The winner of the women's 1500m race a few meters before the finish line. I took plenty of "action" photos at the recent NCAA track and field championship. But I decided to play around with some other things I shot to create this series: Scenes from a Track Meet. No real action, just bits and pieces of the event to give a sense of its whole. I tried to give each of the photos a cross-processed look, too, just to give this a much different feel than the usual sports photography. I'll be posting a handful of these over the next few days.
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This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2011-06-14T19:55:33Z CutOffTies 4199x2800 (7117453 Bytes) {{Information |Description=The winner of the women's 1500m race a few meters before the finish line. I took plenty of "action" photos at the recent NCAA track and field championship. But I decided to play around with some ot
{{Information |Description=The winner of the women's 1500m race a few meters before the finish line. I took plenty of "action" photos at the recent NCAA track and field championship. But I decided to play around with some other things I shot to create th
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