
Google Street View in Colombia

Screenshot of Street view for Manizales on Google Earth

In June 2012 Google Colombia announced to the media that the Google Street View cars would be circulating throughout Colombia collecting images.[1]

In September 2013 Google Street View became available. It covers a major part of the Colombian territory including 21 cities and many smaller towns. Among the major cities covered by Street view are Bogotá, Cartagena, Manizales, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta and Neiva.[2][3]

The initial collecting of images begun in Bogota. Google explained to the Colombian media that the well known privacy concerns would be addressed with the blurring of faces and car plates. They also explained that a contact form would be available for users if they believed that there was data that they deemed private.

By the time of the first release some locations were not still covered, but Google assured that within the next months they would cover those areas still missing; namely Medellin and Cali.

According to Semana magazine, the first stage of image collection included a coverage of more than 30.000 km of streets and roads.

In addition to the cars, Google also used trikes since they were convenient for many narrow streets and colonial areas where cars might not be allowed.

Google introduced Street View officially to the Colombian people and the Colombian media at a press conference at the Interactive Center Maloka, a center for the diffusion of knowledge in science and technology located in the city of Bogota. Google executive for Colombia explained that Maloka had been chosen because it was known as a place that inspired exploration and innovation.

During a press conference general manager for Google in Colombia Laura Camacho explained that Colombia was the 4th country in Latin America to have a major Street View coverage after Mexico, Brazil and Chile (which was started almost at the same time). She also expressed that after a year of operations in Colombia, the releasing of Street View in this country, implied an acknowledgment by Google that Colombia is an important market in Latin America.[4]

Timeline of introductions

Date Major locations added
September 3, 2013 Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Cúcuta (limited), Bucaramanga, Ibagué, Pereira, Santa Marta, Montería, Villavicencio, Manizales, Valledupar, Neiva (partial), Armenia, Sincelejo, Riohacha, Tunja, special locations in Medellín, and more locations in Colombia
April 21, 2014 Medellín, Cali, Buga, Tuluá, Jamundí, Buenaventura, Quibdó, Popayán, Pitalito, Turbo, Yopal, and more locations in Colombia
June 4, 2014 Tumaco, Pasto, Ipiales, Teyuna–Ciudad Perdida, places in San Andrés Island and more locations in Colombia
August 20, 2014 More locations in Colombia
May 19, 2015 More locations in Colombia

