Datei:Wang Jingwei and Nazis.jpg

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English: Wang Jingwei (1883-1944), a prominent and controversial Chinese political figure, is seen toasting with Heinrich Georg Stahmer, German ambassador to China (right), and Francesco Maria Taliani de Marchio, Italian ambassador to China (left), in January 1942. On the wall behind, the national flags of the Republic of China (a red field with a blue canton containing a 12-ray white sun) and Nazi Germany (a black swastika in a white disc on a red background) are displayed. Wang Jingwei always carried the flag of the Republic of China and claimed to be the legitimate government.
  • Initially a close associate of Sun Yat-sen and an important leader within the Kuomintang (KMT), Wang's legacy became highly contentious after he established a puppet government in Nanjing under Japanese control during the Second Sino-Japanese War. His collaboration with the Japanese invaders was seen by many as a betrayal of the nationalist cause. This photo captures a moment from his tenure as the head of this puppet regime, highlighting his interactions with Axis powers during World War II.
  • Heinrich Georg Stahmer(1892 – 1978) was a German diplomat and economist. He managed German-Japanese relations, served as an aide to Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, and was the German Ambassador to Japan (1943-1945).
  • Author: Photographer working for the government of the Reorganized National Government of China
  • Source: "Collection of Modern Chinese Historical Photos: Wang Jingwei and the Wang Puppet Government (Volume 2)," Second Historical Archives of China, July 1994
日本語: ドイツのハインリヒ・ゲオルク・スターマー特命全権大使と乾杯する汪兆銘
Quelle 『中國近代珍藏圖片庫 汪精衞與汪僞政府(下)』中國第二歴史档案館、1994年7月
Urheber Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
Andere Versionen
Bild-Extraktionsprozess Zu dieser Datei existiert ein Bildausschnitt: Heinrich Georg Stahmer in China, 1942.jpg.
Wang and Nazis.jpg


Public domain
This image is now in the public domain in China because its term of copyright has expired.

According to copyright laws of the People's Republic of China (with legal jurisdiction in the mainland only, excluding Hong Kong and Macao), amended November 11, 2020, Works of legal persons or organizations without legal personality, or service works, or audiovisual works, enter the public domain 50 years after they were first published, or if unpublished 50 years from creation. For photography works of natural persons whose copyright protection period expires before June 1, 2021 belong to the public domain. All other works of natural persons enter the public domain 50 years after the death of the creator.
According to copyright laws of Republic of China (currently with jurisdiction in Taiwan, the Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, etc.), all photographs and cinematographic works, and all works whose copyright holder is a juristic person, enter the public domain 50 years after they were first published, or if unpublished 50 years from creation, and all other applicable works enter the public domain 50 years after the death of the creator.

This work is in the public domain in the United States, because it was in the public domain in its home country (People's Republic of China and/or Republic of China) on the URAA date (January 1, 1996 for PRC, January 1, 2002 for ROC), and it wasn't re-published for 30 days following initial publications in the U.S.

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English  日本語  中文(简体)  中文(繁體) 

Nazi symbol Hinweis zur Verwendbarkeit dieses Bildes
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In dieser Datei abgebildete Objekte


Wang Jingwei

relative Position im Bild: pct:42.6246,45.9075,25.4787,53.9201

Heinrich Georg Stahmer

relative Position im Bild: pct:69.6881,43.6672,30.3119,56.3328

flags of the Reorganized National Government of China Englisch

relative Position im Bild: pct:0,0,47.7447,100

Francesco Maria Taliani de Marchio

relative Position im Bild: pct:0,49.8729,34.9444,50.1271

Flagge des Dritten Reiches

relative Position im Bild: pct:48.1104,0,41.6924,100


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