
Help talk:Sortable tables/Archive index

Report generated based on a request from Help talk:Sortable tables. It matches the following masks: Help talk:Sorting/Archive <#>, Help talk:Sortable tables.
This page was last edited by Legobot (talk | contribs) 33 days ago. (Update timer)

Discussion Topic Replies (estimated) Archive Link
sorting strictly alphabetically - impossible? 4 Help talk:Sortable tables#sorting strictly alphabetically - impossible?
Sorting titles, some with appended text 5 Help talk:Sortable tables#Sorting titles, some with appended text
Sorting rowspan groups with sortbottom 3 Help talk:Sortable tables#Sorting rowspan groups with sortbottom
Template:Year in date-sorted table 2 Help talk:Sortable tables#Template:Year in date-sorted table
Sort bottom other than one column 3 Help talk:Sortable tables#Sort bottom other than one column
Not jumping in order 4 Help talk:Sortable tables#Not jumping in order