
Jung-Koch-Quentell Wall Charts

JungKochQuentell, often abbreviated as JKQ, describes a collaboration of three late 19th/early 20th century scientists and educators who created a series of botanical and zoological wall charts for use in schools. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

The Jung-Koch-Quentell’schen Lehrtafeln/Wandtafeln – originally created between 1892 and 1921 [6] – "were used in lectures at university and schools until the late twentieth century"[7] and had been re-issued several times, up until 2015 [8]

The design of the charts followed twelve guidelines outlined in the accompanying booklet.[9][1] The selected species for illustration were chosen with reference to the textbooks, ensuring that they represent the entire organism and highlight the most important parts relevant to the lesson.

The teacher should be able to easily obtain and present these parts to students after minimal preparation. Additionally, the illustrations aim to showcase the characteristic forms of each species, providing a comprehensive overview of the [at the time recognized] two organic kingdoms and their systems, organization, development, and living conditions.

All letters, numbers, and other texts are banned from the charts and moved to an explanatory booklet.

To avoid confusion and errors, each plate typically focuses on a single species. In addition to showing the whole organism in a lifelike manner, the illustrations also highlight the important details. Whenever possible and relevant, developmental stages and objects that are crucial for understanding the species' relationship with the environment are included.

The illustrations strive for natural accuracy, capturing the fidelity of the depicted objects. While individual details are not overlooked, excessive attention to them is not emphasized in order to maintain a balance between realism and practicality.

The ground was kept black so that the colored images stand out spatially and gain the necessary luminosity. Glare was avoided to ease viewing from all angles.

wall chart showing details of cardamine pratensis
wall chart showing details of claviceps purpurea
wall chart showing details of hepatics / marchantiophyta

All objects were painted from living material, with the aid of all scientific aids (microscopy, photography, etc.) by the author and the collaborators themselves, not by draughtsmen who are removed from the sciences.

The charts were painted by Heinrich Jung, a teacher, with the support of Gottlieb von Koch, a zoology professor and natural history museum curator, and Friedrich Quentell, a teachers' seminary director.[9]

The first publisher was Frommann & Morian (1847–1930) in Darmstadt,[10] which originally announced to sell them in 6 shipments of 10 sheets each. Each sheet had the dimensions of 100 by 75 cm. [11] 30 sheets contained botanical, 30 contained zoological subjects.[12] They were supplemented by an accompanying booklet.

Fromman&Morian was sold to a competitor in 1930, but continued to operate until ca 1940.[10] The original paintings and lithografic plates were lost in world war II. The charts were then re-published by Hagemann Lehrmittelverlag in Düsseldorf in the 1950s and 1960s. Dr med Carl Morian [13] was involved in this re-creation, supported by Dr Georg Heldmann, the successor of Gottlieb von Koch as curator of the zoology department of the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt.[14] This time, the format was increased to 86x114 cm, and part of the objects were now placed on a 'natural' background. The artists who drew these new background is still unknown.[15]

Shortly after their first publication, the charts were recommended by the Prussian educational authorities. [16] After this official endorsement, many schools in Prussia and its provinces started procuring them.[17]

Use as Collectors Objects

The wall charts are appreciated for their attractiveness by collectors.[18]

List of the Charts

The following list is taken from [9] the 1903's booklet, with additions from the 1928's booklet. The original spelling is used, which differs sometimes from current day use.

