
Hikari Guru Rin Bus

The Hikari Gururin Bus is a community bus in Hikari City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.


Hikari Gururin Bus vehicle (West Japan Bus Net Service, January 2005)

The Hikari Guru Rin Bus began operation on March 14, 1998. It is operated by West Japan Bus Net Service, a subsidiary of Chugoku JR Bus. Initially, it was operated directly by Chugoku JR Bus, but due to legal restrictions that mean local governments cannot subsidize the operation of JR Bus routes, it was forced to gradually scale back in order to reduce its deficit, and was eventually driven to the brink of closure. As a solution, it was decided to operate the service through a company separate from Chugoku JR Bus, which allowed it to receive subsidies from local governments.

The line mainly runs through the western part of Hikari city, starting and ending at JR Sanyo Main Line Hikari Station . It has free boarding and alighting areas, and passes through large housing complexes, public facilities such as Hikari General Hospital, and the AEON Hikari store, making it a route that takes into consideration medical visits and shopping.

In August 2023, West Japan Bus Net Service announced its withdrawal from the Hikari Gururin Bus service following the closure of its Suo Office by Chugoku JR Bus, the parent company of West Japan Bus Net Service.[1] After the city of Hikari made adjustments, Mayor Ichikawa Akira announced at the Hikari City Council meeting on December 6, 2023, that Shunan Kintetsu Taxi (Boncho Transportation Group, Kintetsu Taxi Group), which has its business base in Hikari City, will take over the route.[2]


An early vehicle (134-9901)
  • 1998 (Heisei 10)
    • February 28 - The Chugoku JR Bus Iwakari Line (Hikari Station - Kinoshitabashi - Iwakari) will be discontinued.
    • March 14 - Chugoku JR Bus begins operations as the operating company (fare 180 yen, 19 trips per day).
    • July 11 – The number of flights increased to 21 per day.
  • October 1999: The number of flights was reduced to 13 per day.
  • 2000 (Heisei 12)
    • April - Reduced to three flights per day.
    • August 1 - The operating operator becomes Nishinippon Busnet Service.
    • October 1 - The number of flights increased to 8 per day. The fare was revised from 180 yen to 200 yen.
  • September 10, 2003 - Part of the route was changed (from Asae Wada entrance to Wada Jutaku (free boarding and alighting area)).
  • April 15, 2004 - Changes in operating hours and establishment of the Hikari Station North Exit stop.
  • April 1, 2019 - In preparation for the relocation of Hikari General Hospital on the 7th of the following month, the route was changed. The number of flights was also reduced to six per day.[3]
  • August 7, 2023 (Reiwa 5) - Due to the closure of the Chugoku JR Bus Suo Office, it is announced that the route will be discontinued on March 31, 2024 (Reiwa 6).
  • April 1, 2024 (Reiwa 6) – Following the closure of the Chugoku JR Bus Suo Office, Shunan Kintetsu Taxi begins operation.[4]

Current Route

Starting and ending at JR Sanyo Main Line Hikari Station, there are 8 trains per day, 4 clockwise and 4 counterclockwise (6 trains per day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). One loop takes about 50 minutes. The distance is 18.4 km.

Right-handed (and vice versa) Hikari Station - Hikari Tax Office - Hikari General Hospital - Nishikawahara - Tsutsui - Kisono - North Exit of Hikari Station - Near Nijigaoka 6-chome - Near Nijigaoka 4-chome - Near Nijigaoka Post Office - In front of Hikarioka High School - Aeon Hikari Store - Near Wadamachi - Near Maruyamamachi - Doi - Near Kinoshitabashi - Near Ryoke - In front of Hikari Civic Hall - Kanayama - In front of Hikari City Hall - Shimada City - Near Asae 1-chome - Near Asae Junior High School - Tsutsui - Nishikawahara - In front of Hikari General Hospital - In front of Hikari Tax Office - Hikari Station

  • The sections "Hikari Station - Tsutsui", "Hikari Civic Hall - Kanayama", and "Hikari City Hall - Shimada City (up to Chitose Ohashi Bridge)" are excluded from the free boarding and alighting allowance.


Standard fare

One ride costs 200 yen (100 yen for children).

Travel Pass

You can use the JR Bus Kosen and Hikari Gururin Bus as many times as you like within the validity period.

  • The target audience is people aged 65 and over.
  • There is no subsidy from Hikari City, and commuter passes are only available via JR bus.
    • 6 month validity...10,230 yen
    • 1 year validity...19,460 yen
