Baltimore Orioles (1882–1899) all-time roster
- The following is a list of players and who appeared in at least one game for the Baltimore Orioles franchise of Major League Baseball, which played in the American Association from 1882 until 1891 and in the National League from 1892 until 1899. Players in bold are in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
- Jersey Bakely
- George Baker
- Kirtley Baker
- Norm Baker
- Phil Baker
- Art Ball
- Billy Barnie
- George Blackburn
- Ned Bligh
- Frank Bonner
- Amos Booth
- Frank Bowerman
- George Bradley
- Steve Brodie
- Cal Broughton
- Dan Brouthers
- Joe Brown
- Stub Brown
- Tom Brown
- William Brown
- Charlie Buffinton
- Oyster Burns
- Pat Burns
- Frank Burt
- Bart Cantz
- Scoops Carey
- Dennis Casey
- Boileryard Clarke
- Dad Clarkson
- Monk Cline
- Jim Clinton
- George Cobb
- Dick Cogan
- Bill Conway
- Dick Conway
- Joe Corbett
- Pat Crisham
- Monte Cross
- Bert Cunningham
- Sun Daley
- Law Daniels
- Jumbo Davis
- Gene DeMontreville
- Gene Derby
- Frank Diven
- Buttercup Dickerson
- Tom Dolan
- Jim Donnelly
- Joe Dowie
- Jack Doyle
- Bill Farrell
- Jack Farrell
- Joe Farrell
- Alex Ferson
- Jim Field
- Frank Foreman
- John Fox
- Chris Fulmer
- Dave Fultz
- Bill Gallagher
- Bill Gardner
- Gid Gardner
- Bill Geiss
- Les German
- Jake Gettman
- Bill Gilbert
- Pete Gilbert
- Bob Gilks
- Kid Gleason
- John Godar
- George Goetz
- Walt Goldsby
- Fred Goldsmith
- Bill Greenwood
- Ed Greer
- Mike Griffin
- Joe Gunson
- Jocko Halligan
- Ned Hanlon
- Lou Hardie
- John Harkins
- Charlie Harris
- Bill Hawke
- Jackie Hayes
- John Healy
- Tony Hellman
- George Hemming
- Hardie Henderson
- John Henry
- Tom Hess
- Mike Heydon
- Belden Hill
- Bill Hill
- Bill Hoffer
- Will Holland
- Ducky Holmes
- Buster Hoover
- Jack Horner
- Joe Hornung
- Sadie Houck
- Charlie Householder
- Frank Houseman
- Harry Howell
- Jay Hughes
- Harry Jacoby
- Hughie Jennings
- Bill Johnson
- David Jones
- Bob Keating
- Willie Keeler
- Bill Keister
- Joe Kelley
- John Kelly
- John Kerins
- Matt Kilroy
- Mike Kilroy
- Bill Kissinger
- Frank Kitson
- Bill Kling
- Ed Knouff
- Reddy Mack
- Jimmy Macullar
- Kid Madden
- George Magoon
- Jack Manning
- Tim Manning
- George Mappes
- Al Maul
- Jerry McCormick
- Sandy McDermott
- Dan McGann
- Chippy McGarr
- Jumbo McGinnis
- Joe McGinnity
- John McGraw
- Joe McGuckin
- Doc McJames
- Kit McKenna
- Jim McLaughlin
- Sadie McMahon
- Edgar McNabb
- Dusty Miller
- Ralph Miller
- Jocko Milligan
- Mike Morrison
- Bill Mountjoy
- Mike Muldoon
- Tony Mullane
- Henry Myers
- Jack O'Brien
- John O'Brien
- Tom O'Brien (2B)
- Tom O'Brien (OF)
- John O'Connell
- Pat O'Connell
- Dave Oldfield
- Patrick O'Loughlin
- Mike O'Rourke
- Irv Ray
- Billy Reid
- Heinie Reitz
- Wilbert Robinson
- Bobby Rothermel
- Dave Rowe
- Jim Roxburgh
- John Russ
- Jack Ryan
- Lou Say
- Nick Scharf
- Crazy Schmit
- Milt Scott
- Sam Shaw
- Jimmy Sheckard
- John Shetzline
- Billy Shindle
- George Shoch
- Lev Shreve
- Bill Smiley
- Aleck Smith
- Lewis Smith
- Phenomenal Smith
- Joe Sommer
- Len Sowders
- Dan Stearns
- Jake Stenzel
- Ben Stephens
- Otis Stocksdale
- Harry Stovey
- Cub Stricker
- Sy Sutcliffe
- Rooney Sweeney
- Pop Tate
- Billy Taylor
- Harry Taylor
- John Tener
- Adonis Terry
- George Townsend
- Bill Traffley
- George Treadway
- Sam Trott
- Tommy Tucker
- Jack Wadsworth
- Charlie Waitt
- George Walker
- Oscar Walker
- Joe Walsh
- Piggy Ward
- Curt Welch
- Perry Werden
- George Wetzel
- Lew Whistler
- Pat Whitaker
- Ed Whiting
- Henry Wilson
- Bill Wise
- Sam Wise
- George Wood