List of algebraic coding theory topics This is a list of algebraic coding theory topics. ARQ Adler-32 Algebraic geometry code BCH code BCJR algorithm Belief propagation Berger code Berlekamp–Massey algorithm Binary Golay code Binary Goppa code Bipolar violation CRHF Casting out nines Check digit Chien's search Chipkill Cksum Coding gain Coding theory Constant-weight code Convolutional code Cross R-S code Cryptographic hash function Cyclic redundancy check Damm algorithm Dual code EXIT chart Error-correcting code Enumerator polynomial Fletcher's checksum Forward error correction Forward-backward algorithm Gilbert–Varshamov bound GOST (hash function) Group coded recording HAS-160 HAS-V HAVAL Hadamard code Hagelbarger code Hamming bound Hamming code Hamming(7,4) Hamming distance Hamming weight Hash collision Hash function Hash list Hash tree Induction puzzles Integrity check value Interleaving ISBN ISMN LM hash Lexicographic code Linear code Link adaptation Low-density parity-check Luhn algorithm Luhn mod N algorithm M of n codes MD2 MD4 MD5 MDC-2 Majority logic decoding McWilliams identity Md5sum Merkle–Damgård construction N-Hash Negative-acknowledge character One-way compression function Parity bit Pearson hashing Perfect code Quantum fingerprinting RIPEMD Random oracle Redundancy check Reed–Solomon code Reed–Solomon error correction Repeat-accumulate code Repetition code SEC-DED SFV SHA-1 SHA-2 Sanity testing Shaping codes Singleton bound Snake-in-the-box Snefru Soft output Viterbi algorithm Sparse graph code Syndrome decoding Tanner graph Ternary Golay code Tiger (hash function) Transverse redundancy check Triple modular redundancy Turbo code UOWHF Universal hashing Universal Product Code Verhoeff algorithm Viterbi algorithm Viterbi decoder WHIRLPOOL