List of coleopterists
Notable students of coleopterology (beetles) include the following.
Coleopterists from Australia
- George Francis Bornemissza (born Hungary)
- John Francis Lawrence (born U.S.A)
Coleopterists from Austria
- Stephan von Breuning
- Karl Wilhelm von Dalla Torre
- Caspar Erasmus Duftschmid
- Johann Angelo Ferrari
- Ludwig Ganglbauer
- Karl Borromaeus Maria Josef Heller
- Eduard Knirsch
- Johann Nepomuk von Laicharting
- Johann Carl Megerle von Mühlfeld
- Ludwig Redtenbacher
- Pater Gabriel Strobl
Coleopterists from Belgium
Coleopterists from Brazil
Coleopterists from Canada
- George Eugene Ball (born U.S.A)
- Aleš Smetana (also Czechoslovakia)
Coleopterists from Croatia
Coleopterists from Czechoslovakia
Coleopterists from Denmark
Coleopterists from England (United Kingdom)
- Anthony A. Allen
- Herbert Edward Andrewes
- Gilbert John Arrow
- Joseph Sugar Baly
- Henry Walter Bates
- Thomas Blackburn (also Hawaii and Australia)
- George Charles Champion
- James Cook Endeavour captain
- George Crabbe
- George Robert Crotch (also U.S.A.)
- Roy Crowson
- John Curtis
- Charles Darwin
- Horace Donisthorpe
- William Weekes Fowler
- Alexander Fry
- Eleanor Glanville
- Frederick DuCane Godman
- Henry Stephen Gorham
- Edward Wesley Janson
- Oliver Erichson Janson
- Norman H. Joy
- William Elford Leach
- John Henry Leech
- George Lewis
- Thomas Marsham
- Philip Brookes Mason
- Andrew Murray
- Frederic John Sidney Parry
- David Sharp
- William Edward Shuckard
- James Francis Stephens
- Alfred Russel Wallace
- James John Walker
- Thomas Vernon Wollaston
Coleopterists from Estonia
Coleopterists from Finland
Coleopterists from France
- César Marie Félix Ancey
- Félix Jean Marie Louis Ancey
- Charles Nicholas Aubé
- Alfred Balachowsky
- Eugène Barthe
- Ernest Marie Louis Bedel
- Louis Beguin-Billecocq
- Nicolas Adolphe Bellevoye
- Eugène Benderitter
- Henri Bertrand
- Anatole Auguste Boieldieu
- Jules Bourgeois
- Charles N. F. Brisout
- Jean Baptiste Lucien Buquet
- Louis Companyo
- François-Louis Laporte, comte de Castelnau
- Jean-Charles Chenu
- Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat
- Pierre François Marie Auguste Dejean
- Jules Desbrochers des Loges
- Achille Deyrolle
- Robert Didier
- Jean-Louis Alléon-Dulac
- André Marie Constant Duméril
- Charles Adolphe Albert Fauvel
- Antoine Casimir Marguerite Eugène Foudras
- Étienne Louis Geoffroy
- Maurice Jean Auguste Girard
- Joseph-Étienne Giraud
- Auguste Jean François Grenier
- Émile Joseph Isidore Gobert
- Félix Guignot
- Alphonse Hustache
- Pierre Nicolas Camille Jacquelin du Val
- Charles Georges Javet
- Jean Théodore Lacordaire
- Pierre André Latreille
- Édouard Lefèvre
- Charles Eugène Leprieur
- Sylvain Auguste de Marseul
- Édouard Ménétries (also Russia)
- Pierre-Aimé Millet
- Étienne Mulsant
- René Oberthür
- Guillaume-Antoine Olivier
- Louis Pandellé
- Auguste Simon Paris
- Benoit-Philibert Perroud
- Maurice Pic
- Louis Jérôme Reiche
- Maurice Auguste Régimbart
- Claudius Rey
- Auguste Sallé
- Ludwig Wilhelm Schaufuss
- Antoine Joseph Jean Solier
- James Thomson (entomologist) (born U.S.A)
Coleopterists from Germany
- Michael Bach
- Max Bernhauer
- Philipp Bertkau
- Hans Bischoff
- Oskar Boettger
- Johann von Böber
- Johann Friedrich von Brandt
- Christian Casimir Brittinger
- Heinrich Christian Burckhardt
- Carl Gustav Calwer
- Friedrich Wilhelm Erdmann Clasen
- George Dieck
- Rudolph Dittrich
- Carl August Dohrn
