English: TV Detector Van. Freight Rover Sherpa. A354 TJD. Registered 31st August 1983.
The exterior of the van is white with a blue stripe down the sides of the vehicle, beginning behind the front doors and ending at the back. These stripes have the words 'Television Detector' in white toward the rear of the vehicle on each side. On each front door and the rear offside door are the large letters 'TV' in blue with a smaller 'Licensing' below. There are brackets for a fire extinguisher in the cab (no fire extinguisher present), a fire extinguisher is mounted in the rear of the vehicle. The cab is fitted with a driver's and bench seats. The rear of the van has two bench seats and a swivel type seat at the centrally installed console. There are two rectangular, flat, detector type aerials mounted vertically on the roof following the central axis of the van (front to rear). The rear of the van can be accessed via the two doors at the rear, or a door midway along the nearside. The fleet number (1850005) is shown at the top of the rear nearside door and above the front windscreen on the offside.
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{{BLW2010 | title=TV Detector Van | description={{en|TV Detector Van. Freight Rover Sherpa. A354 TJD. Registered 31st August 1983.<br /> <br /> The exterior of the van is white with a blue stripe down the sides of the vehicle, beginning behind the front d
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