Municipalities with Google Street View Coverage

Department Coverage Cities
High None
Medium None
Low None
None Leticia, Puerto Nariño, El Encanto, La Chorrera, La Pedrera, La Victoria, Mirití-Paraná, Puerto Alegría, Puerto Arica, Puerto Santander, Tarapacá
High Medellín, Abejorral, Amagá, Andes, Angelópolis, Arboletes, Argelia, Armenia, Barbosa, Bello, Belmira, Betania, Betulia, Bolívar, Buriticá, Cáceres, Caicedo, Caldas, Campamento, Cañasgordas, Caracolí, Caramanta, Carepa, El Carmen de Viboral, Carolina del Príncipe, Caucasia, Chigorodó, Cisneros, Cocorná, Concepción, Concordia, Copacabana, Dabeiba, Don Matías, Ebéjico, El Bagre, Entrerríos, Envigado, Fredonia, Frontino, Giraldo, Girardota, Gómez Plata, Granada, Guadalupe, Guarne, Guatapé, Heliconia, Hispania, Itagüí, Ituango, Jardín, Jericó, La Ceja, La Estrella, La Pintada, La Unión, Liborina, Maceo, Marinilla, Montebello, Mutatá, Necoclí, Olaya, Peñol, Pueblorrico, Puerto Berrío, Puerto Nare, Puerto Triunfo, Remedios, Retiro, Rionegro, Sabanalarga, Sabaneta, Salgar, San Andrés, San Carlos, San Francisco, San Jerónimo, San José de la Montaña, San Juan de Urabá, San Luis, San Pedro, San Rafael, San Roque, Santa Bárbara, Santa Fe de Antioquia, Santa Rosa de Osos, Santo Domingo, El Santuario, San Vicente, Segovia, Sonsón, Sopetrán, Támesis, Tarazá, Tarso, Titiribí, Toledo, Turbo, Urrao, Valdivia, Valparaíso, Vegachí, Venecia, Yali, Yarumal, Yolombó, Yondó, Zaragoza.
Medium Abriaquí, Alejandría, Amalfi, Angostura, Anzá, Apartadó,
Low Anorí, Nariño, Nechí, Uramita.
None Briceño, Murindó, Peque, San Pedro de Urabá, Vigía del Fuerte,
High None
Medium Arauca.
Low Arauquita, Tame.
None Cravo Norte, Fortul, Puerto Rondón, Saravena.
Flag of the Department of Atlántico Atlántico High Barranquilla, Baranoa, Campo de la Cruz, Candelaria, Galapa, Juan de Acosta, Luruaco, Malambo, Manatí, Palmar de Varela, Piojó, Polonuevo, Ponedera, Puerto Colombia, Repelón, Sabanagrande, Sabanalarga, Santa Lucía, Santo Tomás, Soledad, Suán, Tubará, Usiacurí.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Bogotá D.C. High Antonio Nariño, Barrios Unidos, Bosa, Chapinero, Ciudad Bolívar, Engativá, Fontibón, Kennedy, La Candelaria, Los Mártires, Puente Aranda, Rafael Uribe Uribe, San Cristóbal, Santa Fé, Suba, Teusaquillo, Tunjuelito, Usaquén, Usme.
Medium None
Low Sumapaz
None None
Flag of the Department of Bolívar Bolívar High Cartagena, Arjona, Arroyo Hondo, Calamar, Cicuco, Clemencia, Córdoba, El Carmen de Bolívar, El Guamo, Magangué, Mahates, María La Baja, Mompos, San Cristóbal, San Estanislao, San Jacinto, San Juan Nepomuceno, Santa Catalina, Santa Rosa, Soplaviento, Talaiga Nuevo, Turbaco, Turbaná, Villanueva, Zambrano.
Medium None
Low Achí
None Achí, Altos del Rosario, Barranco de Loba, Cantagallo, El Peñón, Hatillo de Loba, Margarita, Montecristo, Morales, Norosí, Pinillos, Regidor, Rio Viejo, San Fernando, San Martín de Loba, San Pablo, Santa Rosa del Sur, Simití, Tiquisio.
Flag of the Department of Boyacá Boyacá High Tunja, Almeida, Aquitania, Arcabuco, Belén, Berbeo, Betéitiva, Boavita, Boyacá, Briceño, Buenavista, Busbanzá, Caldas, Campohermoso, Cerinza, Chinavita, Chiquinquirá, Chíquiza, Chiscas, Chita, Chitaraque, Chivatá, Chivor, Ciénega, Corrales, Covarachía, Cómbita, Corrales, Covarachía, Cucaita, Cuítiva, Duitama, El Cocuy, El Espino, Firavitoba, Floresta, Gachantivá, Guacamayas, Guateque, Guayatá, Gámeza, Güicán, Iza, Jenesano, La Capilla, La Uvita, Labranzagrande, Macanal, Miraflores, Mongua, Monguí, Moniquirá, Motavita, Nobsa, Nuevo Colón, Oicatá, Otanche, Pachavita, Páez, Pajarito, Paipa, Panqueba, Pauna, Paya, Paz de Río, Pesca, Pisba, Puerto Boyacá, Ramiriquí, Rondón, Ráquira, Saboyá, Sáchica, Samacá, San Eduardo, San José de Pare, San Luis de Gaceno, San Mateo, San Miguel de Sema, San Pablo de Borbur, Santa María, Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Santa Sofía, Santana, Sativanorte, Sativasur, Siachoque, Soatá, Socha, Socotá, Sogamoso, Somondoco, Sora, Soracá, Sotaquirá, Susacón, Sutamarchán, Sutatenza, Tasco, Tenza, Tibaná, Tibasosa, Tinjacá, Tipacoque, Toca, Togüí, Tópaga, Tota, Tununguá, Turmequé, Tuta, Tutazá, Úmbita, Ventaquemada, Villa de Leyva, Viracachá, Zetaquirá.