Nr Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 4 Batch 5 Batch 6
1 Primula officinalis. Schlüsselblume. 11 Salix caprea. Sahlweide. 21 Vitis vinifera. Weinstock. 31 Cuscuta epithymum. Kleeseide. 41 Iris germanica. Schwertlilie. 51 Prunus avium. Süßkirschbaum.
2 Pisum sativum. Erbse. 12 Tulipa gesneriana. Gartentulpe. 22 Corylus avellana. Hasel. 32 Lotus corniculatus. Gehörnter Schotenklee. 42 Zea mais. Mais. 52 Colchicum autumnale. Herbstzeitlose.
3 Aesculus hippocastanum. Roßkastanie. 13 Pirus communis. Birnbaum. 23 Orchis morio. Knabenkraut. 33 Salvia pratensis. Salbei. 43 Equisetum arvense. Ackerschachtelhalm. 53 Arum maculatum. Aronstab.
4 Fragraria vesca. Walderdbeere. 14 Lamium album. Weiße Taubnessel. 24 Pinus silvestris. Kiefer. 34 Centaurea cyanus. Kornblume. 44 Marchantia polymorpha. Lebermoos. 54
5 Cardamine pratensis. Wiesenschaumkraut. 15 Viola tricolor. Veilchen. 25 Polystichum filix mas. Schildfarn. 35 Linaria vulgaris. Leinkraut. 45 Lycopodium clavatum. Kolben-Bärlapp. 55
6 Ranunculus acris. Scharfer Hahnenfuß. 16 Agrostemma githago. Kornrade. 26 Polytrichum commune. Großes Haarmoos. 36 Oenothera biennis. Nachtkerze. 46 Sphagnum acutifolium. Torfmoos. 56
7 Papaver rhoeas. Klatschrose. 17 Viscum album. Mistel. 27 Agaricus campestris. Champignon. 37 Drosera rotundifolia. Sonnentau. 47 Urtica dioica. Große Brennessel. 57
8 Solanum tuberosum. Kartoffel. 18 Tilia parvifolia. Kleinblättrige Linde. 28 Physcia parietina. Wand-Schwielenflechte. 38 Echium vulgare. Natterkopf. 48 Hedera helix. Efeu. 58
9 Convolvulus arvensis. Ackerwinde. 19 Daucus carota. Möhre 29 Mucor mucedo. Kopfschimmel. 39 Claviceps purpurea. Mutterkornpilz. 49 Galanthus nivalis. Schneeglöckchen. 59
10 Secale cereale. Roggen. 20 Helianthus annuus. Sonnenblume 30 Spirogyra, Pinnularia, Vaucheria Süßwasseralgen 40 Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bierhefepilz. 50 Fucus vesiculosus. Blasentang. 60
Nr Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 4
1 Felis domestica. Hauskatze 11 Anser cinereus. Hausgans 21 Triton cristatus. Kamm-Molch. 31 Erinaceus europaeus. Igel.
2 Ovis aries. Schaf 12 Pelias berus, Coluber natrix. Kreuzotter, Ringelnatter. 22 Cyprinus Carpio. Gemeiner Karpfen. 32 Trichina spiralis. Trichine.
3 Lepus timidus. Hase 13 Emys europaea. Europäische Sumpfschildkröte. 23 Musca domestica. Stubenfliege. 33 Hirudo medicinalis. Blutegel.
4 Fringilla coelebs. Buchfink 14 Anadonta anatina. Kleine Teichmuschel. 24 Gryllotalpa vulgaris. Maulwurfsgrille 34 Sepia officinalis. Tintenfisch (Mittelmeer)
5 Lacerta agilis. Eidechse 15 Apis mellifica. Biene. 25 Cyclops, Argulus. Ruderfüssler. 35 Scyllum catulus. Katzenhai.
6 Perca fluviatilis. Barsch 16 Pieris Brassicae I. Kohlweissling I. 26 Asteropecten aurantiacus. Seestern. 36 Manteltiere, Tunicata. Ascidiae simplices, Einfache Ascidien, Seescheiden.
7 Rana muta. Grasfrosch 17 Pieris Brassicae II. Kohlweissling II. 27 Taenia solium. Bandwurm. 37 Gallus domesticus. Huhn.
8 Helix pomatia. Weinbergschnecke 18 Astacus fluviatilis. Flusskrebs. 28 Asteroides calycularis. Sternkoralle. 38 Spongilla a)Ephydatia fluviatilis, b)Spongilla lacustris. Süßwasserschwamm
9 Melolontha vulgaris. Maikäfer 19 Lumbricus agricola. Regenwurm. 29 Vorticella. Paramecium. Stylonichia, Euglena, Noctiluca. Infusorien. 39 Aurelia aurita. Ohrenqualle.
10 Epeira diadema. Kreuzspinne 20 Hydra vulgaris. Gemeiner Süsswasserpolyp. 30 Amoeba, Rotalia, Difflugia, Gregarina. Urtiere. 40

In 1928, Carl Morian and Heinrich Jung added two additional charts "Anatomie", showing a human skeleton from the side and in frontal view.

