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English: Orientation of the galactic, ecliptic and celestial (earth based) astronomical coordinate systems, projected on the celestial sphere, showing the galactic equator (black) and north galactic pole (NGP), the ecliptic (orange) and north ecliptic pole (NEP), and the celestial equator (blue) and north celestial pole (NCP). Sun and earth not shown to scale but to indicate sun's orbital direction around the galactic center and earth's orbital direction around the sun.
हिन्दी: गांगेय, अण्डाकार और आकाशीय (पृथ्वी आधारित) खगोलीय समन्वय प्रणालियों का अभिविन्यास, आकाशीय क्षेत्र पर प्रक्षेपित, गांगेय भूमध्य रेखा (काला) और उत्तरी गांगेय ध्रुव (एनजीपी), अण्डाकार (नारंगी) और उत्तरी अण्डाकार ध्रुव (एनईपी), दर्शाता है । और आकाशीय भूमध्य रेखा (नीला) और उत्तरी आकाशीय ध्रुव (एनसीपी) । सूर्य और पृथ्वी को पैमाने पर नहीं दिखाया गया है, बल्कि गैलेक्टिक केंद्र के चारों ओर सूर्य की कक्षीय दिशा और सूर्य के चारों ओर पृथ्वी की कक्षीय दिशा को इंगित करने के लिए दिखाया गया है ।
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|Description={{en|1=Orientation of the galactic, ecliptic and celestial (earth based) astronomical coordinate systems, projected on the celestial sphere, showing the galactic equator (black) and north galactic pole (NGP), the ecliptic (orang
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The named "Equinoxes" in this image refer to @ Southern Hemisphere and secondly, the "Galactic Equator" refers to Galactic Coordinates Plane - which is a distinct plane different but parallel to the Galactic Plane
Only updated the original creator's artwork slightly - as the vernal and autumnal equinox mentioned in original artwork appeared to be interchanged - keeping in mind North Ecliptic Pole (NEP), North Celestial Pole (NCP) and earth's orbit direction indicated in the artwork