Medium None
Low Coper, Maripí, Garagoa, Muzo, Quipama.
None Cubará
Flag of the Department of Caldas Caldas High Manizales, Aguadas, Anserma, Aranzazu, Belarcázar, Chinchiná, Filadelfia, La Dorada, La Merced, Manzanares, Marmato, Marquetalia, Marulanda, Neira, Norcasia, Pácora, Palestina, Riosucio, Risaralda, Salamina, Samaná, San José, Supía, Victoria, Villamaría, Viterbo.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Caquetá Caquetá High Florencia.
Medium None
Low None
None Albania, Belén de Andaquies, Cartagena del Chairá, Curillo, El Doncello, El Paujil, La Montañita, Milán, Morelia, Puerto Rico, San José de la Fragua, San Vicente del Caguán, Solano, Solita, Valparaíso.
Flag of the Department of Casanare Casanare High Yopal, Aguazul, Chámeza, Hato Corozal, La Salina, Maní, Monterrey, Nunchía, Orocué, Paz de Ariporo, Pore, Recetor, Sabanalarga, Sácama, San Luis de Palenque, Támara, Tauramena, Trinidad, Villanueva.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Cauca Cauca High Popayán, Caloto, Florencia, Mercaderes, Patía, Puerto Tejada, Rosas, Santander de Quilichao, Silvia, Suarez, Timbío, Totoro, Villa Rica.
Medium None
Low Balboa (rural area only), Buenos Aires (rural area only), Cajibio (rural area only), Caldono (rural area only), Corinto (rural area only), Inza (Partial), La Sierra (rural area only), Miranda (partial), Padilla (partial), Páez (rural area only), Piendamó (partial), Purace (partial), Santa Rosa (rural area only), Sotará (Rural Area Only),
None Almaguer, Argelia, Bolívar, El Tambo, Guapi, Jambalo, La Vega, López de Micay, Morales, Piamonte, San Sebastián, Sucre, Timbiquí, Toribío.
Flag of the Department of Cesar Cesar High Valledupar, Aguachica, Agustín Codazzi, Astrea, Becerril, Bosconia, Chimichagua, Chiriguaná, Curumaní, El Copey, El Paso, Gamarra, La Gloria, La Jagua de Ibirico, La Paz, Manaure Balcón del Cesar, Pailitas, Pelaya, Pueblo Bello, San Alberto, San Diego, San Martín, Tamalameque.
Medium Río de Oro
Low None
None González.
Flag of the Department of Chocó Chocó High Quibdó, Atrato, Condoto, El Cantón de San Pablo, Istmina, Tadó, Unión Panamericana.
Medium Cértegui.
Low El Carmen de Atrato, Río Quito.
None Acandí, Alto Baudó, Bagadó, Bahía Solano, Bajo Baudó, Bojayá, El Carmen del Darién, Juradó, Litoral del San Juan, Lloró, Medio Atrato, Medio Baudó, Medio San Juan, Nóvita, Nuquí, Río Iró, Riosucio, San José del Palmar, Sipí, Unguía.
Flag of the Department of Córdoba Córdoba High Montería, Ayapel, Buenavista, Canalete, Cereté, Chimá, Chinú, Ciénaga de Oro, Cotorra, La Apartada, Lorica, Los Córdobas, Momil, Moñitos, Montelíbano, Planeta Rica, Pueblo Nuevo, Puerto Escondido, Puerto Libertador, Purísima, Sahagún, San Andrés de Sotavento, San Antero, San Bernardo del Viento, San Carlos, San José de Uré, San Pelayo, Tierralta, Tuchín, Valencia.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Cundinamarca Cundinamarca High Bogotá D.C., Agua de Dios, Albán, Anapoima, Anolaima, Apulo, Arbeláez, Beltrán, Bituima, Bojacá, Cabrera, Cachipay, Cajicá, Caparrapí, Cáqueza, Carmen de Carupa, Chaguaní, Chía, Chipaque, Choachí, Chocontá, Cogua, Cota, Cucunubá, El Colegio, El Peñón, El Rosal, Facatativá, Fómeque, Fosca, Funza, Fúquene, Fusagasugá, Gachancipá, Gachetá, Girardot, Granada, Guachetá (partial), Guaduas, Guasca, Guataquí (partial), Guatavita, Guayabal de Síquima, Guayabetal, Gutiérrez, Jerusalén, Junín, La Calera, La Mesa, La Palma, La Peña, La