DescriptionDesert Mounted Corps HQ Staff.jpg |
AWM caption : Ottoman Empire: Mejdel Jaffa Area, Deiran. Informal group portrait of headquarters staff of the Desert Mounted Corps on the steps of the house of Lazar Slutzkin, where they were based. accompanied by two dogs.
Identified from left to right, back row:
- Lieutenant (Lt) Frederick W Cox, Aide de Camp (ADC) to General Officer Commanding (GOC), 10th Australian Light Horse (ALH) Regiment
- Reverend W Maitland Woods, Senior Chaplain
- Lt R Rowan, Scottish Horse Attache
- Major (Maj) A J Love, General Staff Officer (GSO) Second In Charge (2IC), 10th ALH Regiment
- Acting Capt A M Furber, West Indies Regiment Camp Commandant
- Lt D G Thomson, 6th ALH Regiment Attache
- Lt W G Lyons, New Zealand Mounted Rifles.
Fourth row:
- Maj R A Allen MC, Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (DAAG) Royal Field Artillery
- Maj T E Robins, Assistant Provost Marshal (APM), 1st City of London Yeomanry
- Capt ? W E Bruce, Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Service (DADOS)
- Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) R E M Russell DSO, Commander Royal Engineers (CRE)
- Capt Mare, 7th Battalion Middlesex Regiment, General Routine Order
- Lt Col A A Corder CMG, AOD ADOS
- Capt Hunter AAMC, Military Observer (MO).
Third row:
- Capt H Astley ADC to GOC, RFA, Royal Regiment of Artillery (RA)
- Lt Col Paravicine ADR
- Lt A Whittall, Intelligence Officer
- Capt G T Leonard Corps Chemical adviser, RFA
- Lt G Nicol R E DADAPS
- Lt C L Gray, Adjutant R E.
Second row
- Lt W J Attfield, Field Cashier
- Capt A C B Neate RFA, GSO (2)
- Maj N N C Russell DSO, Leinster Regiment GSO (2)
- Lt Col M McBidder DSO RE ADAS
- Lt Col L Partridge DSO, Pembroke Yeomanry CMGO
- Col R O Downes CMG, Deputy Director of Medical Services (DDMS), AAMC
- Maj F G Newton, Assistant Adjutant General, 5th ALH Regt
- Maj F P Howell-Price DSO, Australian Army Service Corps, DAST.
Front row:
- Brigadier General R G Howard-Vyse CMG DSO, Royal Horse Guards
- Lt Gen Sir H G Chauvel KCMG CB
- Brig Gen E F Trew DSO, DAA and QMG Royal Marines
- Brig Gen A D'a King OB DSO, GOC, RA
- Lt Col W P Farr, AA and QMG, Australian Permanent Staff.