Biographies of the creators

Heinrich Jung

Heinrich Jung
Heinrich Jung

Died3 November 1939(1939-11-03) (aged 83)
EducationTeacher seminary
SpouseKatharina Maria Louise Noack
AwardsSilberne Verdienstmedaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft (Silver order of merit for art and sciences)

Heinrich Jung was born 19 June 1856 Wöllstein, Germany[19]

From 1878 on, he was teacher at the Stadtknabenschule Darmstadt (boys' school) [20]

On 21 August 1880, he became a founding member of the association for natural sciences in Darmstadt (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Darmstadt), which was co-found by Gottlieb von Koch.[21][22]

From 26 June 1886 until his retirement on 1 February 1924, he was teacher at the Mädchenmittelschule (girls' secondary school) in Darmstadt (as of 2025: Goetheschule) [23]

On 20 October 1886, he married Katharina Maria Louise Noack, with whom he had three children: Dr phil Heinz Jung, Dr med Gustav Jung, Thilde Jung[24]

He retired on 1 February 1924 and died 3 November 1939 in Darmstadt, Germany [25]

Gottlieb Karl David von Koch

see main article

Friedrich Quentell

Friedrich Quentell
Friedrich Quentell

(1847-04-26)26 April 1847
Died20 March 1935(1935-03-20) (aged 87)
Education1858 – 1866 Gymnasium in Worms, study of mathematics, chemistry, and physics in Heidelberg, Bonn and Gießen, doctorate in Gießen (1871)
Spouse(s)Jula Quentell, born Euler (from 1876 to 1914); Clara Quentell, born Buchenau (from 1916 to 1935)[26]
AwardsRitterkreuz I. Klasse des Verdienstordens Philipps des Großmüthigen (25.11.1900, Knight's Cross I Class of the Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous)

Friedrich Quentell was born 26 April 1847 in Worms, Germany, Germany

In 1866, he finished Gymnasium in Worms and studied in Heidelberg, Bonn, and Gießen. In Heidelberg, he studied mathematics, chemistry and physics under Rummer, Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff.[26] In Gießen, he worked with botanist Hermann Hoffmann and heard lessons of Rudolf Leuckart, who would create zoological wall charts between 1877 and 1892.[26]

In 1873, he transferred to Mainz [27] and published a paper with Hermann Hoffmann "Die Diatomeen von Gießen" (the diatomes of Gießen). [28]

In 1874, he became teacher at the Realschule (secondary school) in his home town Worms.[29] During this time, he was chairman of the Worms gymnastics teachers' association.[30]

In 1887 he became member of a commission to investigate suspected phylloxera infestations along the Rhine between Worms and Ingelheim.[31] While in Worms (and later in Michelstadt), he also gave public lectures for wine growers on this topic.[32]

Supported by a recommendation of Gottlieb von Koch,[26] Quentell could work at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn between 2 April 1889 and 3 June 1889.[33]

He was made headmaster of the Realschule (secondary school) Michelstadt in 1890, ,[34] where he taught physics, chemistry, geography, and natural history. [35]

In 1893, he became headmaster of the teacher training college (Schullehrer-Seminar) in Friedberg, teaching pedagogics and about teaching aids [36] [37]

After his early retirement for health reasons in 1902, he remained active in several associations.

Quentell was member of the alpine club section Gießen [38]

He was elected Bundesleiter (federal leader) of the Wandervogel, Deutscher Bund für Jugendwandern on 17 April 1908.[39]

On 12 May 1908, he became co-founder and board member of the non-profit society for light, air and sun baths in Giessen ("Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Licht= Luft= und Sonnenbäder zu Gießen")[40]

Two years later, on 2 April 1910 he was named honorary Bundesleiter (federal leader) of Wandervogel, Deutscher Bund für Jugendwandern.[39]

Dr. Friedrich Quentell died 20 March 1935 in Homberg/Ohm, Germany [41]