Vega, Lenguazaque, Machetá, Madrid, Manta, Medina, Mosquera, Nariño, Nemocón, Nilo, Nimaima, Nocaima, Pacho, Paime, Pandi, Paratebueno, Pasca, Puerto Salgar, Quebradanegra (rural area only), Quetame, Quipile, Ricaurte, San Antonio del Tequendama, San Bernardo, San Cayetano (rural area only), San Francisco, San Juan de Rioseco, Sasaima, Sesquilé, Sibaté, Silvania, Simijaca, Soacha, Sopó, Subachoque, Suesca, Supatá, Susa, Sutatausa, Tabio, Tausa, Tena, Tenjo, Tibacuy, Tibiritá, Tocaima, Tocancipá, Topaipí, Ubaque, Ubaté, Une, Útica, Venecia, Vergara, Vianí, Villapinzón, Villeta, Viotá, Yacopí, Zipacón, Zipaquirá.
Medium None
Low None
None Gachalá, Gama, Pulí, Ubalá.
Guainía High None
Medium None
Low None
None Inírida, Barranco Minas, Cacahual, La Guadalupe, Morichal Nuevo, Pana Pana, Puerto Colombia, San Felipe.
Flag of the Department of Guaviare Guaviare High San José del Guaviare.
Medium None
Low None
None Calamar, El Retorno, Miraflores.
Flag of the Department of Huila Huila High Neiva, Acevedo, Agrado, Aipe, Algeciras, Altamira, Baraya, Campoalegre, Colombia, Elias, Garzón, Gigante, Guadalupe, Hobo, Iquira, Isnos, La Argentina, La Plata, Nataga, Paicol, Palermo, Palestina, Pital, Pitalito, Rivera, Saladoblanco, San Agustín, Santa María, Suaza, Tarqui, Tello, Teruel, Tesalia, Timaná, Villavieja, Yaguara.
Medium None
Low None
None Oporapa.
Flag of Nueva Esparta La Guajira High Riohacha, Albania, Barrancas, Dibulla, Distracción, El Molino, Fonseca, Hatonuevo, La Jagua del Pilar, Maicao, Manaure, San Juan del Cesar, Uribia, Urumita, Villanueva.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Magdalena Magdalena High Santa Marta, Algarrobo, Aracataca, Ariguani, Cerro San Antonio, Chibolo, Ciénaga, El Banco, El Piñón, El Retén (partial), Fundación, Guamal, Nueva Granada (Partial), Pinto (partial), Pijiño (Rural Area Only), Pivijay, Plato, Pueblo Viejo, Remolino, Sabanas de San Ángel, Salamina, San Sebastián de Buenavista, Santa Ana, Sitionuevo, Tenerife, Zona Bananera.
Medium None
Low None
None Concordia, San Zenón, Zapayán.
Flag of the Department of Meta Meta High Villavicencio, Acacías, Barranca de Upía, Cabuyaro, Castilla la Nueva, Cubarral, Cumaral, El Castillo, El Dorado, Fuente de Oro, Granada, Guamal, Puerto Concordia, Puerto Lleras, Restrepo, San Carlos de Guaroa, San Juan de Arama.
Medium Lejanías, Mesetas, Puerto Gaitán, Puerto López, Puerto Rico, San Martín, Vista Hermosa.
Low Mapiripán.
None La Macarena, La Uribe, San Juanito.
Flag of the Department of Nariño Nariño High Pasto, Albán, Aldana, Arboleda, Belén, Chachagüí, Colón, Consaca, Contadero, Cuaspud, Guachucal, Guaitarilla, Gualmatán, Imués, Ipiales, La Cruz, La Llanada, La Unión, Mallama, Pupiales, Ricaurte, Samaniego, San Bernardo, Sandona, San Pablo, San Pedro de Cartago, Taminango, Tangua, Tumaco, Túquerres, Yacuanquer.
Medium Ancuya, Buesaco, Córdoba, Cumbal, El Peñol, El Tablón, El Tambo, Funes, Iles, La Florida, Linares, Los Andes, Nariño, Ospina, Policarpa, Potosí, Providencia, San Lorenzo, Puerres, Santacruz, Sapuyes.
Low Barbacoas, El Rosario.
None Cumbitara, El Charco, Francisco Pizarro, La Tola, Leiva, Magüí Payán, Mosquera, Olaya Herrera, Santa Bárbara.
Flag of the Department of Norte de Santander Norte de Santander High Cúcuta, Bochalema, Cachira, Cácota, Chinácota, Chitagá, Cucutilla, Duranía, El Zulia, Herrán, La Esperanza (partial), Labateca (partial), Los Patios, Mutiscua, Ocaña (partial), Pamplona, Pamplonita, Puerto Santander, Ragonvalia, San Cayetano, Santiago (rural area only), Silos, Villa del Rosario.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Putumayo Putumayo High Mocoa, Colón, Santiago, Sibundoy.
Medium Puerto Asís, Puerto Caicedo, San Francisco, Villagarzón.
Low Orito.
None Puerto Guzmán, Puerto Leguízamo, San Miguel, Valle del Guamuez.
Flag of the Department of Quindío Quindío High Armenia, Circasia, Filandia, La Tebaida, Montenegro.
