
Morphic word

In mathematics and computer science, a morphic word or substitutive word is an infinite sequence of symbols which is constructed from a particular class of endomorphism of a free monoid.

Every automatic sequence is morphic.[1]


Let f be an endomorphism of the free monoid A on an alphabet A with the property that there is a letter a such that f(a) = as for a non-empty string s: we say that f is prolongable at a. The word

is a pure morphic or pure substitutive word. Note that it is the limit of the sequence a, f(a), f(f(a)), f(f(f(a))), ... It is clearly a fixed point of the endomorphism f: the unique such sequence beginning with the letter a.[2][3] In general, a morphic word is the image of a pure morphic word under a coding, that is, a morphism that maps letter to letter.[1]

If a morphic word is constructed as the fixed point of a prolongable k-uniform morphism on A then the word is k-automatic. The n-th term in such a sequence can be produced by a finite-state automaton reading the digits of n in base k.[1]


  • The Thue–Morse sequence is generated over {0,1} by the 2-uniform endomorphism 0 → 01, 1 → 10.[4][5]
  • The Fibonacci word is generated over {a,b} by the endomorphism aab, ba.[1][4]
  • The tribonacci word is generated over {a,b,c} by the endomorphism aab, bac, ca.[5]
  • The Rudin–Shapiro sequence is obtained from the fixed point of the 2-uniform morphism aab, bac, cdb, ddc followed by the coding a,b → 0, c,d → 1.[5]
  • The regular paperfolding sequence is obtained from the fixed point of the 2-uniform morphism aab, bcb, cad, dcd followed by the coding a,b → 0, c,d → 1.[6]

D0L system

A D0L system (deterministic context-free Lindenmayer system) is given by a word w of the free monoid A on an alphabet A together with a morphism σ prolongable at w. The system generates the infinite D0L word ω = limn→∞ σn(w). Purely morphic words are D0L words but not conversely. However, if ω = uν is an infinite D0L word with an initial segment u of length |u| ≥ |w|, then zν is a purely morphic word, where z is a letter not in A.[7]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Lothaire (2005) p.524
  2. ^ Lothaire (2011) p. 10
  3. ^ Honkala (2010) p.505
  4. ^ a b Lothaire (2011) p. 11
  5. ^ a b c Lothaire (2005) p.525
  6. ^ Lothaire (2005) p.526
  7. ^ Honkala (2010) p.506

Further reading