Datei:I Want to Go Back to Michigan.ogg

I_Want_to_Go_Back_to_Michigan.ogg (Ogg-Vorbis-Audiodatei, Länge: 3 min 47 s, 50 kbps, Dateigröße: 1,36 MB)

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Beschreibung "I Want to Go Back to Michigan", song composed by Irving Berlin in 1914 and recorded the same year.
Quelle Library of Congress[1] Edited slightly from archival file to reduce noise.
Urheber Irving Berlin, performed by Billy Murray, recorded by Edison Mfg. Co. (New Jersey)
No copyright on phonographical record
May be copyrighted in some countries
The assets of Edison Records have been transferred to the National Park Service. These recordings may be considered public domain through the donation (this is unclear), or otherwise orphan works as copyright has not been asserted by the National Park Service or any successors to Edison Records.

Sound recordings that were first published prior to January 1, 1925 are in the public domain in the United States. For Edison Records recordings that were published before 1925 and that do not incorporate preexisting copyrighted material, the template {{PD-US-record-expired}} may be applicable.

Note: The restored MP3 versions of the recordings from the University of California Santa Barbara Library are available only under an unacceptable non-commercial license.[2] Unedited raw (.wav) versions were formerly available from that site under a dedication into the public domain; while they are no longer available, those .wav files downloaded before the change in policy (dated June 2009) can still be used freely.

Edison Records


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aktuell00:01, 17. Sep. 20083 min 47 s (1,36 MB)Durova{{Information |Description="I Want to Go Back to Michigan", song composed by Irving Berlin in 1914 and recorded the same year. |Source=Library of Congress[] Edited slightly from archival file to reduce noise.

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