
China-Russia Expo

President of Russia Vladimir Putin speaking at the IV China-Russia Expo in Harbin
President of Russia Vladimir Putin shaking hands with Han Zheng at the IV China-Russia Expo in Harbin

The China-Russia Expo (Российско-Китайское ЭКСПO, Chinese: 中国-俄罗斯博览会), is a significant international economic and trade exhibition conducted in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. The event, previously known as the China-Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair [zh] (HIETF), was rebranded as the China-Russia Expo in 2014.[1]

This transformation was facilitated by the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The expo is hosted by the Heilongjiang Provincial Bureau of Exhibition and Convention Affairs and the TDC of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, with a permanent secretariat office for the Chinese organizing committee established at the Heilongjiang Provincial Convention and Exhibition Bureau.[2] The inaugural and subsequent China-Russia Expositions took place in Harbin in 2014 and 2015, respectively, alongside the HIETF. Commencing in 2016, the China-Russia Expo will occur in Ekaterinburg, Russia, during odd-numbered years, alongside the HIETF, while in even-numbered years, the event will be transferred to Harbin, concurrently with the HIETF.[3][4]


In October 2013, during a routine meeting between the Prime Ministers of China and Russia, Li Keqiang and Dmitry Medvedev concurred to elevate the HIETF to the China-Russia Expo.[5][6]

On December 18, 2015, the twentieth regular meeting of the Prime Ministers of China and Russia determined that the third China-Russia Expo would take place from July 10 to 14, 2016, at the Yekaterinburg International Convention Center in Yekaterinburg, Russia, alongside the Yekaterinburg Industrial Innovation Exhibition. The current session of the "China-Russia Expo" has been organized alternately by Russia and China, with Harbin designated as the permanent rotating host city for the Chinese contingent.[3]


Term Date City Note
1 June 30 - July 4, 2014 Harbin Concurrently held the 25th HIETF
2 October 12 - October 16, 2015 Harbin Concurrently held the 26th HIETF
3 July 11 - November 14, 2016 Yekaterinburg Concurrently held the 27th HIETF
4 June 15 - June 19, 2016 Harbin Concurrently held the 28th HIETF
5 July 9 - July 12, 2018 Yekaterinburg Concurrently held the 29th HIETF
6 June 15 - June 19, 2019 Harbin Concurrently held the 30th HIETF
7 July 6-July 9, 2021 Yekaterinburg Concurrently held the 31st HIETF[7]
8 May 16-21, 2024 Harbin Concurrently held the 32nd HIETF[8][9]
9 July 7-10, 2025 Yekaterinburg Concurrently held the 33rd HIETF[10]

See also


  1. ^ 中国-东北亚国家年鉴(2017) (in Chinese). 社会科学文献出版社. 2020. p. 508. ISBN 978-7-5201-5719-3. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  2. ^ 等刘军 (2022). 中俄经贸合作的理论与实践模式研究 (in Chinese). 社会科学文献出版社. p. 201. ISBN 978-7-5201-9462-4. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  3. ^ a b "中俄将轮办中俄博览会 哈尔滨成为永久轮办城市". 新浪黑龙江_手机新浪网_手机新浪网 (in Chinese). 2015-09-24. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  4. ^ "Началась подготовка к IХ российско-китайскому ЭКСПО". ФедералПресс (in Russian). 2025-01-29. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  5. ^ "哈尔滨·百年华章丨哈尔滨国际冰雪节名扬四海_澎湃号·政务_澎湃新闻-The Paper". thepaper.cn (in Chinese). 2021-06-16. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  6. ^ 上海合作组织环保合作构想与展望. 上海合作组织环境保护研究丛书 (in Chinese). 社会科学文献出版社. 2020. p. 1-PA1995. ISBN 978-7-5201-6548-8. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  7. ^ "第七届中俄博览会将于7月在俄叶卡捷琳堡举行". hlj.people.com.cn. Archived from the original on 2022-03-13. Retrieved 2021-03-21.
  8. ^ "第八届中俄博览会将于5月16日至21日在哈尔滨举行_部门动态_中国政府网". 中国政府网_中央人民政府门户网站 (in Chinese). 2024-05-06. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  9. ^ "习近平向第八届中俄博览会致贺信__中国政府网". 中国政府网_中央人民政府门户网站 (in Chinese). 2024-05-17. Retrieved 2025-02-07.
  10. ^ "第九届中俄博览会筹办工作启动". IX Российско-китайское ЭКСПО 2025 (in Chinese). 2025-01-09. Retrieved 2025-02-07.