Medium Buenavista, Calarcá, Cordoba, Génova, Pijao, Quimbaya, Salento.
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Risaralda Risaralda High Pereira, Apía, Balboa (Partial), Belén de Umbría, Dosquebradas, Guática, La Celia, La Virginia, Marsella, Mistrató, Pueblo Rico, Quinchía, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Santuario.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina San Andrés and Providencia High None
Medium None
Low San Andrés Island (North End Beach and San Luis Beach).
None Providencia and Santa Catalina Islands
Flag of the Department of Santander Santander High Bucaramanga, Aguada, Albania, Aratoca, Barbosa, Barichara, Barrancabermeja, Betulia, Bolívar, Cabrera (rural area only), Capitanejo, Carcasí, Cepitá (Partial), Cerrito, Charalá, Charta, Chima, Chipatá, Cimitarra, Concepción, Confines, Contratación (Partial), Coromoro (rural area only), Curití (partial), El Carmen de Chucurí, El Guacamayo (Partial), El Peñón (rural area only), El Playón, Encino (partial), Enciso, Florián, Floridablanca, Galán, Gámbita, Girón, Guaca, Guadalupe, Guapotá (rural area only), Guavatá, Güepsa, Hato, Jesus María, Jordán (partial), La Belleza, Landázuri, La Paz (rural area only), Lebrija, Los Santos, Macaravita, Málaga, Matanza, Mogotes, Molagavita, Oiba, Onzaga, Palmar, Palmas Socorro, Páramo, Piedecuesta, Pinchote, Puente Nacional, Puerto Parra, Puerto Wilches, Rionegro, Sabana de Torres, San Andrés, San Benito (Partial), San Gil, San Joaquín, San José de Miranda, San Miguel, Santa Bárbara, San Vicente de Chucurí, Simacota, Socorro, Suaita (partial), Sucre, Surata (partial), Tona, Valle de San José, Vélez, Villanueva, Zapatoca.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Sucre Sucre High Sincelejo, Buenavista, Caimito (rural area only), Chalán, Colosó, Corozal, Coveñas, El Roble (partial), Galeras, La Unión, Los Palmitos, Morroa, Ovejas, Palmito, Sampués, San Benito Abad, San Juan de Betulia, San Marcos, San Onofre, San Pedro, Sincé, Tolú, Toluviejo.
Medium None
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Tolima Tolima High Ibagué, Alvarado, Ambalema, Anzoátegui (rural area only), Armero Guayabal, Cajamarca, Carmen de Apicalá, Chaparral (Partial), Coello, Coyaima, Cunday, Dolores, Espinal, Falán, Flandes, Fresno, Guamo, Herveo, Honda, Icononzo, Lérida, Líbano, Mariquita, Melgar, Murillo, Natagaima, Ortega, Piedras, Palocabildo (partial), Prado, Purificación, Rovira, Saldaña, San Luis, Santa Isabel, Suárez, Valle de San Juan, Venadillo, Villahermosa (rural area only), Villarrica.
Medium Alpujarra
Low None
None None
Flag of the Department of Valle del Cauca Valle del Cauca High Cali, Alcalá, Andalucía, Ansermanuevo, Argelia, Buga, Bugalagrande, Candelaria, Cartago, Dagua, El Aguila, El Cerrito, Ginebra, Guacarí, Jamundí, La Cumbre, La Unión, La Victoria, Palmira, Restrepo, Riofrío, Roldanillo, San Pedro, Sevilla, Toro, Tuluá, Ulloa, Vijes, Yotoco, Yumbo, Zarzal.
Medium Bolívar, Buenaventura, Caicedonia, Calima, El Cairo, El Dovio, Florida, Obando, Pradera, Trujillo, Versalles,
Low None
None None
Vaupés High None
Medium None
Low None
None Mitú, Carurú, Pacoa, Papunahua, Taraira, Yavarate.
Vichada High None
Medium None
Low None
None Puerto Carreño, Cumaribo, La Primavera, Santa Rosalía.

See also


  1. ^ "Los vehículos de Street View ruedan ya por las calles colombianas". El Blog Corporativo de Google para América Latina. Retrieved May 13, 2018.
  2. ^ Semana (September 4, 2013). "Colombia ya está en Google Street View". Colombia en Google Street View. Retrieved May 13, 2018.
  3. ^ Dinero (September 4, 2013). "Google se mete en cada rincón de Colombia". Google Street View llega a Colombia después de un recorrido por la geografía del país. Retrieved May 13, 2018.
  4. ^ Press Conference on YouTube