  1. ^ a b "Plant Science Bulletin 70 (1) 2024, p 12,13"
  2. ^ Database of scientific illustrators, Heinrich Jung
  3. ^ Database of scientific illustrators, Gottlieb von Koch
  4. ^ Database of scientific illustrators, Friedrich Quentell
  5. ^ Les collections du Musée national de l'Éducation; Koch (G.): professeur à l'école polytechnique de Darmstadt et inpecteur du musée de zoologie de l'état. Quentell (F.): Directeur de l'école de Friedberg. Jung (Henri) : Professeur à l'école secondaire des jeunes filles de Darmstadt. La collection a été déssinée, peinte et publiée par lui même. [1]
  6. ^ Naturae novitates : Bibliographie neuer Erscheinungen aller Länder auf dem Gebiete der Naturgeschichte und der exacten Wissenschaften [2]
  7. ^ Köhler, Jörn; Hita Garcia, Francisco (2018), Beck, Lothar A. (ed.), "DARMSTADT: The Zoological Collections of the Hessische Landesmuseum Darmstadt", Zoological Collections of Germany, Cham: Springer International Publishing, p. 237, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44321-8_20, ISBN 978-3-319-44319-5, retrieved 2025-01-04
  8. ^ Alte Lehrmittel – neu entdeckt. Die Wandtafel- sammlung der Speziellen Zoologie in Jena (Old teaching material rediscovered. The collection of wall charts from the Institute of Systematic Zoology and Evolutionary Biology in Jena) January 2015 [3]
  9. ^ a b c Begleitheft zu den neuen Wandtafeln (Zoologie und Botanik) für den Unterricht in der Naturgeschichte : in feinstem Farbendruck auf schwarzem Hintergrunde für höhere Lehranstalten, Volksschulen, Ackerbau-, Obstbau-, Forstschulen etc. / bearb., gemalt und hrsg. von Heinrich Jung, Darmstadt : Frommann & Morian, 1903
  10. ^ a b GND 1024296903
  11. ^ Katalog der Lehrmittel-Ausstellung, Jugendschriften-Ausstellung und Bayerischen Bücherei für die XII Hauptversammlung des Bayerischen Volksschullehrer-Vereins in Würzburg vom 6. bis zum 12. August 1893, p 160 [4]
  12. ^ Katalog zur Schulausstellung im St. Petersschulhause an der Blumenstraße, 1896
  13. ^ He was listed as co-editor with Heinrich Jung from at least 1928 on; Carl Morian was the brother of the Frommann&Morian publishing house's co-owner Hermann Friedrich Morian
  14. ^ Morian estate, Stadtarchiv Darmstadt
  15. ^ Mitte Museum/Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin (2024-10-22). "HMT 94 Rollk. 79: Schulwandbild "Haushuhn"". museum-digital. Retrieved 2025-01-04.
  16. ^ Zentralblatt für die gesamte Unterrichtsverwaltung in Preußen. 1892, p 811,812 [5]
  17. ^ Verfügungen des Königlichen Provinzial=Schulkollegiums von allgemeinem Interesse, Bericht über das Schuljahr 1892/93, Gymnasium Luckau [6]
  18. ^ Van Der Schueren, Katrien (2011). The Art of Instruction: Vintage Educational Charts from the 19th and 20th Centuries. Chronicle Books.
  19. ^ Verleihung der Silbernen Verdienstmedaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft [7]; A school vicar named Jacob Jung took office in Wöllstein at the time of Heinrich Jung's birth and worked in Zotzenheim around the time Heinrich Jung would have entered the Friedberg seminary. The Friedberg teachers' seminary mentions a Heinrich Jung of Zotzenheim as student in the years 1874/75. It is likely that Jacob Jung is indeed Heinrich Jung's father.
  20. ^ Adressbuch Darmstadt 1878
  21. ^ Statuten und Mitglieder-Verzeichnis des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Darmstadt 1882, 1898
  22. ^ Darmstädter Tagblatt 1.2.1930, p 5
  23. ^ archive of Hessen
  24. ^ Darmstädter Tagblatt 16.10.1886, p 2536
  25. ^ Darmstädter Tagblatt, 5 November 1939
  26. ^ a b c d Dr. Friedrich Quentell : Lebensbild eines hessischen Schulmanns / Ludwig Hepding, p 120
  27. ^ Hessisches Regierungsblatt 1873
  28. ^ 14. Bericht der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde, Gießen, S. 42 [8]
  29. ^ Jahresbericht der Realschule Michelstadt 1890 p 10
  30. ^ Jahrbücher der deutschen Turnkunst. 35 = N.S. Bd. 8 . 1889
  31. ^ Gießener Anzeiger 15.9.1887
  32. ^ Darmstädter Tagblatt, 15.1.1892
  33. ^ Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel: zugleich ein Repertorium für Mittelmeerkunde, Volumen10, p 663
  34. ^ Festschrift zum 200. Jubiläum
  35. ^ Bericht der Realschule Michelstadt
  36. ^ Jahresbericht der Realschule Michelstadt 1893
  37. ^ Programm des Großherzoglichen Schullehrer-Seminars zu Friedberg
  38. ^ Jahresbericht der Section Giessen des Deutschen und Oesterreichischen Alpenvereins [9]
  39. ^ a b Die Wandervogelzeit, Werner Kindt, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, p 144
  40. ^ Gießener Anzeiger, 12.5.1908, p 2
  41. ^ Death note in Gießener Anzeiger