Category:1918 crimes by country Law portalThis category is for crimes in the year 1918, by country.19131914191519161917191819191920192119221923 1860s1870s1880s1890s1900s1910s1920s1930s1940s1950s1960s Subcategories This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total. A 1918 crimes in Australia (1 C)C 1918 crimes in Canada (2 P)G 1918 crimes in Germany (1 C)H 1918 crimes in Hungary (1 C)I 1918 crimes in India (1 P)M 1918 murders by country (6 C)P 1918 crimes in Portugal (1 C, 1 P)U 1918 crimes in the United Kingdom (1 C) 1918 crimes in the United States (1 C, 1 P)