
Ísleifs þáttr biskups

Ísleifs þáttr biskups (The Tale of Bishop Ísleifr) is a short Old Norse-Icelandic narrative which recounts two episodes from the life of Ísleifr Gizurason, the first bishop of Iceland. The first episode recounts Ísleifr's meeting with St Ólafr in Norway. Ísleifr is introduced to Ólafr by Brandr Vermundarson, who gives Ísleifr a cloak previously gifted to him by the king. The second part of the narrative gives an account of Ísleifr's marriage to Dalla Þorvaldsdóttir.[1]

The þáttr is preserved in Flateyjarbók, where it is interpolated in Óláfs saga helga, in AM 753 fol. no. 5, a now-fragmentary 15th-century vellum manuscript, and AM 554h α 4to., a 17th-century paper copy of AM 753 fol. no. 5.[1]



  • GkS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók) - ca. 1400
  • AM 75e fol. no. 5 - 15th century
  • MS AM 554h α 4to. - 17th century




  1. ^ a b Benediktsson, John (1993). "Ísleifs þáttr biskups". In Pulsiano, Phillip; Wolf, Kirsten (eds.). Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland. pp. 331–332. ISBN 0824047877.