On 25 May 1945 the Provisional organization of the Czechoslovak armed forces was approved, according to which there was a reorganization of the Czechoslovak army. Soldiers who had fought against Nazism on all fronts of World War II gradually returned. The territory of Czechoslovakia was divided into four military areas in which emerged gradually over 16 infantry divisions, which complemented the Tank Corps and Artillery Division. The Czechoslovak I Corps which had served under Soviet control became the 1st Czechoslovak Army, before becoming the 1st Military Area.[2] Initial optimism about the plans to rebuild the army was replaced by disillusionment, stemming from a broken post-war economy and the lack of human and material resources. The Czechoslovak Army after the war was commissioned to expel Germans and Hungarians, and was also involved in helping the national economy. In addition, units of the National Security Corps participated in the fighting against the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists.
After 1948, when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia took power, there were significant changes in the military. More than half of the officers began to experience persecution as well as soldiers, and many were forced to leave. The political processes focused mainly on soldiers who fought in World War II in Western Europe, but paradoxically there was also persecution of soldiers fighting the war on the Eastern Front. The army came fully under the power of the Communist Party and in 1950 there was a major reorganization of the Soviet model, and the military areas were disbanded. In 1951 there was signed between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union the Agreement on the manner and terms of settlement for the supplied equipment and material provided by the USSR loan of almost 44 million rubles for the purchase of military equipment, especially aircraft and radars. There has been an increase in proliferation and increasing the number of servicemen of the army, which since 1953 reached over 300,000.
The final Report of the Commission of Inquiry of the Federal Assembly for clarification of events of 17 November 1989 characterized the Czechoslovak People's Army as follows: "... the Czechoslovak Army, next to the SNB (the people's police force) and LM (the paramilitary workers militia), was understood as one of the direct power tools designed for control over society and for the immediate management of internal political problems; the Communist Party by means of a vast staff of the Main Political Administration (HPS) of ČSLA penetrated as far as into the lowest units and in this way virtually ensured its absolute influence on the Army."[3] During the Velvet Revolution, Communist Minister of National Defence Milán Václavík proposed to use the army against demonstrators, but his suggestion was not heeded.[3]
The ČSLA was composed of Ground Forces, Air Forces and Air Defence Forces and Border Guard under the direction of the General Staff.
Ground Forces
Of the approximately 201,000 personnel on active duty in the ČSLA in 1987, about 145,000, or about 72 percent, served in the ground forces (commonly referred to as the army). About 100,000 of these were conscripts.[4] There were two military districts, Western and Eastern. A 1989 listing of forces shows two Czechoslovak armies in the west, the 1st Army at Příbram with one tank division and three motor rifle divisions, the 4th Army at Písek with two tank divisions and two motor rifle divisions. In the Eastern Military District, there were two tank divisions, the 13th and 14th, with a supervisory headquarters at Trenčín in the Slovak part of the country.[5]
Czechoslovak military doctrine prescribed large tank columns spearheading infantry assaults. While the armoured columns secured objectives, the infantry would provide close support with mortars, snipers, anti-tank guns and medium artillery. The majority of the soldiers in the Ground Forces were recruited through conscription, compulsory military service of 24 months for all males between 18 and 27.
Air Force
The Air and Air Defence Forces of the CPA celebrated 17 September 1944, as the birth date of their force.[6] On that date, a fighter regiment, manned by Czechoslovak personnel, the cs:První československý samostatný stíhací letecký pluk - 1st Czechoslovak Independent Fighter Aviation Regiment - flew out for Slovak soil to take part in the Slovak National Uprising.[7] This first regiment grew into the 1st Czechoslovak Mixed Air Division, which fought with the Soviets. Yet it was only six years after the war, in 1951, when Czechoslovak units began receiving aircraft - jet fighters - to create a combat capability.
The Army's air defence (PVOS, Protivzdušná obrana státu) had anti-aircraft missile units, fighter interceptor aircraft and radar and direction-finding units, known, in accordance with Soviet terminology, as radio-technical units.
Pohraniční Stráž, Pohraničná stráž (English: Border guard ) was established in 1950s after the Second World War. However, it was part of the army only until 1977, when it was subordinated to the federal ministry of Interior. It was the smallest branch of the Czechoslovak peoples army with nearly 17 000 soldiers and staff members by 1951.[8] Their main task was to guard and patrol all borders of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The most guarded borders were Austrian and West German borders.[9]
Means of higher military education
Antonin Zapotocky Military Technological Academy[10] (Brno)
One of the official marches of the ČSLA was the March of the Submachine Gunners ("Pochod samopalníků") by Jan Fadrhons.
Czechoslovak soldiers in semi-dress uniform.
After Second World War Czechoslovak army used its pre-war uniform until 1960. When was introduced new uniform pattern. With new uniform vz. 60. Vz.60 used classic green pattern military uniform with darker grey lines on surface of uniform. Vz.60 uses Strichtarn style pattern. Czehoslovak uniform after reforms composed of vz.60 uniform nicknamed mlok (English: salamander) vz.53 helmet and vz.62 boots.[11]
Border Guard used khaki woolen coats with red and green elements. They used green caps with an iron star in which was the symbol of Czechoslovakia.[12]
15 January - Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery, the anniversary of the actions of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps and the 38th Army in a battle near the Polish city of Jaslo on 15 January 1945.
6 October - Day of the Czechoslovak People's Army, the anniversary of the Battle of the Dukla Pass on 6 October 1944.
17 September - Aviation Day of the Czechoslovak People's Army
Replaced older Vz. 52 machine gun. Two versions of machine gun were used, one with longer barrel other one with shorter barrel. UK vz. 59 L, UK vz. 59 T.[17]
Briefly used Model 1891s from the Czechoslovak Legions untilGround Forces Mauser variants after the First World War. After the Soviet-backed coup in 1948, Czechoslovakia began converting M91 rifles to M91/38 carbines in the late 1950s. The Czechs developed a Mosin derivative sniper rifle known as the Vz.54 sniper rifle.[18]
Also called the TSU-152 ( stands for "Těžké Samohybné Dělo" ). Imported in late 1940s and stopped in 1951. In the 1960s (and late '50s) most to all were kept in reserves and only used for military parades. In 1970s, Czech workers used the TSU-152s for hauling heavy work.[22]
^Burian, Michal; Rýc, Jiří (2007). Historie spojovacího vojska [History of [Czechoslovak] Signal Corps] (in Czech). Prague: Ministerstvo obrany – Agentura vojenských informací a služeb. p. 148. ISBN 978-80-7278-414-1.
^ abFinal report of the inquiry commission of the Federal Assembly to clarify the events of 17 November 1989, Part IV. – Czechoslovak People's Army, [cit. 28 October 2009]. Available online.
^Library of Congress Country Study: Czechoslovakia, Ground Forces, 1987
^Fajtl, F. První doma ("First at home"), Naše vojsko, Prague, 1980, 291 pp. (in Czech)
^Vaněk, Pavel (2008). Pohraniční stráž a pokusy o přechd státní hranice v letech 1951-1955. Praha: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů. ISBN 978-80-87211-08-3.
^ abCullen, Tony; Foss, C.F. (1 March 1992). Jane's Land-based Air Defence 1992-93 (5 ed.). Jane's Information Group. pp. 257–261. ISBN 978-0710609793.
^"Praga M53/59". War Thunder - Official Forum. 28 April 2020. Retrieved 3 July 2024.