Datei:Fenerbahce SK 1911-1912.JPG

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English: 1911-1912 Season Istanbul Football League‘s Champion Fenerbahçe Football Team
Türkçe: 1911-1912 İstanbul Futbol Ligi Şampiyonu Fenerbahçe Futbol Takımı. Oturanlar sağdan: Kâmil Bey (Kaptan), Said Selahaddin (Cihanoğlu) Bey, Galip Bey, Nuri Bey, Kemal (Aşkın), Sandalyede oturanlar sağdan: Azmi Bey (Yönetici), (Çerkes) Sabri Bey, Hassan Sami (Kocamemi) Bey, Yahya (Berki Karagözoğlu) Bey. Arka sıra: Hûlki (Kutluk) Bey, Emirzade (Şehit) Arif Bey (reis-i evvel), Zeki Mazlum Bey (reis-i sani), Elkatibzâde Abbas Bey.
Datum 28 Eylül 1912 (16 Şevvâl 1330/Hicrî, 15 Eylül 1328/Rumî)
Quelle Şehbal Mecmuası (Ottoman Hebdomadaire Journal)
Urheber Şehbal (Ottoman Turkish Journal)
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Public domain
This work first published in the Ottoman Empire is now in the public domain because the Empire's copyright formalities were not met (copyright notice, registration, and deposit), or because the copyright term (30 years after the death of the author, sometimes less) expired before the Empire was dissolved (details).

This work is in the public domain in Turkey because it has been expropriated as national heritage or its copyright has expired. Article 27 of the Turkish copyright law states:
  • The protection period continues during the lifetime of the author of the work and for 70 years after his death.
  • For works published after the death of their author, the protection period is 70 years after the date of death.
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Public domain
This work first published in the Ottoman Empire is now in the public domain because the Empire's copyright formalities were not met (copyright notice, registration, and deposit), or because the copyright term (30 years after the death of the author, sometimes less) expired before the Empire was dissolved (details).
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Kader der Fenerbahçe-Fußballmannschaft, die die Saison als Meister in der Istanbul Football League 1911-12 abschloss.

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aktuell13:32, 11. Feb. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:32, 11. Feb. 20211.888 × 1.244 (658 KB)Fenerbahce1994Fotoğraf üzerinde netlik kazandırıldı.
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13:23, 12. Jun. 2009Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:23, 12. Jun. 2009602 × 382 (72 KB)Sultaniman{{Information |Description={{en|1=Fenerbahçe SK 1911-1912 Champion}} {{tr|1=Fenerbahçe SK 1911-1912 Şampiyonu}} |Source=Fenerbahçe Magazine |Author=Unknown |Date=Unknown old date |Permission=See Below |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> [

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