English: The painting depicts the battle of Kurukshetra of the Mahabharata epic. Karna, commander of the Kaurava army is seen here. The painting is made in Himachal Pradesh or Jammu and Kashmir state of India and is opaque watercolor on cloth.
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2009-10-09T16:30:38Z TheMandarin 1500x773 (415105 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1=The final battle of the Mahabharata epic emerges in this large painting. The protagonists, painted in huge scale, confront one another across a gory battlefield. On the left the Pandava hero
{{Information |Description={{en|1= The painting depicts the battle of Kurukshetra of the Mahabharata epic. On the left the Pandava hero Arjuna sits behind Krishna, his charioteer. On the right is Karna, commander of the Kaurava army. }} |Sou