vicéns 1926 1915 Basketball player Ponceñista. Also a politician
Esther Sandoval 1927 2006 Actress -
Elías López Sobá 1927 Musician Also an educator
Luis A. "Wito" Morales 1928 2011 Mayor -
Marta Romero 1928 2013 Actress -
Jeannette Ramos 1930 2021 Judge DOB is approximate
José G. Tormos Vega 1932 Mayor DOB is approximate
Walter Mercado 1932 2019 Astrologer -
Félix Torres 1932 Baseball player -
Pete "El Conde" Rodríguez 1933 2000 Singer -
Luis Osvaldo Pino Valdivieso 1933 2003 Band director -
Gladys Esther Tormes González 1933 Historian -
Juan "Pachín" Vicéns 1934 2007 Basketball player -
Elín Ortíz 1934 2016 Actor -
Mario Montez 1935 2013 Actor -
Maurice Ferre 1935 2019 Politician -
Cheo Feliciano 1935 2014 Singer -
Ed Vega 1936 2008 Writer -
José "Chegüi" Torres 1936 2009 Boxer -
Iván Ayala Cádiz 1936 Mayor DOB is approximate
Carlos Ortíz 1936 Boxer -
Félix Lázaro Martínez 1936 Clergy Ponceñista
Míriam Colón 1936 2017 Actress -
Iris Zavala 1936 2020 Writer -
Rafael Hernández Colón 1936 2019 Politician -
Ismael Quintana 1937 2016 Singer -
Orlando Cepeda 1937 Baseball player -
Eurípides Rubio 1938 1966 Military -
Félix Maldonado 1938 2010 Baseball manager -
José Dapena Thompson 1938 Mayor DOB is approximate
Raúl G. Villaronga 1938 2021 Military -
Rosario Ferré 1938 2016 Writer -
César Bocachica 1938 Basketball player -
Coco Laboy 1940 Baseball player -
Silvia Álvarez Curbelo 1940 Historian -
Rubén Colón Tarrats 1940 Musician -
Andrés Ramos Mattei 1941 1987 Historian -
Rafael Cordero Santiago 1942 2004 Mayor -
Salvador Vassallo 1942 2007 Industrialist -
Luis Torres Nadal 1943 1986 Playwright -
Pedro Pietri 1944 2004 Poet -
Delis Castillo Rivera de Santiago 1945 Mayor DOB is approximate
Juan "Papo" Franceschi 1946 1990 Track and field athlete -
Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda 1946 2013 Clergy -
Héctor Lavoe 1946 1993 Singer -
Peter Rivera 1946 Politician -
Papo Lucca 1946 Musician -
Juan González 1947 Journalist -
Carmen Nydia Velázquez 1947 Comedian Also a singer
Elizam Escobar 1948 2021 Poet Also an author
María Meléndez 1950 Mayor -
Otto Vélez 1950 Baseball player -
Francisco Zayas Seijo 1951 Mayor -
Carlos Alomar 1951 Musician -
Pepe Mangual 1952 Baseball player -
Wichie Torres 1952 2020 Painter -
Teófilo Torres 1954 Actor -
Larry Seilhamer Rodríguez 1954 Politician Ponceñista. Also basketball player.
Antonio García Padilla 1954 Educator -
Carmín Vega 1955 Singer -
Ednita Nazario 1955 Singer -
Gerónimo Lluberas 1956 2003 Humanitarian Also a physician
Ramón Enrique Torres 1956 News anchor -
Luis R. Visot 1956 Military DOB is approximate
Andrés Mignucci 1957 Architect -
Luis de León 1958 Baseball player -
Lunna 1960 Singer -
Lee Quiñones 1960 Painter -
Edwin Rodríguez 1960 Baseball personality -
Jesse Vassallo 1961 Olympic swimmer -
Luis Raúl 1962 Actor -
Joxel García 1962 Physician -
Luis Quiñones 1962 Baseball player -
Marisol Calero 1963 Actress -
Manolo Cintrón 1963 Basketball player -
Benito Santiago 1965 Baseball player -
Edgardo Guilbe 1966 Olympic sprinter -
Carmen Dominicci 1966 News anchor -
Roberto Alomar 1968 Baseball player -
Pedro Colón 1968 Politician -
Draco Rosa 1969 Singer Ponceñista
Javy López 1970 Baseball player -
Ramón Colón-López 1971 Military -
Francisco Rosa Rivera 1972 2010 Bodybuilder -
Alex Sánchez 1973 Boxer -
Ricky Ledée 1973 Baseball player -
Ricardo Busquets 1974 Olympic swimmer -
Germán Figueroa 1975 Wrestler -
Melliangee Pérez 1976 Soprano singer -
Javier Vázquez 1976 Baseball player -
Marco Zunino 1976 Actor -
Bobby Joe Hatton 1976 Basketball player -
Maripily Rivera 1977 Model -
Maruja Fuentes 1978 2010 Architect -
Mario Santiago 1978 Boxer -
Lymari Nadal 1978 Actress* -
Denise Quiñones 1980 Beauty pageant Also actress
Juan Vélez 1983 Singer* -
Miguel "Ali" Berdiel 1983 Basketball player -
Maria-Elena Laas 1983 Actress -
Javier Culson 1984 Olympic hurdler -
Debora Seilhamer 1985 Olympic volleyball player -
Ivelisse Vélez 1988 Wrestler -
Félix Serrallés 1992 Racing driver -

See also