- Wilhelm Ferdinand Erichson
- Franz Faldermann also Russia
- Johannes Faust
- Arnold Förster
- Ernst Friedrich Germar
- Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Herbst
- Carl Heinrich Georg(es) von Heyden
- Theodor Hildebrandt
- Adolf Horion
- Walther Hermann Richard Horn
- Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger
- Carl Gustav Jablonsky
- Martin Jacoby
- Gustav Jäger
- Ernest August Hellmuth von Kiesenwetter
- Theodor Franz Wilhelm Kirsch
- Johann Christoph Friedrich Klug
- Hermann Julius Kolbe
- Johann Gottlieb Kugelann
- Gustav Kunze
- Johann Christian Friedrich Märkel
- Franz Anton Menge
- Wilhelm Mink
- Wilhelm Möllenkamp
- Julius Moser
- John Nietner
- Georg Hermann Alexander Ochs
- Georg Wolfgang Franz Panzer
- Maximilian Perty
- Edmund Reitter
- Karl Rost
- Hermann Rudolph Schaum
- Sigmund Schenkling
- Friedrich Julius Schilsky
- Georg Karl Maria Seidlitz
- Jacob Sturm
- Christian Wilhelm Ludwig Eduard Suffrian
Coleopterists from Hungary
Coleopterists from Ireland
- James Nathaniel Halbert
- Alexander Henry Haliday
- William Frederick Johnson
- Eugene O'Mahoney
- James Tardy
Coleopterists from Italy
- Raniero Alliata di Pietratagliata
- Pietro Bargagli
- Carlo Bassi
- Flaminio Baudi di Selve
- Giuseppe Bertoloni
- Franco Andrea Bonelli
- Carlo Emery
- Ferdinando Arborio Gattinara di Breme
- Raffaello Gestro
- Bernardino Halbherr
- Paolo Luigioni
- Francisco Minà Palumbo
- Carlo Passerini
- Leonello Picco
- Odorado Pirazzoli
- Giovanni Antonio Scopoli
Coleopterists from Japan
Coleopterists from the Netherlands
Coleopterists from Norway
Coleopterists from Russia
- Ernst von Ballion
- Maximilien Chaudoir
- Tikhon Sergeyevich Chicherin (= Tschitscherine)
- Georgiy Georgiyevich Jacobson
- Nikita Rafailovich Kokuyev (= Kukujev, Kokujev)
- Oleg Leonidovich Kryzhanovsky
- Édouard Ménétries (also France)
- Victor Ivanovich Motschulsky
- Andrey Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (= Semenov, Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, Semenov-Tian-Shanskii)
- Alexander Ivanovich Yakovlev (= Jakowlew, Jakowleff, Jakovlev)
- Vasily Evgrafovich Yakovlev (= Jakowlew, Jakowlev, Jakowleff= B.E )
Coleopterists from Spain
Coleopterists from Sweden
- Per Olof Christopher Aurivillius
- Carl Henrik Boheman
- Charles De Geer
- Leonard Gyllenhaal
- Carl Linnaeus
- Gustaf von Paykull
- Carl Johan Schönherr
- Carl Peter Thunberg
- Carl Gustaf Thomson
Coleopterists from Switzerland
- Louis Agassiz (also USA)
- Andreas Bischoff-Ehinger
- Oswald Heer
- Ivan Löbl (also Czechoslovakia)
- George Meyer-Darcis
- Johann Rudolph Schellenberg
- Henri Tournier
Coleopterists from the United States of America
- Louis Agassiz (also Switzerland)
- Ross H. Arnett, Jr.
- Heath Blackmon
- Willis Blatchley
- George Robert Crotch
- Henry Clinton Fall
- William Trowbridge Merrifield Forbes
- George Henry Horn
- Henry Guernsey Hubbard
- John Lawrence LeConte
- Alfred Francis Newton
- Edith Marion Patch
- Eugene Amandus Schwarz
- Herbert Huntingdon Smith
- Michael C. Thomas
- Rose Ella Warner
To be categorised
See also
External links
- The Coleopterist – includes a biographical dictionary of British coleopterists
- Scarab Workers World Directory
- German Coleopterists
- ZinRu Gouillard J. 2004. Histoire des entomologistes français (1750–1950). Édition entièrement revue et augmentée. Paris, Société Nouvelle des Éditions Boubée. 288 pp.
- High definition portraits from Russia